Monday, January 1, 2018

The Scope of the Redemption Process

New shiur from Rabbi Mendel Kessin

Rabbi Kessin outlines a general overview of the messianic process as it manifests throughout history.
He discusses the Cosmic Clock timeline [he calls it the Creation Clock], which you can see ticking away [thanks to Yeranen Yaakov] in the left hand column of this blog...which is now just past 12.39pm on Friday afternoon.

The picture below is not connected to Rabbi Kessin, but I thought it was appropriate.


  1. Has he predicted what is going on now? With Iran, Saudis,?

  2. He mntions it around 1:03:00 - .....and all these events show that we are entering the beginning of Redemption.

  3. Yes, Devorah. I'm listening now and it's around 1:02/1:03. Exciting stuff.

  4. Yes this was a great shiur. He mentioned that he’s coming to Israel in a couple weeks until before Pesach. He usually speaks at the Women’s Community Shiur here in Jerusalem. I hope to speak to him again this year. He’s had his eyes on the Geula for so many years (maybe 40 or so), and this has given him extraordinary hindsight that shines a tremendous light on our future.

  5. Devash: I just tried to calculate the 8 years 8 days, but my calculations fell short. I included his first jailing from 13 Nov 2008 until 27 January 2009 when he was released, and then again jailed in November 2009. Those dates are from Wikipedia, but perhaps I'm missing something. I guess I don't know, if I can find out I'll let you know.

  6. This is interesting!I shared this image and your post link on my Instagram account, Devorah.


    Please follow this link and join in saying tehillim for our friend and brother r' menachem ben rivka there is English available on the webpage
    May we share besuros tovos- good tidings

    Thank you all

  8. Devash,

    Since I can't respond on your blog, I'll do so here.

    I certainly don't know anything about the 'signs' that people are giving, like with the number 8, etc....

    I am really wondering though, where are you getting your information on the Rubashkin case from?? Are you getting it from 'fake news'? Did you delve into the case, like some other special jews (who had no prior connections to him, other than being a Yid) have, and found that 99% of what he was blamed of was absolutely fake, or 'reframed' so that he can be indicted? Did you know all of the fraud that was going on in order to indict him? Do you know about the made up stories the jury sat through, so that he had no chances whatsoever?? Do you know that the same judge that sat over his case is the one who actually contrived this whole story? If I were to try to dicuss all of the fallacies that surrounded and shrouded this case, my computer would bust! Please, I beg you, do a whole lot more homework before you debunk a fellow Yid. Would you like listing some of his crimes so that somebody would be given a chance to refute them??? I am only writing all of this, cuz as far as you blog goes, it seems like you're looking for the truth. However, I think that in this case, you haven't found it yet.

    There are many Yidden languishing in prisons, who have not gotten Klal Yisroel involved like he has. And it's happened without him reaching out. Jews reached 'in'. Why is that so? The answer is evident. Nobody is whitewashing him. The only thing that was done was that the false veneer has been removed. Chasdei Hashem, this has only made a Kiddush Hashem and not the other way around as you've written on your blog.

    Any and All truthful activists and politicians have said so with their signatures.

    Now, that means something.


  9. SK,

    Did you perhaps mean your comments for the Tomer Devorah blog instead of Shiratdevorah blog?

  10. Devash isn't taking comments on her blog so she wrote it here instead. there is an email on her blog if you want to write to her though.

  11. That picture says "prophesied by living prophets since 2011." Is it from a X-tian site? They claim to have prophets today.

  12. Its not from a Xtian site, I saw it in a Jewish FB group.

  13. Can you please tell me who are these Jews who claim we have prophecy today? Maybe they are messianics just pretending to be Jews.

  14. I don't know who they are, but one of today's ''prophets'' who comes to mind is Nir ben Artzi, who sees himself as a ''seer''.

  15. Sure!

    Trump’s words – “We have taken Jerusalem, the toughest part of the negotiation, off the table, but Israel, for that, would have had to pay more” JP

    Trump is cunning, Snake-Like and that he is a keen supporter of the Saudis. Hence he brings his own peace plan, a peace plan that is suicidal to Israel and he sends his Court Jews. Kushner and Greenblatt to force it upon Israel, c"v. His emissaries spied the Land and came back with a false report. They termed Israel’s enemies as giants and featured the Hebrews as grasshoppers.

    A diplomatic plan being formulated by the United States to renew the peace process between Israel and the PA, according to Yisrael Hayom. According the London-based Arabic-language Al-Arabi Al-Jadid, American diplomats in Cairo, who wished to remain anonymous, have confirmed the reports.

    Under the temporary plan, said to be acceptable to Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia, there would first be reconciliation between Fatah and Hamas that will allow the PA to hold power in Gaza. Israel and the PA would discuss the gradual establishment of full PA control of Areas A and B in Judea and Samaria. In accordance with the progress of the political process and the negotiations between the sides, a summit would be held in Cairo, with the participation of Egypt, Jordan, the United States, Israel and the PA, in which the parties would discuss ways to facilitate the continuation of the diplomatic process and expand the authority of the independent state to Gaza.

    In the last stage of the plan, discussions would begin on a predefined timetable regarding core issues, such as the status of eastern Jerusalem, the annexation of large blocs of Jewish communities beyond the 1949 Armistice Line, the complete freeze of construction in isolated communities and the uprooting of communities that are not part of the blocs based on land swaps and a solution to the refugee issue.

    Report: Secret Saudi plan includes Israeli nuclear disarmament

    Lebanese newspaper Al-Akhbar says it has received a letter from Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir to Crown Prince Muhammad Salman in which he summarizes discussions and recommendations on a project to establish relations between the Saudis and Israel, according to what he called the strategic partnership agreement with the United States.

    Citing Al-Akhbar, Maariv reports the document, which includes Israeli nuclear disarmament, proves what has been leaked since US President Donald Trump's visit to Saudi Arabia last May, according to which Washington will begin efforts to sign a peace treaty between Saudi Arabia and Israel, including reciprocal visits, to Tel Aviv, headed by a recent secret visit by the crown prince. The document also includes "the size of the concessions that Riyadh will present in order to end the Palestinian issue," as well as "its concerns about receiving support against Iran and Hezbollah."

  16. Cont

    Yea, Trump was chosen by G'd to do His will. Trump got the chance to become the Saviour of Edom and a total and dedicated supporter of Israel or going against His will and be like a Snake. Time will tell what Trump will choose but up to now he is going the Snake Like path and is suffering from H's retributions, he, his closest family and his country.


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