Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Super Red/Blue Moon

At the end of January, we are going to see a red blue moon.  

A blue moon is the term used when one month contains two full moons.  However, this time it coincides with a total lunar eclipse, which will turn the moon a deep red colour.

According to the total lunar eclipse on January 31 will be the first time an event of this kind has coincided with the Blue Moon in over 150 years.

More information at Earth Sky.


  1. The red moon concerns Yisrael. It was recently spotted over Yisrael, it's an omen.
    Nowadays, almost nobody pays attention towards signs coming from shamayim. This in the scenario of the End of Days, of generations of people preoccupied mainly with eating, drinking, marrying, accumulating money and goods.
    Then, suddenly things change dramatically. The fear engulfs the earth, the large scale suffering hits humanity. As things are developing, there are less than 36 tzadikim to sustain the world. And the "ravager" is here.
    Remember the falling of towers in New York, event stunning the world. That was the minor crack before breaking the world fabric.
    But, who cares? There are very few minds in the world who have the perception of the current vectors of destruction. שם

    1. There is nothing broken that can't be fixed, people will fear, but they will rebuild. With every disaster they will be pulled towards faith, with every question they will get an answer. Everything bad that will happen will open everyone's eyes towards understanding, and then they will finally accept the Mashiach when he finally makes it to Yisrael.

  2. Step aside from the world, a madhouse, that will be ravaged. Compose yourself, clean your thinking process, see the end of the cliff we have arrived. It's 5778 the year of geulah. Ponder upon! Mashchit, abadon, sheol.
    And the Erev Rav fighting Mashiach.
    Is it worth writing such words? It may be is one single soul wakes up after reading them.

  3. True, above commenter, but we know most people have little emunah. They only know what they can feel and touch and use their five senses. Am hoping that the Geulah will come with rachamim for the good Jews (meaning minus the erev rav), who even have a smidgen of emunah and for the righteous amongst the nations. Believe that WWII, like many others believe, was the world of devastation. This time, only the bad guys will get their comeuppance (let's not forget H's Forces of Nature, including meteorites and asteroids) and will make the rest of humanity realize there is only H'. Praying that Geulah is around the corner!



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