Thursday, May 3, 2018

Lag B'Omer Wonders

Iyar 18, the 33rd Day of the Omer aka Lag b'Omer, is ALWAYS either Moon in Sagittarius or Moon in Capricorn (depending on where it falls in the 19-year Metonic cycle upon which the Hebrew calendar / Jewish Year is based). 

Sagittarius is "keshet," represented by the bow and arrow of the archer. The symbol of the bow and arrow is historically synonymous with the holiday of Lag b'Omer. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn ("Shabbtai"), the planet associated with the Jewish People for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is the association of "Shabbtai" to Shabbat. 

So either way, via the bow and arrow of Sagittarius or the Saturnian "Shabbat" energy of Capricorn, Lag b'Omer is a holiday literally written in our stars as well as in our story.

Source: AstroloJew 

.....we find that this Lag B’Omer 5778 corresponds in multiple ways with the recent findings of Rabbi Glazerson’s Torah code searches, correlating it with Moshiach.

See more at Kabbalah Secrets: Auspicious Dates 

Video: Rabbi Kessin: The Secret of Lag B'Omer

Moshiach's Rainbow and Lag B'Omer 

Lag B'Omer: An Inward Focus 


  1. Baruch Dyan HaEmet, Menachem Robinson was nifter this Lag B'Omer.

    1. Baruch Dyan HaEmet. He will be missed by all his readers. May his family know no more sorrow.

  2. My grandfather was also.

  3. BDE. So sorry to learn of this sad news. His yearning for Moshiach and now his passing on Lag B'Omer must surely mean something special. May he be a meilitz yosher for his family and klal Yisrael.

  4. Amen. Rav Menachem you will be missed.

  5. HaShem is The True and Righteous Judge... I will miss his teaching very much, may HaShem comfort his family and bring sweet peace to all who are mourning...

    So very sorry to hear of his passing... the world will miss his Spark...and the difference he made here...


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