Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Random Links

Firstly my apologies for the lack of blog posts lately, I could give you several reasons why but in the end all that matters is that this blog keeps going until Moshiach arrives.

To that end, here are some interesting reads [the first one is actually audio and videos, please check it out]

Wellsprings of the Deep - the vast wisdom being revealed today as predicted in the Zohar - by Yosef Sebag, physicist, electrical engineer

The Hidden Meaning of Ramadan  [HT: Yaak]

G-d to Klal Yisrael… Believe in Yourselves


  1. Do we really have to know what the hidden meaning of other religions are?

  2. Love the picture. If you look it also resembles the roots of a tree.

  3. beyond amazing. the video on cells blew me away

  4. Thank you very much for your blog.I read it everyday. I hope all is well.

  5. First Anonymous: if you read it, you will understand why I linked to it.


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