Wednesday, May 2, 2018

The Mystical Truth Behind the Iran Deal

In order to fully understand the head scratching, inexplicable Iranian Deal – where the most powerful nations of the world – especially the US, under former President Obama – effectively released to Iran $100Billion in blocked assets – and deliberately covered their eyes to the Iranian regime of terror’s lies to give Iran a clear direct path with permission to develop nuclear weapons, we can only look at the mystical reasons for the answer. 

To understand the high level first, everybody great and everyone evil is being sent back for Hashem’s final show – as we march unstoppable to the Geula – the Final Redemption. The challenge is that most of the evil personalities are public figures – often heads of state, while the righteous leaders of the Geula are for the most part hidden – at least for now. In fact, we are already in the Geula – but what I call the “Concealed part of the Geula – and of course, we need to passionately pray and do everything possible to bring the “Revealed Geula”– and in the sweetest way possible.

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  1. First, Saddam hussein was convicted because he was murderer and be killed many of his people...
    And yes, these globalist scum are the reincarnations of all of the wicked people who ever were Like Obama was akhenaten, trump was Alexander the great, etc.
    But g-d has brought these reshaim dirtbags back to teach us the difference between good and evil (not that all jews have declined very badly) but many jews today are doing things openly that was once considered forbidden and worse, there are jews who see the multitude of horde (erev rav) and even if they are explained that these are horde, they deny the facts and listen to them...
    Woe to us and clearly we are not worthy of redemption and because of this, the whole world is now in chaos and we are the ones strenghtening these evil monsters but the world can no longer continue like this and the almighty will not allow this any further and so he will now bring calamity to the world and only those who are holding on to the truth and want to advance, they will survive and have it easy...
    All of the real jewish souls even if many do not live through this will survive and the good people of every nation in the world but the rest will disappear from all of existence...
    J m

  2. Thank you for making your readers aware of this site, Devorah. It is important for everyone to read and learn and act on. You, Devorah, are such a leader as spoken about on this site. Continue in your ways and may HaShem bentch you with health, peace, and wealth.

  3. As the saying goes, Hashem sends the refuah before the makkah.
    I was wondering whether the 10 neshamot that we lost in the flood, were korbonot for “something” we will never know about? I wonder what the connection is between all the recent events (Iran/Syria bombing) and the overflow of Mayim from Shamayim. Some say it was “good” and some say “not good”; however, whatever Hashem sends is alway “GOOD”, because He is Tov U’Maytiv!

  4. Thank you Goldie, although I wouldn't call myself a leader generally speaking... probably the opposite most of the time :)

  5. Neshama: Believe the overflow of so much rain was not a good thing because believe H' is showing us there are consequences for all the wrong things being promoted by leadership in E.Y. which should and must not continue (i.e., bringing in all the notzriut, etc).
    When there are such heavy and unnatural rains in E.Y. after Nissan. it is not a good sign. The rains need to be normal and in their 'time'. Pray that the nation and all of us do much teshuvah, thus hastening the coming of Moshiach Tzdkeinu.

  6. The bombing of syrian compounds is connected to secret underground nuclaer facilities, built by Iran in Syria - I heard. The international NWO scum is resposible for that, Merkel and Macaroni bag Trump to keep Iran deal, made by NWO Obama - I heard


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