Sunday, July 29, 2018


I sat on a roof and watched the moon eclipse over Sydney Harbour early Shabbat morning. It was the most amazing sight, and I watched it for over an hour.

It seemed fitting that the moon would eclipse as my father Mordechai ben Menachem ob''m had passed away only hours earlier.

I will be sitting Shiva this week.


  1. Very sorry to hear this Devorah. May the Omnipresent comfort you among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.

  2. HaMakom yinachem המקום ינחם

  3. Baruch Dayan HaEmet. Sorry for your loss Devorah..

  4. So sorry to hear of your loss, Devorah. May you be comforted amongst the mourners of Zion.

  5. Yes, Devorah, may you be comforted and may the memory of your beloved father always be for a blessing.


  6. BDHE.
    Very sorry for your loss.......

  7. Devorah, we are so sorry to hear of your loss....
    Please HaShem, comfort Devorah at this time along with all of the mourners of Israel...He is The True and Most Righteous Judge...
    May HaShem bring you comfort, and peace of mind and in your heart


  8. Dear Devorah, i join all the others in this your terrible loss.


    May Hashem console you and all your family.. Amen.


  9. Baruch Dayan HaEmet. Oh, gosh, Devorah, so so sorry to hear of your loss of your father. Hashem shall surely comfort you and your family. The timing of your recent losses is so reflective of the time period on our Jewish Calendar. There must be a great nechoma in store for your. I feel so sad.

  10. And I as well...Baruch Dayan ha'Emet, and may you and yours have no more suffering, but only good news from now on.

  11. Baruch Dayan HaEmet. May your father be a meilitz yosher for your entire family and Klal Yisroel.

  12. Baruch Dayan HaEmet.Sorry for your loss.

  13. Baruch Dayan ha'Emet.
    May HaShem comfort you and your family during this time of great loss of a great man and member of the Jewish Community.
    Our thoughts are with you.

  14. Boruch Dayan HaEmet. May the Omnipresent comfort you among the rest of the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem

    Hamakom yenakhem etekhem betokh shaar avelay tziyon viyrushalayim.

    המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבלי ציון וירושלים

  15. Barouch Dayan Emet. Dear Devorah, May Hashem comfort you amongs the mourners of Zion. תהיה נשמתו של אביך מרדכי בן מנחם, צרורה בצרור החיים.
    Maya. M

  16. Baruj Dayan Emet...Tenajamu minhashamaim ...

  17. B"H

    I am so sorry to hear about your father's passing. May Hashem comfort you and all your family during this time. You are very dear to so many of us who read your blog. I am sure many hearts go out to you as does mine.


  18. BDE - Devorah, So sorry to hear of your loss. May you be comforted amongst the mourners of Yerushalayim/Tzion; and may you know of no more sorrow.

  19. Dear Devorah,
    I add my condolences to all the others. Baruch Dayan HaEmet, and may you be comforted among all the mourners of Zion.
    Sorry for your loss.

  20. Baruch Dayan HaEmet. May you be comforted amongst the mourners of Tzion

  21. BDE, so very sorry for your loss. May Moshiach come now and return our beloved fathers to us.

  22. Baruch Dayan haemet. So sorry for your loss.

  23. HaMakom yenachem et'chem b'toch shar avay'lay Tzion vee'Yerushalayim.
    May the Omnipresent comfort you among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.

  24. Dear Devorah,
    May the Eibishter comfort you and your family among the mourners of Tzion and Yerushalayim. We send heartfelt feelings of condolence to you and your family from Eretz Yisroel and we are sorry for your loss.

  25. Baruch Dayan HaEmet. May HaShem comfort you among all the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.

  26. May Hashem comfort you, dear soul

  27. Boruch Dayan Haemet,

    So sorry for your loss. May Hashem comfort you among the mourners of Zion and Yerushalayim.

  28. BD’E! May you live to see happier days with the coming of Moshiach and Techiyat Hameitim real soon!

  29. Lechvod Devorah,

    I have been in pain all week with you - and you don't (yet) know me personally... that is a reflection of YOU and all the great comfort and encouragement that you have offered to all of us over the years...
    The fact that your father, A"H has such an awesome daughter must be of Nechama in of itself...
    I believe, with Emunah Shleima that as the Gedolei HaDor are saying, that the Geula Shleima will be here very soon and then we will all be reunited.
    May your father be a Mailitz Yosher for your family and your extended family...Us,too.
    All your Avodas HaKodesh has made an incredible contribution to the world and May you be comforted as you comforted all of us...
    Hamakom Yinacheim Eschem b'Soch Sha'ar Avalei Tzion V'Yerushalayim...
    M'Amka d'Liba,
    Your friend,

  30. Thank you all for your kind words.

  31. Baruch Dayan HaEmett. I'm so sorry Devorah.
    I wish I knew what to say. I have no words.

  32. Boruch dayan emes. Even though your moon is hidden, he will still watch over you and bless you. Hamakom Yinacheim Eschem b'Soch Sha'ar Avalei Tzion V'Yerushalayim.

  33. I wish you long life.
    May your father's merits see him well in Shamayim, and reflect well on you and your family.

  34. Baruch Dayan HaEmet so sorry for your loss Devorah. May you only know Simchas in the future. Thank you for your blog and continued posts over the years.

  35. Baruch Dayan Emet - tenachemu minhashamaim

    So sorry to hear of your loss. Wish you a long life. You are much loved and appreciated.

    Shelo tidi od tsar.


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