Wednesday, July 11, 2018

The Way of God - Man's Free Will

These are the two latest shiurim from Rabbi Kessin in his Derech Hashem series:  they both are about Man's Free Will and as always well worth listening to. 

I am missing in action at the moment, due to a death in the family.  Sometimes it comes more as a relief, after a long period of suffering it's easier to know they are now pain free.


  1. Rav Berland Moshiach Come Within 2 Years

    It’s written in the Zohar that two years before the netz 5780-5781(end of days), the stars start to sing. A person needs to wake up two years before the netz.

    The ‘song’ of the stars is electro-magnetic – it’s the pulse of life, it’s the pulse of all creation. If the stars are starting to ‘sing’ two years before the end, the geula, one of the things that means is that the electro-magnetic vibes flying around planet earth via cosmic rays, and a bunch of other ‘celestially inspired’ phenomena are going to lead to some very interesting developments down here.

    Climate change, earthquakes and volcanoes erupting are all connected to this electromagnetism (as is human mental and physical health). That’s why every time there’s a huge spike in the Schumann Resonance, we all start feeling decidedly weird, emotionally.

    So, this ‘singing’ has started now, and will continue for two more years until the geula starts in earnest. BTW, that matches up exactly with what the Rav said HERE, about the coming of Moshiach being a process that will last until 5781. Two more years takes us up to the cusp of 5781.

    1. Very interesting. How did you come to the year 5781?

  2. Thank you for sharing so much Torah and chizzuk. BDE May you know only simchas. May Hashem comfort the mourners as only He is able with the coming of moshiach bmheira byamenu brachamim rabbim. Wishing you all the best. MF

  3. I am sorry for your loss, Devorah. I don't know what to say.

  4. Devorah... may HaShem be so blessed even in this loss ... He is The True and Righteous Judge.

  5. My condolences; Baruch Dayan Emet, Hashem Yenachem Etchem....

  6. Devorah: BDE, may you know of no more sorrow. We are awaiting Moshiach tzdkeinu who will bring us the world of bliss and no more sorrow! May all Jewish mourners be comforted among the mourners of Tzion/Yerushalayim.


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