Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Democrats vs Trump

A  six minute video from Rabbi Kessin: The persistent attacks of the Democrats on President Trump - recorded on Dec 29, 2018


  1. I don't always agree with either the Democrats or Republicans but the Democrats have every right to criticize Trump--he is ruining lives. Gov't workers have mortgages and bills to pay just like everyone else. They can't afford to be out of work because he wants a wall and won't seek compromise. He is playing with their lives and it is shameful. He is capable of playing with Israel the same way. Wake up folks--he has no loyalty to anyone except for himself.

  2. I don't agree with you. But this is not going to turn into a political debate so we'll leave it at that.


    Rabbi Glazerson mentions about what Rav Kanievski shlia said. Can not find the source anywhere. Anybody heard about the subject?

  4. Devorah, thank you for publishing my opinion but this is not a political debate. It is a debate about Menschlichkite and spirituality. Trump has no compassion and the evil inclination in him appears to be stronger than his desire to do good. And I am not talking about his stance on illegal immigrants trying to enter the USA. Laws must be respected and immigration laws must be reformed but in an intelligent manner. And an abuse of power is still an abuse of power. American workers and those who receive services from them should not be held hostage and suffer due to a childish tantrum.

    What's more, he is putting Israel in grave danger by pulling American troops out of Syria to face enemy Syrian forces and Iran. Because of his hate speech he has given free license to bigots to come out in the open and attack American and Israeli Jews--Look at Pittsburgh and Charlottesville. He and some of his advisors are for a two-state solution. As an American Jew, proud supporter of Israel and child of Holocaust survivors I cannot believe that Hashem would choose Trump for any messianic purpose.

  5. Listen to Rabbi Mizrachi has to say on the matter, at the beginning of this shiur:

  6. Rabbi Mizrachi also has some dire predictions for America, about 20-25 mins into the lecture.


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