Tuesday, January 1, 2019

New Year's Eve Segulah

Copied from the FB page of  Rav Avrohom M. Alter -  January 1, 2018 · New Years Eve Segula

The Apta Rav says that sometimes our prayers are unworthy of being accepted on High on Rosh Hashana. So Hashem waits until the gentile new year and observes how they celebrate it vs how we celebrate ours.  In THAT merit Hashem then accepts our tefilos back from Rosh Hahshana!!


  1. This is a page from the Nit'ei Gavriel that I've seen many years ago.

  2. If you look at the photo of Rav Koenig ob''m in the link above, you will see what a tzaddik looks like.


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