Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Moshiach Before Elections ??

Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, one of the most prominent rabbis of this generation, made a shocking statement, claiming that the Messiah will precede the upcoming Israeli elections. Several rabbis noted that the writing is on the wall and the signs that the process leading up to the Messiah has already begun…for those who have the eyes to see it.

Read more at Breaking Israel News


  1. How can we know that this is true??


    1. Unfortunately, the truth is what we learned in 'cheder' or elementary school in Yeshiva as little children. That is, no one knows when Moshiach will arrive! This is what we've been taught. Anything else is mere speculation!

  2. I trust the author Adam Berkowitz to write true facts, but whether or not Moshiach shows up as forecasted..... well that is another thing altogether. I remain hopeful as always.

  3. It can be hard to get hopes up...but it’s importsnt to do just that! Our emuna (building towards emuna shelema bezras Hashem) creates reality. So the more yidden who believe that moshiach is coming- really coming bezras Hashem ASAP, the sooner he will be revealed. As we are basar v’dam(flesh and blood) we need chizzuk. This is a beautiful chizzuk. May we increase our moshiach mindeset and live more and more as if he is standing in our own doorway. May we merit to welcome moshiach with our drums and our songs speedily in OUR days, beH with tremendous rachamim.

  4. Unfortunately we did not her directly from Rav, so it may be rumors...we heard similar statement before...

  5. I also posted on this startling statement: Mashiach Yavo but not from breaking news.

  6. I heard the original recording, according to which the source is the Rabbanit Kolodetsky, the daughter of Rav Kanievski shlita. For this reason I am taking it seriously. I agree with Mikki Freedman, it is only for our good to strengthen our avodat Hashem and daven for Moshiach with real intensity and happiness at the approaching geula.

    It is true that we are not supposed to calculate the end, in general, but the parable of a father and his young son on a long journey is used. The son cannot be asking "how long till we get there" for days on end during the journey, and the father says I'll tell you when we're nearly there. So maybe this is the father's (Hashem's) way of telling us that we are nearly there, via gadol hador.

  7. why would Rabbi Kanievsky say this in such an offhand manner? id it were true, he would say it publicly in an official manner and very clearly.

  8. Anon @ 1:54 thanks that's very helpful.

  9. Sorry Neshama - I didn't see your post... I don't get to sit on my computer too often these days, and I don't read all the blogs as often as I used to. But I do see a fb feed on my phone and I saw that BIN article come up.

    Neshama also has another good relevant post up - see Discussion on Moshiach

  10. Wow! Thank you so muchanonymous for posting about Rabbanit Kolodetsky. My daughter is in seminary in Yerushalayim and her class did l'hafrash challah with rabbanit Kolodetsky andf I was so very happy.
    I do not know who she is and was just excited to see pics of my daughter's class with the rabbanit.
    Now, I know and can emphasize this to my daughter! Thank you!
    May we all merit the coming of Mashiach this day this year!

  11. Neshama's discussion started out as a conversation with me; I hope others will join us! My side of it is here: A Sense of Humor Regarding the Israeli Elections? A discussion about Mashiah's arrival

  12. They are even reporting it on Matzav

  13. This prediction along with his previous ones in a similar vein will quickly be put to rest in April.

    Of more interest here is the recent escalation in Israeli military activity & the Persians & Damascus.

    April is a big month: Israeli elections, the (if one believes the news) imminent release of Trump's Peace Plan afterward, Rome collecting its taxes and htlr's (Yemach Shemo V’zichro) birthday coinciding with Pesach Day 1 & Shabbat. Tremendous forces at work.

    Anyone who is spiritually attuned will know when it is time *without* Rabbi predictions (even if beloved and renown).

  14. here rabbanit Kolodezki confirms that it is true for those who understand hebrew

  15. To Leah, you're welcome. Rabbanit Kolodetsky took on the mantle of her mother.

    Regarding Moshiach's arrival, or maybe more accurately, disclosure, whenever it is we will be somewhat jaded as we have waited for such a long time and suffered so many disappointments, it will be hard for us to believe that finally it is really happening. So, imho, part of our avoda is to renew our longing and hope and make it fresh again.

  16. Moshiach? No way until Pollard is released...

  17. To Anonymous @ 8:00 PM

    In that recording of the link you posted it is not Rabbanit Kolodetsky who confirms but some guy who says that he heard from his mother that heard from the Rabbanit that someone asked Rav Kanievsky some question that the speaker does not understand exactly about passport maybe and that Rav Kanievsky replied: "you should not leave israel because moshiach is already here" and R Kanievsky repeated three times: He (moshiach) is already here!


  18. I had someone ask his grandson who supposedly said it could mean alot of things

  19. to anon @2:44 AM

    "Moshiach? No way until Pollard is released..."

    That's being really rediculous!
    Maybe he'll be released as Moshiach reveals himself.....

    How about we stop making calculations of what needs to precede Moshiach's arrival and Hashem in His Infinite Wisdom and with His Infinite Capabilities will tie it all together with one big bow:)!!!



    As of January 2019 Doomsday Clock sets 2 minutes before 12.


    Wow, I had no idea until now.

    How embarrassing for us all.

    A little too close (now and then) to Team C's shtick for my tastes.

  22. I posted on Web Dov’s end of days blog a statement about how to understand such ‘predictions’. The wording has to be scrutinized precisely, separated into its parts. As soon as Reb Dov updates his blog, I can post it here. It was as the Rav’s grandson said, it could mean many things. But we need to try to understand it.

    In any event, hearing such a declaration is very stimulating for us Jews. As I often write, we are not far from the 6000th year and the end of this world as we know it. So, preparing is important, if one wants to be included in the final days and be able to enter the 7000 era (of all Shabbos).

  23. Moshiach? Not if you have a (machshir treif) smartphone.

    You will be the last to hear of Moshiach's arrival (actually not at all) and then your phone will explode, killing you.


    Rabbi Yitzchak Zilberstein, the head of the rabbinical court of the Ramat Elchanan neighborhood of Bnei Brak

  24. Does the Rabbi realize that Torah and tefillah are also spread via Smart phones? Think of the Torah lectures, prayer groups, bikkur cholim groups... I could go on and on. Not everyone on a smart phone is using it for illicit viewing.

  25. So sorry, in my last comment, it should have read “Reb” Dov. Drat that sneaky spellcheck. Anyway, my comment did not appear yet, but others did. Must have gotten lost. So much for that ;-(

    But one can read the recent back and forth about the recordings on Reb Dov’s blog.
    blogger comments

  26. Kind of a silly idea about smartphones. Might as well also condemn all people who have money because it can be used for evil, too.

    Many people believe that the new technology, which is designed to connect the world in an instant, is a prerequisite of Mashiach. Now, whenever something happens in the world, it's usually recorded on smartphone video by a bystander, and broadcast on social media in seconds -- long before traditional news cameras have a chance to report it. And the internet reaches some of the remotest villages around the globe.

    I believe Hashem allowed this kind of technology because it has a holy ultimate purpose.

  27. Anonymous @5:59

    It is not 'smart' to call a Tzaddik's and Posek's words 'silly'...... I'd be very very scared, if I were you.

    He did not say that the smartphone will explode in the face, (although, it surely may, depending on what it was used for!) But you need to admit that these phones have brought the world to the lowest depths it has ever reached. Emotionally, Mentally, AND Spiritually, DESPITE the so called good that it spreads. From personal experience, I can point to too many good upstanding people whom it has ruined, either spiritually or simply their quality of life. I think that the damage far outweighs the benefits. Its' 'inventors' will tell you the same, if they so want to admit!

    Besides, it only makes sense that Hashem will make the phones 'fall dead' (think: EMP attack or something like it...) and will want to show us with His Unique Might that 'Ein Oid Milvado' and that He doesn't need our inventions to let us know about the ultimate geulah! He can make sounds and videos and words and what not, appear before our eyes 'without' any screens!

    So before I trashed my dear addictive iPhone, despite the love that I had for it, for a fleeting moment this went through my mind: 'But I NEED to know all the geulah updates'! But, of course I knew the real truth and was embarrassed with my fleeting thoughts. Hashem will certainly let all the clean eyes and ears know way before those who possessed tools capable of immorality at their fingertips! I leave it up to Him as to how He wants to do that!


  28. "I'd be very very scared, if I were you."

    Well, I'm not scared. Primitive scare tactics don't do much for me. I am allowed to disagree with you or anybody else - even rabbis.

    Technology is a tool. It is neutral. If you're going to trash smartphones, then don't stop there! What about laptops, televisions, DVD players, stereo systems, and cars? All can be used for nefarious reasons. For that matter, throw away your corrective glasses, which make you see more clearly some things you shouldn't see.

    This generation is at a low level because G-d and morality have been traded for an ideology that puts individual "feelings" above all else. Nothing to do with my iPhone - which I gladly and gratefully use to take pictures and videos, text, email, phone calls, Google, emergency situations, and to generally stay in contact with friends and loved ones. Because it's a tool, and not an inherently evil device.

  29. You made me laugh Anonymous @ 11:57.... I agree with everyone as usual. Everyone has valid points. But at the end of the day, everything in this world can be used for good or for evil.

  30. Anonymous 11:57

    Disagree with ME all that you like, but when the jews started disagreeing with the Poskim of their generation, it was always the beginning of their downfall....

    I'll go my way, and you go yours. Truthfully, I don't know your level of morality, and neither do I know your level of Yirat Shamayim. So, I'm glad to just disregard what you said, and rather 'know' that our Gedolim were always right, in the end.


  31. To Anon 11.57

    Technology is very much not neutral. A google software engineer, has "broken the silence" on the techniques used to make people addicted to their phones.

    Tristan Harris, founder of the Center for Humane Technology and pioneer of the Time Well Spent movement, is here to address the controversial topic of how our minds are being swindled into rampant screen and social media addiction, and to expose the intelligent forces behind the scenes that have intentionally served up the internet’s most addictive drug in an effort to get rich.

  32. To Anon 10:47

    Same with cigarettes and junk food. The manufacturers of cigarettes and processed foods have figured out how to make people addicted to their products. I guess that means people who smoke or eat (kosher) chips will also not merit Moshiach, eh?


  33. Devorah, are you sure you'd like to keep the above comment up on your site? Sounds like Anon at 2:46 is talking about JC as the "corporeal infallibility on earth" and the "ultimate and only infallible rabbi."

  34. I didn't really know what they meant, but anyway I've removed it now. Thank you.

  35. rav shimon badani Moshiach Tzidkeynu, seder night 5779
    Then, as the questions and answers continued, Rav Badani asked:
    Rav Berland responded:
    Rav Badani clarified:
    Rav Berland replied:
    Rav Badani continued:
    Rav Berland then showed Rav Badani the gematria calculations, and said:
    “779, THIS IS THE YEAR.”
    We should also remember what Rav Badani said about Rav Berland two years’ ago:

  36. I thought that Rav Berland said 5781. What happened?


  37. Let's put the illusions aside. Believe me I can definitely tell you that the Moshiach's going to come to Israel neither this year nor next year.This will be happened in an unexpected way. Firstly, you should first consider pretty important issue: he's been strenuously searched for by the secret services of Vatican and France, stupidly hoping that they could kill him shortly before his mission starts. They know that he's soon coming to Europe and totally destroy the Vatican as the Antichrist)according to some of the ancient christian legends. Secondly, interestingly enough, he's going to be revealed to the enemies of Israel: to the Edomites rather than to the Jews of Israel (I hope most of you know who the modern day Edomites are). He's going to deal with the Edomites for several years. Unfortunately, the Jews won't be able understand the purpose of his mission so won't be able to find him and recognize him at all. Actually he will surprisingly be found in christian circles (for a reason) rather than in synagogues. (Don't think he's a christian!!!). Remember: the ways of HaShem are both INDESCRIBABLE and INEXPLICABLE!


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