Thursday, June 20, 2019

G-d in Nature

Signature of G-d in the Universe 
by Yosef Sebag, physicist, electrical engineer 

Did the Creator of the universe attach his signature in nature? Modern science has unlocked much of the mysteries of the universe. We have probed the atom, studied the cell, and peered out to the far edges of the observable universe. Surely if such a signature exists, we should have found it by now.

Read it at Daf Yomi Review


  1. G-d does not hide. it is only man that sticks his head in the sand

  2. Nature, outer space, and molecules and DNA — it’s all HKB”H! Ain Od Milvado!

  3. I see His signature of design everywhere.Can you see the beauty of the brilliant blue sky or the wonder of the canopy above filled with twinkling stars? What about the majesty of standing on the top of a mountain or the fragrant smell of spring when the flowers begin to bloom? Did this all come about by chance, a product of evolution? Or does this all point to intelligent design? Even if you could come up with amino acids from some kind of chemical reaction, what would it take to make a complex life form? It would take a definite miracle.The order and precision of the universe shows us the handiwork of a great Creator. If one part of the cell was missing it could not carry out the processes that cause us to be living beings. If the strength that fastens atoms together would be reduced by one part in ten thousand billion billion billion billion, the only element left in our universe would be hydrogen (a substance that cannot support life).
    Things are different when we think of the Signature of HaShem (Be blessed His Name)in the Universe. He did not sign it with a distinctive signature.The peculiar glory of HaShem is both the substance and the seal of the story that Torah tells. It is not as though the Creator speaks in the Torah, revealing His nature and His purposes, and then must add a separate marker for his divinity—like a signature or a style. His glory, through the Torah, is the message and His marker. If the Torah makes clear that the goal of its reading is to see what can only be supernaturally seen, then the implications for how we read the Torah will be profound.

  4. I.Mizrachi - I added this to the end:
    Note that this is not to say we need any kind of signature to see G-d in nature. The divine wisdom is manifest in everything. Even the tiniest bacteria or even an atom is an endless wonder and wellspring of bottomless wisdom to those who study it.

  5. science is part of the messianic process. it is leading humanity to G-d. If we are at this level of revelation, it means the messiah is very close.


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