Tuesday, June 25, 2019

How Can Iran ''Destroy the World''?

Hat tip: Joe

We are all familiar with the Yalkut Shimoni prophecy of the King of Iran destroying the world:

A piece of rabbinic literature [written 800 years ago] known as the Yalkut Shimoni touches on many future scenarios both for the nation of Israel and for the world. In its section on the biblical Book of Isaiah and the prophecies contained therein, a rabbi cited by the Yalkut Shimoni states:

 “That the year the Messiah will arrive when all the nations of the world will antagonize each other and threaten with war. The king of Persia (Iran) antagonizes the King of Arabia (Saudi Arabia) with war. The King of Arabia goes to Edom (The Western Countries, headed by USA) for advice. Then the King of Persia destroys the world. And all the nations of the world begin to panic and are afraid, and Israel too is afraid as to how to defend from this. G-d then says to them “Do not fear for everything that I have done is for your benefit, to destroy the evil kingdom of Edom and eradicate evil from this world so that the Messiah can come, your time of redemption is now.”

But while most of us have thought this would be by way of nuclear weapons, there is a far easier way for them to do it.

As reported by Peter Hartcher in the Sydney Morning Herald today, all Iran needs to do is block oil exports through the Persian Gulf.  Australia, it seems, is the most at risk, having the least amount of oil stockpiled if such a blockage should take place.

The US itself is far less vulnerable - it now imports only a tenth of its oil needs - and could much better withstand disruption to its supply.

From Donald J. Trump ‏Twitter Verified account @realDonaldTrump 13h13 hours ago - China gets 91% of its Oil from the Straight, Japan 62%, and many other countries likewise. So why are we protecting the shipping lanes for other countries (many years) for zero compensation. All of these countries should be protecting their own ships on what has always been....


  1. Japan is a valuable ally of the USA,
    that the USA is committed to defending.

    Australia a long-time ally of the USA,
    that fought with the USA in WWI & WWII.

    The same is true of New Zealand.

    China a major customer of American products,
    and supplies America with cheap products & labor.

    If any of these counties was harmed, then
    American could also suffer is various ways.

    Fight Anti-Semitism Today
    by Mr. Cohen


    [1] Do not buy newspapers that
    relentlessly attack Israel, like:

    The New York Times and Time Magazine.
    Do not advertise in those newspapers!!!

    [2] Buy products made in Israel.
    DO NOT give any money to HIAS!

    [3] Relentlessly report anti-Jewish
    messages on social media: FaceBook,
    YouTube, MySpace, Craig’s List, etc.

    Ask Jewish friends to help you
    by also reporting the same
    anti-Jewish messages that you report.

    Volunteer with www.AntiSemitismTaskForce.org
    whose volunteers get anti-Jewish messages
    deleted from FaceBook and YouTube.

    [4] Join the legal war between Israel and its enemies
    by volunteering to help www.IsraelLawCenter.org and
    www.TheLawFareProject.org or donating to them.

    [5] Join the media war between Israel and its enemies
    by volunteering to help or donating to:

    algemeiner.com * jns.org * memri.org * aish.com * camera.org
    HonestReporting.com * UNwatch.org * UKMediaWatch.org

    If that is not possible, then at least visit these web sites often.

    [6] Tell the ADL & HIAS & JCRCs
    to fight for Israel and Jews, not the
    Democratic Party and Political Correctness.

    [7] Learn pro-Israel facts from blogs like:
    ElderOfZiyon, SultanKnish, Israel-Thrives, and TelChaiNation.

    Also listen to Prager University & Mr. Pat Condell on YouTube.
    Feel free to take written notes, if you are able to.

  2. Yalkut Shimoni was compiled by
    Rabbi Shimon HaDarshan of Frankfort
    (Germany) in the 1200s of the Common Era.

    One manuscript refers to him as
    chief of the preachers
    [Rosh HaDarshanim] of Frankfort.

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  3. Common sense logic of Trump is what makes him a Great President (maybe like Pres Jackson?)

  4. Cyberwarfare is another one. We just had a major incident here yesterday. Authorities rushed to state it wasn't that. But I think so. No alarm calls for hours, no internet banking, traindelays, and problems in supermarkets even (?)


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