Wednesday, June 12, 2019

The Tainted Lineage of Moshiach

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz: The Tainted Lineage of Moshiach: Goodness in the Guise of Impropriety


  1. Also, what was not brought out is that the reason Chazal give for the women not being prohibited from marrying into the Jewish fold is because the custom was that the men were responsible for bringibg food and water and not the women to the passerbys on their land. The men were evil here and guilty, not the women. The second thing is that when you analyze the total heritage of the Jewish people, we see that it is 'one' family. Ruth was the descendant of Lot who was the nephew of Avraham Avinu and Sarah Imeinu (same goes for Ammon). The same goes with Tamar and Yehudah. Tamar was the daughter of Shem, our ancestor, who was also the High Priest at that time to the One and Only G-D. He and his grandson led the Yeshivah Shem and Ever. Everything written above was truly on a supernatural level. Even with Dovid Hamelech and BatSheva, besides the reasoning of a get when Uri HaChiti went to war (am not sure exactly who he was), but am questioning whether he was a Hittite and that would make a 'get' unnecessary or maybe he was a convert (this part maybe someone could clarify).
    But, do not agree with the hashkafa of the Rav in the video about Rabbi Duowek (not sure of spelling) because what Rabbi Dweck(?) said, in my mind and in many others who also see it as I do, was wrong and going directly against the Torah!!! Rabbis have an obligation to rebuke and to teach the right from wrong and not make nicety nice, especially in an era where morality has declined to almost the level before the great Fl Quite sure many will agree here. The decline of civilization at this time, hopefully because before it gets unsaveable, is an indicator where it will lead to the coming of Moshiach Tzdkeinu, as it has reached the bottom. We must not forget the world was destroyed by the great Flood because of these sins. flora

  2. Rabbi Shimon Kessin - Purifiying the Messiah

    Rabbi Shimon Kessin 馃敟 Messiah & Torah

    it"s awesome, Im just listening first one


  3. This is a beautiful lesson. Thank you SO much for posting it!!!


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