Monday, November 18, 2019

The Deeper Meaning of the Trump Impeachment Hearings

Rabbi Mendel Kessin, new shiur


  1. It is always such a pleasure to listen to Rav Kessin, such an intelligent and knowledgeable man, who explains the world to us and brings down deep concepts to a level we can understand. Such a change from all the doom and gloom surrounding us these days.... to actually be inspired and have hope for a better future and Moshiach, may He come speedily in our days.

  2. 'have hope for a better future and Moshiach, may He come speedily in our days.'

    Toda, Devorah for the video and especially to the last line of your comment...

    Amen v'Amen.


  3. Thanks for sharing rabbi's shiurim consistently. His insights based on haskofa are unique, articulate and, often, humorous.

  4. I know I speak for most readers when I say how much we appreciate his lectures.

  5. better still is to not follow the news. one headache less

  6. Yosef I very rarely watch or read the news - you are right.

  7. How is Russia worse than Europe and the USA? Institutionalised Jew hatred, burning millions of women, slavery, the Shoah, the Catholic church complicit in the kidnapping of babies for adoption, and many more atrocities against Jews and the rest of humanity.

  8. Devorah, thanks for ongoingly posting these vids! I find R'Kessin relaxing and enlightening, even if, interspersed, the facts aren't always accurate. Also, at times, i vehemently disagree, such as when he stated, approx: "China? who cares about what's going on there..."
    (emphasis: not an exact quote)

    To me it smacks of "Maasei yodai toviim b'yam v'atem omrim shirah?" Even if, as he has theorized, the Chinese and many other Asian people may be gilgulim and thus deserving of mistreatment... i mean, how much can everyone endure, when does it end? (such as all their movements technologically monitored)... Does there have to be carte blanche to cruelty?

    Don't get me wrong, I consider him quite nice, very learned, and relaxingly brilliant, despite sundry faux pas.

  9. Unless someone knows which 'news' to read or listen to, they should not read or listen. The mainstream and so-called formidable papers such as the Wash.Post, NY Times, CNN, etc. will give only 'opinionated' news, meaning not news nor facts, but literal opinion, which are always to the 'left', no matter how untrue every word might be.


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