Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Who Will Win the Election?

This is a very interesting shiur from Rabbi Anava. I'm listening to it now and thought it worth sharing.

Rabbi Anava, more than any other Rabbi on the internet, explains everything in a way that can be understood by Jews and nonJews alike.  He translates and he shows the text from the Torah in English so people can clearly see what is written there and understand that the Torah is not just a book, but in fact is a matrix which needs to be taught by a competent Rabbi.  

Listen to this shiur and see the incredible predictions from the Torah, which in hindsight we can see clearly have come about through the election of Donald Trump four years ago.  

The last half hour of this lecture may upset some people, because here Rabbi Anava talks about the destruction of America.  Whatever your personal opinion may be, bear the following in mind.... the Lubavitcher Rebbe prophesied that 5781 would be a Year of Wonders, and the Rebbe was and is a Tzaddik whose words were never incorrect.  


  1. Shalom Devorah, I am still listening to Rabbi Alon Anava's lecture.

    At 1.08 he speaks of not putting faith in hospital or drs. He streses he puts his faith only in Hashem. But some months back that Rabbi was in a hospital, struggling to survive, and in many Jewish blogs appeals were made to pray for his recovery.

    Many did pray for him and thank Gd he did recover. Thanks to prayers and even the care i do think of the Drs and medical staff, medication and such.

    So why is he forgetting that.

    I am not wanting to say anything bad against him. Its just that thinks confuse one.
    A lot of what he says is true. yes.. i agree, but some contradictions are there too.

    You might not want to post this on your blog. That is okay as it is your blog.

    I pray the Mashiach does come and that the horrible decrees will abolished by Gd. May Gd have pity and mercy on this world. Amen.


  2. He hasn't forgotten - he said the same thing when he came out of hospital. Yes the doctors saved him, but as far as he's concerned it was Hashem who saved him. sometimes his english can be misunderstood but I don't think we are misunderstanding him here. Anyway, that's what he said... I always feel that the doctors are given permission to heal by Hashem, and therefore the doctors must be worthy of being given this permission. Apart from all that I'm sure Rabbi Anava did thank his doctors and nurses when he was in hospital - he is just making an extra point of saying it's all from Hashem.

  3. Ok. Thanks Devorah...

  4. the doctors and the hospitals exist with the purpose to help . But as you know (as for everything), there are good doctors and bad doctors. But as Rabbi Anavah explained very well , the cursed samech mem and his "wife' run the show, and the coronavirus show. The world "health" organization as the UN and the elites ,took over the health system. Nobody who stays sane in this generation stricken with madness , can trust the today's mengelles

  5. The greatest Sages of the generation have publicly blessed President Trump with success.

    It is unprecedented that across all sections of religious Jewry , religious Zionist, Chassidic , Lithuanian Sephardic etc. all have blessed President Trump.

    Almost all of these Rabbis never involved themselves with politics.

    In times past there was always different opinions among tzaddikim concerning which king or ruler to encourage and help.

    It is interesting that in our generation they are unanimous that President Trump should win.

  6. My take on the destruction of America issue vs the year in which I will show you wonders is simple. Dovid Hamelech says in Tehillim 91 - "Yipol Mitzidecha Elef U'M'revava Miminecha Eilecha Lo Yigash". Hashem can take down America and in the interim of the chaos and mess - save and show and do wonders with His children that cling to Him and are looking at Him for help in this year of 5781.
    Just my 2 cents.
    Hashem is a Ba'al HaRachamim and never ever will forsake His dearest children. Just hold onto Him.

  7. I haven't yet heard this shiur yet or whats being said on the destruction of America, but i just wanted to point out the contrast to Rabbi Kessin's wonderful shiurim and his view that America, being the Tov shel B'Eisav is helping Israel rise in world stature and lead us to the era of Moshiach, especially through Donald Trump and his policies.

    If this is Eisav making teshuvah and also helping Yishmael do the same via what we see with the Abraham accords and normalisation of arab states, then why would America need to be destroyed if they are helping the Geulah process?

    Many thanks

  8. Rabbi Anava discussion about the destruction of America is not so insane.

    On October 14, 2020, Rabbanit Stern - the daughter of Rav Dovid Chaim Stern, one of the biggest Kabbalists living now - said the following:

    The Mashiach is very close and will be revealed soon. In the month of Adar, there is going to be a lot of chaos in the world, in Israel and all over the world, there will be tremendous confusion, many people will die. Many well respected rabbis are also not going to merit receiving Mashiach, they will not survive, because they are not really tzaddikim.

    Why? She said that for them the main thing is learning Torah and they disregard all the requirements of bein adaim l’chaveiro, how a person is supposed to treat others. Love of your fellow man. Not to listen or speak lashon hara. All those people defile the mitzvah of doing chessed/kindness to others, will not be around when Mashiach is revealed. Ba’alai Machloket, those who stir up strife, will not be around. Also, those who are not tzinut/modest, they will also not be around when Mashiach comes. Everyone now has time to fix the sin of lashon hara/speaking or thinking badly about others. We have until around the month of Adar (the month when Purim falls), which is around March. It is 4 months from now.

    Why? She said that for them the main thing is learning Torah and they disregard all the requirements of bein adaim l’chaveiro, how a person is supposed to treat others. Love of your fellow man. Not to listen or speak lashon hara. All those people defile the mitzvah of doing chessed/kindness to others, will not be around when Mashiach is revealed. Ba’alai Machloket, those who stir up strife, will not be around. Also, those who are not tzinut/modest, they will also not be around when Mashiach comes. Everyone now has time to fix the sin of lashon hara/speaking or thinking badly about others. We have until around the month of Adar (the month when Purim falls), which is around March. It is 4 months from now.

    Rabbanit Stern herself said in a recording that there will be tremendous fear, in the world, in the month of Adar. Everyone in the world will be scared, more than right now. Also stronger fear will abound. And much trembling. Another tzaddik said it could be around Chanukkah time, but she saw it happening in Adar….the stronger part of it. There could be two levels or stages. One level starting in Chanukkah time. A stronger stage in Adar.

    She said, the main thing to work on is Interpersonal Relationships. The Redemption already has begun, but it is hidden. 

    There are a lot of people who will not merit to be around. She said by Pesach there will be a beautiful Redemption.

  9. With all due respect to everyone's thoughts... firstly a negative decree can and usually is cancelled Above.
    Secondly, it appears to me [for a very long time now] that people in Israel spend time telling of disasters about to happen to America and sometimes the rest of the world.
    Don't spend your life anticipating terrible things. It is not the way to live.
    Negative decrees may or may not happen.
    I'd rather hear from someone with a POSITIVE decree.... just as the Lubavitcher Rebbe always said: Tracht gut ve't zein gut.

  10. I would also like to point out that none of these ''prophets'' foresaw Covid and warned us of that. And again I would like to point out that Israel thought it could escape Covid and the rest of the world would suffer from it... and we can see how that turned out. Strangely enough, it is Australia that is doing the best job of handling this virus.
    So I saw to take these disastrous predictions for what they are... and get on with your life.

  11. This is a comment received from Chaya:

    BH This is my first time writing because I felt the need to say my opinion. Jews in general are not supposed to be so morbid, we are supposed to be filled with light, happiness, joy and kindness to one another.
    The opinions on many of these Moshiach blogs are so depressing and quite frankly downright morbid and sometimes selfish.

    For those who have the great Hatzlacha to live in Eretz Yisrael that's wonderful, but there are those who have not merited to move themselves and their entire families there as yet. Why in the world would you frighten other Jewish people in such a way - only two thirds will survive and other statements in that manner? As for who will live and who will make it to the Redemption, you are not Hashem.

    Tznius, not talking lashonhara is a very wonderful thing, but causing hysteria, sadness and depression by your statements is quite frankly worse.
    Try being a little more kind and compassionate to your brothers and fellow man. We are the children of Avraham Avinu who exuded these midos on a daily basis, not the other way.

    Besurus tovos to us all.

  12. Chaya is right. First, we are told that the bad does definitely not have to materialize; only the good must materialize. America has been known to always be a medina shel chesed and has been good to the Jews throughout its history. Why would they deserve such punishment? Since the presidency of the one before Trump and a couple before then, it has gone to the other side completely; and that could mean a harsh judgment, but President Trump has reversed much of such a decree. He will, most likely, win out because everything that's being perpetrated now is a fraud (voting, ballots,etc.). Europe is where they should worry about destruction because that is surely the 'ra of Esav'!
    We must pray that H' brings the Redemption with much greater mercy than what we are afraid of.


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