Sunday, November 29, 2020

Purim on Chanukah? Gog u Magog?

For the past few days, I've been thinking about the connection between Chanukah and Purim.  This is due to the fact that a close relative of mine had a dream about M. [who passed away a few years ago on Purim]. In the dream, M told her that Donald Trump was still President [he'd won somehow] and showed her the TV news announcing his Presidency win.   

In the dream,  M was looking fabulous, very thin and well.  This is why I feel the dream was real... simply because the  person who had the dream had never really known M when she looked that way.... there was a 30 year age gap between them and the only way M had looked in her later years was over-weight and unwell.  This was not an image of someone recalled from the brain, because the dreamer had never even seen M when she was thin and ''fabulous''.  And I don't think she'd seen photos of her either, in fact she told me she'd never seen her look like that before.

So I started to think... why would M come in a dream to this person with this message about Trump, and is there another message that I'm supposed to find.  Is there a connection between Chanukah and Purim?  They are the only two chagim which will be celebrated after Moshiach comes [although some say only Purim].  ''To put it simply, as the famous adage goes, Purim was a fight for the Jewish body, Chanukah for the Jewish soul.''  And on Purim the body of the Jew was saved, whilst on Chanukah it was his soul.

And then over Shabbas the news came out that Iran's top nuclear scientist had been killed and Iran was irate and blaming Israel.

Suddenly the Purim/Chanukah connection became even more real.  

Is this the War of Gog u Magog starting?  Is this the War that will allow President Trump to stay in office [see Moshe's comments here about President staying in office if war breaks out during his Presidency].

For me, this just ties up the loose ends of the dream.   Trump, Presidency, Iran, Purim, Chanukah, V'Nahafoch Hu.  Turning it all upside down, having Purim on Chanukah.  

I don't know, but I am a Geula Blogger, and this what I do.


  1. I also had a dream about a relative who
    Was very heavy and sick when she was alive.
    But in my dream she was 30 and skinny and looked totally
    Different . In my dream she told me she
    Reincarnated .

  2. Shavua tov. Very interesting. One never knows with dreams, yet you can't ignore I
    The details though either....
    My friend also sent me some headlines ea about Iran, war et al.
    So, a top scientist was killed....ill look into it. Can you link a headline?
    I was reading Rabbi Alon Anava 's book Moshiach is Coming.
    Excellent book. So much going on. I'm at the part about Iran and war, so it's interesting that you saw this and had the dream...


  4. If nothing is supposed to change when Moshiach comes and Jews are supposed to continue keeping all the Mitzvot, then why would we only celebrate Purim and not any of the holidays mentioned in Parshat Emor?

  5. Nonny, see the second clickable link in the blog post, it will take you here:

  6. And all these things are confirmed in Rabbi Glazerson's latest Torah Code video

  7. Very interesting and very Kislev, the month of dreaming, dreams and redemption.

    Nanny, did you ever wish that the Shabbat feeling woul continue into the rest of the week? Not the restrictions, but the aura of Kedusha? Well, that will be what it’s like, an elevation of our spiritual essence. My iPad is running low and I’ll have to continue later.

  8. Nonny, I apologise because i missed the spell check on your name.

  9. According to Arizal the last day teshuva for the wicked people is the last day of Hanuka. I don’t think he will come before that date to give the wicked people last chance. Zot Hanuka 5781 will be on December 17 -18 , 2020 which is Erev Shabat. I think the best meeting with Mashiah and Eliyahu should be on Motse Shabat.... it is also in the news that big asteroid (I would call it Kohav Yakov) will hit the earth on December 21,2020. Coincidence? I don’t think so!

    1. Bs"d
      There was a big earthquake Tarmud, Palmyra, see one of mine previeus posts. Then someone told me that Rav Nir Ben Artzi spoke about days till....???He might be Eliyahu ha Navi.
      Be free to comment on it.
      Chanuka Sameah. See about the dreidel please, Tehilim 74/2 is the letters of eved, the Sevivon segula is for NOT TO BE EVED, thats the real milchama we must win by EMUNA.
      Machzir grushato.
      Bet ha Mikdash.

    2. Iran says Israel killed military nuclear scientist remotely on Monday. On the second day Gehinom was created. Mida keneged Mida , he was killed the same way he was killing others. Other 10 sons of Haman of this genreration will be killed soon BH.

    3. interesting is that Edom is waiting for their meshiah "yoshke" on December 25, this year is 10 Tevet. My feeling that this week Dec 17 < Zot Hanuka evening - Dec 25, 10 tevet Erev Shabat and these are the days of revelation of Mashiah Tsidkeinu and the 3rd Bet Hamikdash on the 10th of Tevet. Beezrat Hashem!

  10. I would love to read an English translation of Rav Nir ben Artzi's recent speeches. I haven't seen anything written up lately and the Hebrew is difficult for me.

    1. nir ben artzi with english translation latest -- you can put in the youtube search

  11. My daughter who used to dream moshiach dreams also dreamed that people who were heavy before moshiach were now thin and everyone was the picture of health, at age 20 or so. Some reincarnated into different bodies but it was evident which soul it was as you could recognize the soul easily.


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