Sunday, December 20, 2020

Confronting the Truth

Parshas VaYigash: Rav Moshe Shternbuch -

The Medrash says that when Judgement day comes, we will not be able to stand up to the "Tochacha" - the rebuke from Hashem. We learn this from the Shvatim who couldn't bear the embarrassment of learning that Yosef was alive. 

Rav Moshe Shternbuch says that we see from here that the most painful rebuke is not a good screaming at, but rather being forced to confront the truth. Yosef did not scream or threaten, rather he softly told them that he is their brother whom they tried to destroy. 

Upon seeing how wrong they were, they experienced the worst embarrassment of their lives.

Similarly says Rav Shterbuch in the name of the Baal Shem Tov HaKadosh,the pasuk in Tehilim says, "Kel Nekamos Hashem". At the end of time Hashem will avenge those who have sinned against him. How? 

The pasuk continues "Kel Nekamos Hofia". Hashem's revenge is simply to appear! 

After all of history when Hashem finally reveals Himself openly to the entire world, everyone will be be mortally embarrassed when they grasp the lowliness for each and every one of their sins.

Source: Revach


  1. Thank you Kathryn, people can check out the You Tube link if they have a chance. Thanks for your comment.

  2. Why are people coming here - a Geula blog - to spread the "Q Anon" conspiracy theory of a cabal of cannibalistic pedophiles? There's also a vague anti-semitic component to it. It all sounds so wild and silly, yet so many people are deadly serious about it.

  3. Unfortunately, the truth about the elite Jews who form the erev rav of us will come out soon. They are part of what brings a lot of anti-semitism towards us because we cannot separate the fact that many evil people are Jewish. There are many rabbis who talk about it, so it is not so "out there" and unbelievable. One should know what is going on yet at the same time, separate oneself from it and focus on changing ourselves now - doing more mitzvot than ever, more charity and good deeds, work on your middot and work on loving everyone. Hashem is taking care of everything behind the scenes but we want to be ready to greet moshiach with the best of ourselves. You can listen to it and also pack the info away without deciding if there is any conspiracy to it or not. Hashem will reveal all soon, just be on your guard.

  4. Hi Nonny, If you are interested I can send you numerous links about this it is unfortunately well documented and not a theory, but very difficult to wrap one's mind around it. It is completely removed from the whole Qanon thing - they are not the ones who came up with this. I've always enjoyed your lovely comments, and I certainly have no intention offending anyone. I posted this to shine some light on the very confusing situation in US, and also because about halfway through he shares tremendous good news which aligns with what the Rebbe said about this year, I really encourage you to listen at about 1:05 minutes. (It seems to tie into the geula)

    here is an article you might find useful Nonny:

    Devorah, I don't want to upset people or create any ill-feeling - perhaps I was wrong to post this but the news, if true is so good I wanted to share it.

  5. Can't sleep, so thought I'd listen a bit to the link that Kathryn Kelly posted. What I learned so far: America and the world are controlled by the evil Khazari Mafia (of which the Rothschild family is a member), and their Babylonian Talmud. Also, 9/11 was an inside job planned by Bush and executed by the Mossad. Just so you know, Devorah, that this is what your readers will hear if they click on Kathryn's link.

  6. Thanks Nonny I think I will delete it - sorry Kathryn I’m sure you didn’t mean any harm

  7. thank you for deleting.. I'm come to this blog site for clarity, not confusion.

  8. First, is Kathryn Jewish? When people bring up about the Jews behind many of these nefarious things, it usually is presented by a non-Jew. Must clarify this with 'it's true that these nefarious people do have Jewish names and can even be halachacly Jewish, but have the 'souls/neshamot' of the mixed multitude that left Egypt with us with insincere and evil intentions. The Egyptians and many in that part of the small world that it was then had much knowledge of 'black magic' which was very powerful-it is the satanic powers that H' had allowed when evil was created by the sin of Adam & Eve. These are the 'Jews' who are usually very wealthy, powerful and are in positions where they can use power and influence. Externally, they are Jewish, but their souls are not counted with the Jews as they are the souls of the Erev Rav (mixed multitude). When we, real Jews, sin, their power becomes greater and which brings anti-semitism to keep us in place and make us remember to repent, which, unfortunately, in today's open society, many, of course, do not. An example would be, for instance, Republicans who are no different than their opposites, the Dems. They are Republicans in name only and referred to as Rino's, so it is with Jews who have Jewish names but are not Jews in reality.

  9. I am not a Jew, but I have great respect for Israel and the Jewish people. There is another thing which is going on, and that is this peace agreement with the Arab nations. Is that not another Baal-peor as explained in Numbers 25:1-9 and Psalm 106:28-30? Nobody seems to cry out against it, there seems to be no opposition in Israel against that. Would the Messiah come to a situation like that? If Hashem was very angry at that time with Israel to join with the Moabites, and He is the same at all times, would these co-called peace agreements with the Arabs not provoke Him to fierce anger again? How can the real true believers in Israel hold back and not speak against it? Where is another modern day Phinehas to save the situation.


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