Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Where We Fall Today on the Creation Clock

 Rabbi Mendel Kessin, new upload but shiur given 15 June 2020


  1. No way will the Erev Rav authorities in Israel allow in droves of Anglo-American olim, including entire towns and neighborhoods of unmonied US Haredim and Hassidim who are unable to sell their properties. They will be subject to a quota,like the Falash Mura, of 85 per month - "at a rate that the State is able to absorb them"! Already prospective US olim are required to present police and FBI checks with their applications, obtaining which can take months. Anglo-Americans have a poor reputation among Sabras, being reputedly spoilt, demanding, loud, ungrateful, uncouth, assertive, not averse to argy-bargy, make problematic renters, and are never able to get their tongues round Hebrew! Anglo professionals are not considered as an asset, but are actually viewed as a threat to the Israeli job market!If enough numbers of olim arrived over a short period, the infamous Maabarot (Tent Camps) of the 50s might literally have to be reopened. There ultimately is going to be Ezekiel's foretold Ingathering of the Exiles, but maybe not as we think!

  2. gosh, olam ulamaya... what a negative and discouraging post.... sure hope it's not the way you portray as I'm one of the Anglo -Americans hoping to make aliyah... and I don't identify with the lengthy description you list. Hoping you meet olim who will change the images you unflatteringly write about....

  3. There is no "one-size-fits-all" reputation of American Olim.
    There are loads who speak fluent Hebrew and keep their focus on their lives and work.

  4. According to the cosmic clock on the home page it is 12.43.30 each minute is approximately 8 months and 4 days and the date where the Zohar says techiyas hamaysim begins around the year 2030/31 is likely to be exactly 1pm on the cosmic clock, so in the next 16 and a half minutes, Moshiach Ben Yosef and Mashiach Ben Dovid have to come as well as the Temple needs to be rebuilt (or come from the sky) just to put into context how close we are to the events our ancestors dreamed of being part of.

  5. Very nice Waiting Patiently... only Mashiah can take us to that time and we will be waiting patiently

  6. Waiting Patiently, yes, amazing to know how close we are and to truly know this influences me to do more mitzvos and contemplate that once Moshiach comes- that's !!!
    Everything changes. We are incredibly close. Think about all that's gone on in the past year.
    Now think about what needs to take place between now and the close future in order to transition us to the Geulah...

  7. I strongly recommend 2 books from Rav Shalom Arush Slita, garden of Emuna and garden of Gratitude. Those are two books that Mashiah will hold in his hands said Rav Arush Shlita. Those are two books are so deep and simple that one can bring his/her personal Geula through Thanking Hashem and always connecting to Bore Olam. Me personally having my yeshuot trough reading his books and then doing Itbodedut(talking to Hashem)in tight way and manner. I hope you will all enjoy the experience. Brings Kol Yeshuot


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