Tuesday, December 1, 2020

The Year of Wonders

I wanted to listen to this before I put it on the blog, and i'm only halfway through it, but already he is telling us that 5781 will be the year we see amazing things, which confirms the Lubavitcher Rebbe's prophecy from 30 years ago that this will be a year of wonders.

Rabbi Alon Anava ''Do you believe the lies?''

This is a very uplifting video.


  1. Personally, I think we are so gifted and enriched by having access to Rabbi Anava's videos. He says it like it is . And I can personally attest to the fact that the more you remove yourself from being enwrapped in the claws of Amelek and their scheme - the clearer and clearer you really do see right through the facade.

  2. I can't figure out how Rabbi Anava and others say Covid is fake. I lost a brother-in-law, a mechutan, my niece's father-in-law, and 2 young previously healthy neighbors in the last 6 months due to covid. My boss got covid which caused him to have a stroke and he is in critical condition. I have a friend whose husband is currently in critical condition from covid. My 24 year old healthy daughter-in-law got covid before Pesach and still has breathing problems and circulatory problems because of it. I feel that it is insulting and cruel to tell families who have lost loved ones from Covid that it's all a conspiracy theory and their relatives died from a hoax.

  3. I totally agree with you bubby of 10. For those who died because of complications from Covid and those still suffering from its after effects, it's definitely no hoax. The problem seems to be that there is a lot of fake reporting and many deaths were marked as Covid, when those people died from something else. So some people seem to have lumped it all into the conspiracy basket. But Covid is a real thing. In Australia we had one lockdown and then it went away except for one state [Victoria] but that is also clear now. So I can't complain about having to wear a mask, because it was never mandatory here and I doubt that anyone was testing their spyware on mask wearers here.... but who knows... maybe they did. I don't know what goes on in Israel, I am not there, and the police there seem very heavy handed generally.

  4. Bubby of 10 you are completely right and all of your thoughts and feelings are valid! And Devorah pretty much summed it up well. Hashem brought a Mageifa to the world. It is not different than any other virus that has been in the history of the world. Hashem has allowed the Reshaim to take this out of context and literally run wild with it - simply to conceal Hashem's presence in all of this. If it wasn't COVID-19 it would be something else. The over-the-top & propaganda reporting/rush for control/governments driving the world absolutely mad in regard to restrictions/etc. makes one scratch their head for a minute and stop and think.
    I can't vouch for why the niftarim where niftar nor why it was in this way - May Hashem comfort all of Am Yisroel that have and are suffering in myriads of ways like only He truly can.
    It's just advisable to start questioning policies/laws/statements/etc. and to realize that we have no one and nothing to rely on - not governments/masks/vaccines/etc. nothing. nothing. nothing. except for our Koach Hatefilla.
    Refuah Shelaima to all those that are in need. Nechama & Yeshua to all that are in need.
    Please Bubby of - don't downplay the feelings that you have - just take what you read/hear with lots and lots of salt.

  5. I believe he is talking about other things killing them, not covid itself. There is no virus that is just wiping people out and leaving them to fall over in the streets. It is an orchestrated virus that is handled in a bad way, creating many more deaths than what would normally be a very small death rate. Much of the mass deaths was because of neglect (starvation often in places no relative could visit!) and unfortunate desire for the number of deaths to increase to further lockdowns and other nefarious results. Only evil people would send sick to nursing homes to infect everyone and be left to die without proper and cheap treatment. Almost every death was blamed on Covid even when it was a car accident or someone passing from stage 4 cancer.

    Many doctors reported in Israel that all of the patients who died would have died within 6 months anyway as they all had other fatal issues. Chevra kadisha groups in Israel reported a big drop in the usual number of dead, up to 80% less. The media has shaped people's fear and unfortunately the religious Jews have felt a big brunt of the loss in their communities. He isn't denying that people lost their loved ones but in the US especially, too much neglect left people dead who probably would have survived with the proper treatment. Early on, they put people on respirators instead of trying other things and that hardly left any survivors. Help that was offered wasn't used. Very evil people are behind the whole thing. I can't answer why Hashem let it happen in this way with such a loss to us personally but doctors are talking about the hoax in terms of covid's true fatality numbers vs what is reported nationwide and worldwide. The loss to the Jewish community is very large and hits us separately from the false information we have on Covid.

  6. Agree with Miriam. Both in Israel & the U.S., and am sure in other countries, when they put the people in the hospitals is there is a likelihood that they finish them off there. The respirators are killers and not feeding or giving drink to the patients and not allowing the closest relatives to visit all contribute to their passing. May H' have mercy because this is all a preplanned way of extermination, c'v. This virus is like the flu which also kills about 80,000 a year just in the U.S, alone, but it is more contagious and the powers have taken over purposely to make sure it continues, H' yerachem.

  7. Thank you all for your comments. I just don't think Covid is a regular virus. Too many healthy young people, like my daughter-in-law, are experiencing terrible after effects months later. She was sick 8 months ago and still has chest pain, shortness of breath, her feet swell up, etc. She's 24 years old and had no underlying conditions. That doesn't happen with the flu.

  8. "The day on which Adam was created consisted of twelve hours. During the first hour his dust was gathered; the second hour it was made into a shapeless mass; the third hour his limbs were stretched out; the fourth hour a soul was placed in him; the fifth hour he stood on his feet; the sixth hour he named the animals; the seventh hour he was paired with Chava; the eighth hour they had two children; the ninth hour he was commanded not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge; the tenth hour he sinned; the eleventh hour he was judged; and the twelfth hour he was banished from the Garden of Eden and went on his way (Sanhedrin 38b), and there is a different way from R.Kessin for calculating on the Cosmic Clock that can be found here


    in the section

    "Many of Our Rabbis Openly Stated That the Actions That Took Place With Man on the Sixth Day of Creation Are A Prophetic Sign For the Future"

  9. Australia: miles away and corona free https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/australian-prisoners-from-zion-in-the-corona-era/


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