Wednesday, December 9, 2020

The Trump Obsession

This was sent to me by Yosef... 

I couldn't find it on Torah Anytime so I uploaded it from my phone.  

Even though I still think Trump will be victorious after all the balagan, this video is worth a listen, to get things into perspective.  [video is only 4 mins]

Rabbi Yehoshua Zitron on the Trump obsession.



  1. And this is why I believe HKBH took him out. The Am forgot. They began to worship the man. G-d runs the world. El haTov. Maybe now we can get back to davening for Moshiach. Think about it...what if there had been Jews for Moshiach rallies all over the US. Trump is out. Biden will go in. Pass the latkes please.

  2. He appears to be out for now, whether it's permanent or not we do not know. Whatever will be, will be.

  3. I think this clip came from this video {thanks SG]

  4. R.Zitron's outlook is rather unimaginative and lacks a sense of history & destiny. If Trump really is a gilgul of Cyrus, Antoninus or even (the good side) of Esau himself, then if he really has been defrauded, The Donald will not just submit quietly to the unworthy Biden (gematria 76 = 'Adonijah', the failed usurper to the Davidic Throne) nor fade in to the sunset without an right-royal Edomitic fight!

  5. Trump stated a lite earlier that of he does not get in, he will still be there and just behind the scenes...
    We need Moshiach achshav!!!!!!
    This is the greatest thing to daven for.
    When we daven, we need to beseech Hashem that we long for His will to be fulfilled THIS year!!!

  6. He is right in every respect except when he equates moving to Canada as the same as moving to Israel. We have to Open our eyes to realize that trump ,America , Biden , and our obsession with it ,is not only masking our true avodah which is turning to Hashem and the strong messages Hashem is sending to us., but it is also emphasizing our ongoing denial of all of us starting to think about going home and returning to Eretz Yisroel. This obsession with trump feeds into the narrative that we Jews can continue to remain outside of Israel and live in this imaginary golden Medina where we can have it all. The Biden presidency scares all those who want to continue to live in the american dream Believing that the strength of torah Judaism in America justifies it all.

  7. Do not relax and make your passports, visas ready to run from there! You can only relax at home not in the state where everything can be shot down and to close all the borders. Run for life !

  8. Does anyone who has listened to R. Kessin’s shiurim remember the time he said that there will come a time of great testing near the end. He said it would be as if the fire came down on the offering of the worshipers of Baal instead of on Elijah’s offering. It would be that shocking and horrifying.

    It occurs to me, that possibly this is our test. And rather than it happening in one fell swoop, our test is dragging out over many days and now weeks. Which is a chesed. Just like the suffering of Covid is a chesed compared to a full out Gog and Magog war as R. Kessin has also pointed out.

    So. In my humble opinion, it is our job to continue to pray that Trump will remain in office. R. Zitron is right that it’s not Trump the man we should focus on, but to me, it is Trump the agent of HaShem.

    In this clip, one thing I don’t think that is brought out is the enormous destruction that could happen if Trump doesn’t stay in the White House. This is real. There has never been such a dichotomy in world views than in this election.

    While I don’t think we should give in to hysteria, I do believe the stakes are as high as they have ever been in human history.

    People in other countries know this. They have expressed it.

    So during this time when it APPEARS that the prophets of Baal have ‘won’, we should still be declaring, “Adonai hu Elohim, Adonai hu Elohim!

    This is our test.

    It’s not over yet.

  9. He ignores Trump's role in the big drama. Sure he is G-d's tool but he is a special tool. To say that to look hard at Trump lessens our amunah. Trump's mission itself ignites and enhances emuna. As the tov she'b'Esav, as the mashiach of Edom, Trump is a instrumental, critical part of the messianic process. This is one of the teachings of Rabbi Kessin.

  10. The war is coming on Hanuka to prepare the world for the 3 rd Bet HaMikdash on the 10th of Tevet BH. See Rav Glazerson the latest.

  11. " The Am forgot. They began to worship the man."

    That's not really fair. You can't make such a sweeping assertion about the entire Jewish People. I can't speak for the Nation, but I didn't forget nor did I worship the man. I thanked G-d every day for sending an Ohev Yisrael to the White House after having a snake occupying it for 8 years. It's called "hakarat ha-tov" - recognition of the good. And I suspect most of the Jews who support Trump don't worship him - rather, they understand that he is a gift from Hashem.

    As for Trump being out and Biden in ... maybe. The Supreme Court will be taking the case of Texas v. Penn, Mi,Wisc, and Georgia. All the dirt about rampant election fraud will come out now. I believe exposing the vast corruption of the Democrats and establishment Republicans is part of Trump's mission to redeem America/Edom.

  12. There are a number of things where we see his analysis is not really on target. if there are Jews who 'worship' the President, well, that would be a little 'sick', to say the least. But that the Jews are disturbed and upset with this massive fraud that was perpetrated on him and the country, is something to be concerned about. This was not your usual election, because if Biden gets elected, it will be no different than if there were a literal revolution, being that the country would descend into being a 'socialist' (fascistic) country which would be a 'danger' to the Jewish people and the rest of its citizens. That's why people are concerned; if there are those who are a little crazy and go overboard, it has nothing to do with the real reason why the informed and intelligent people are worried. Everything then changes. BTW, that change has already taken place in Canada! There are draconian laws that were enacted by their socialist PM Trudeau (who has always been a leftist), and now in our EY, they have gone bonkers altogether. This has to be simanim that Moshiach is at the door; otherwise, the world is in grave danger! It would take two pages of commenting here to actually point out the reasons for fear.
    That is why we really do need to daven, give tzedaka and do chesed, so that we hasten the coming of Moshiach! But, in the interim there is a great probability that the current President Trump will be the upcoming President for another four years. They are working hard in trying to correct the damage done and are hoping to bring the matter up to the Supreme Court of the land. Nothing here is written in stone and it is Chodesh Kislev and now upcoming Chanukah, the Holiday of Nissim v'Niflaot! Chag Sameach!

  13. American Knitter: excellent point, and I have wondered this also, from time to time. Then I forgot and caught up in everything, and now you have reminded me. Thank you.

  14. When you see things that are extraordinary, in a good way, then you can know that Hashem is behind it. The same goes for when we see things that are extraordinary in a BAD way... such as now, when everything seems to be going backwards for Trump.... I believe this is the Hand of God at work, and as American Knitter reminds us, it could be one of the tests, or even THE test, that we will have to deal with, as Rabbi Kessin mentioned in one of his lectures. All the drama and chaos has been orchestrated by Hashem, and with that in mind it is more than likely that Trump will prevail in the end.
    And then the chaos will really take over, like we've never seen before.

  15. @AmericanKnitter, while I agree with your comments in general, I'm not sure what you mean, specifically, by "this is our test". Is it our test to recognize that Trump is the tov sh'b'Eisav? Or that Trump was defrauded out of a second term by bad actors, and that we need to fight along with him and his team for justice?

    Seems to me Trump's entire first term was a test - and 70% of American Jews did not vote for him this time around ... even after he fulfilled his promise of moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem. Even after he started brokering peace between Arabs and Israel. The psychotic hatred for this man by so many Jews is disheartening given his support of Israel. So, I'm not sure what you mean by this is our test, when I see that, actually, the last 4 years has been the test.

  16. Nonny, I can't speak for American Knitter, but I believe the test is that currently the ''bad guys'' are defeating the good guys. This is contrary to everything we expect to happen at the End of Days. It also goes against every plot in every movie.... I mean, good always prevails over bad, right? But here we are, watching America being defrauded out of their rightful votes. How can this be? Whether it would be Trump or someone else.... is irrelevant.. the baddies are currently winning and that is not what is supposed to happen.


  18. Yes, nonee, this could be the test. Devorah explained it very well and it's not hatred of Trump because that has been the scripted narrative of the media and the uninformed fall for everything and so it's become that everyone is supposed to hate him and his tweets, which by the way, he uses because the media literally works for the dem party and won't give him any positive coverage or coverage at all, so he has to get his message out to the public (he is the president), so he uses the tweets. The importance of all this is that if the dems get in, there won't be a usa as was for the last 243 years, but will become a north American Venezuela. Think about that. H' controls everything and we pray HE will show us many nissim and great wonders.

  19. Chanukah Sameach all!!!
    Of course we all want Moshiach to come now.
    However, if this is not to be right now, then I believe that President Trump is best for a smoother transition to the Geulah. Why?
    The constitution has a greater propensity to stay intact. Either way, though, who ever gets in office, there will be chaos.
    We can daven that this won't be the case, yet tensions are on high already....


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