Monday, July 19, 2021

Gender Identity Confusion

What is really going on with Gender Identity, same sex marriage, and rampant gender confusion?  

In the video below, Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz has some answers as to why our generation is so confused about gender, and gives us some Halachic insights. I highly recommend this shiur, it's not too long either.

I remember learning or reading somewhere.... perhaps it was in Sha'ar HaGilgulim... that if a male soul reincarnates into a female body, that female cannot give birth to a male child, only female children.  I hope I've remembered that correctly, if  I've got it wrong, please let me know. [Rabbi Breitowitz mentions this aspect of souls born into opposite gender bodies towards the end of the shiur]

Rivkah Lambert Adler has also written a blog post on this subject, which you can read by clicking here.


  1. Toda for this posting Devorah,

    The Rabbi explained it so well,


  2. Thank you for such a timely subject matter in most of our lives… and a little more of how to understand it.
    Hoping this is not too off the subject, but when you spoke of Joseph first being a female, but being born a male, could this have some baring here in the end with ben Josef, te first Moshiach? Are you saying it could be possible be Josef could be female, here in the end?

  3. You mean when Rabbi Breitowitz mentioned that Yosef may have had a female soul, and Dina may have had a male soul [readers you will have to listen to the shiur to hear him say it rather than from me]. No Anonymous, he is definitely NOT saying that Moshiach ben Yosef could be female.

  4. Also,basically we are seeing all this confusion/chaos with everything including gender. because now at the end of days, H' is bringing out all the souls, even the ancient wicked ones. H' destroyed the world with the great Flood because of these sins of the genders. This was something HE could not tolerate more than anything else and was sorry HE created man. All those souls have been and will be brought back for their final end.


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