Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Chevlei Moshiach and the Double Adar

As we all know, we have a double Adar this year.  We are being told that Russia is set to invade Ukraine on Wednesday [15th of Adar I].  In regular years, the 15th of Adar is Shushan Purim, the festival that celebrates -- in Jerusalem and other ancient walled cities -- the salvation of the Jewish people from Haman's evil decree in the year 3405 from creation (356 BCE). In a leap year -- which has two Adars -- Shushan Purim is observed in Adar II, and the 15th of Adar I is designated as Shushan Purim Kattan, the "Minor Shushan Purim." [Source: Chabad]

Normally, the Jewish calendar year has 12 lunar months and every few years (7 in each cycle of 19 years) we have a “pregnant/intercalated year” (שָׁנָה מְעֻבֶּרֶת) with 13 months. In these years, the first Adar is the intercalated month (חֹדֶשׁ הָעִבּוּר)—the month of ibbur—the 13th month that is added to the year, while the Second Adar is the original Adar that we have every year, which is why Purim waits patiently until we celebrate it during the Second Adar. [Source Inner]

How appropriate that we have the chevlei Moshiach [birthpangs of Moshiach] during a pregnant year !


  1. Why does Rabbi Wolf say there are "hundreds of Jews who can not leave the country and have nowhere to go." If they are Jews, why can't they come to Israel? We need them here!

    This Content Was Published at https://collive.com/ukraine-jewish-communitys-preparations-for-a-war/

    (My name is Sara-Malka from Bat Ayin, Israel)

  2. Hi Sara-Malka, I don't know if Israel has made an offer to take them all, whether it is even possible, where are they going to house them all at such short notice etc. There is no money on the Ukranian side, so israel and the diaspora would need to organise everything for them. It seems to be a desperate situation.

  3. Of course, they can be absorbed, with no problems for us here in Israel. And the foreign ministry has been telling them to just make aliyah! But, I think they don't want to make aliyah, they just want a place to go temporarily. Because for them, Ukraine is home. From what I understand, they are frustrated that Israel is not providing more for them to shelter in place.

  4. There might be another reason, the craziness of the bureaucracy now because of vaccine mandates and quarantine, it is not so easy to just come in which it should be for every real Jew. The country is now not under control of Jews!


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