Wednesday, February 2, 2022

The Secret of Anti Semitism and Its Remedy

New shiur from Rabbi Mendel Kessin 

EXCERPT: "We now realize how important it is, how much history is determined, by what we say and how we feel about Jews. Now, especially, in the month of Adar, the month of the mazal---fortune of Yosef, really Mashiach ben Yosef. One of the sins he did was to have spoken loshon ha’ra against his brothers. Therefore, he was punished. By condemning his brothers, he was condemned. This is an auspicious time, therefore, to focus on shmiras ha’loshon.

"I want to mention one last thing: the Torah is not a document, a book, about historical events. If you understand that, you can absorb the essential message the Torah lays down. Even though it describes historic events, it lays down the principles that move history, what that movement is based on. Look how much is based on just three words, 'rav ya’aved tzair,' or its alternate pronunciation and meaning, 'rav ya’avod tzair'! Torah is the guidebook to the profound dynamics of history."

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