Friday, February 4, 2022

The Signature of G-d


Rabbi Yaron Reuven and the BeEzrat HaShem Inc. Team have been working closely with Yosef Sebag, the Physicist, Electrical Engineer, Talmid Chacham and Founder of DafYomiReview to put this film together in a simple-to-understand format.  I hope you enjoy it.


  1. The music is way too loud and overpowers the words sometimes. Please remake this with it quieter. This is a very important video to have it not understood.

  2. Unknown/Anonymous: always complaining, I can virtually guarantee that when I click on an Unknown/Anonymous it will be a negative comment. I didn't realize that even with my disallowing Anonymous comments, I would still get them from Unknowns. We live and learn.

    If you are having trouble hearing the words, click on the Settings tool on the video. You can see the Settings cog next to the YouTube logo bottom right corner of the video. Click on Settings, then click on Subtitles and turn them on.


Please choose a name to use on Anonymous posts or your comment may be DELETED. Thank you.