Sunday, February 6, 2022

Esther's Last Words


HT: Mashiach is Coming

[Jonathan] Pollard said that Esther’s last words had “completely changed my life.” He said that “she was dying and her eyes were closed. She opened her eyes and I was holding her hand and…I don’t know where she was, she was just looking up. She said in a very small voice that ‘My neshama volunteered to come back for two missions. One of them was to bring you home and the other one was to bring you home as a Jew and not as a goy.’ She said the first mission was the easiest one of all….I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. She added that the hardest mission was to make sure you returned home as a Jew. She said that ‘now I have accomplished my missions I can go home’- and then she died.”

Source: VIN


  1. There is so much to be learnt from this one paragraph.

    Firstly, we can see that a woman will come to earth specifically to save her soul mate, that is her mission. Does it work the same way with men coming back to save their female soul mate? Probably, it just seems to me that women are the ones who do the saving, generally speaking. Maybe you disagree.

    Secondly, we can see that once we've achieved our mission, we're returned to our Maker. We've done our job and we're out of this world and into Olam haBo.

    That is why when someone dies, even though we are sad, we should also be joyous that they have completed their mission.

    Thirdly, Esther a''h was obviously on such a high level that she merited to disclose her mission to her husband right before she passed. I don't think there are too many people who are given the ability to do that.

    It was also a message for us all, and we should learn all these things from it and it should give everyone chizzuk.

  2. She took it upon herself to uplift Johnathan Pollard , from the very begining she was his angel , obviously he was deserving to get heavenly assistance through her becoming his wife ,
    he has much work cut out for him to do as klal yisroel needs direction from a person who follows Jewish rulings and values which our government is sourly lacking may we be deserving to such now as Mr. Pollards opinion and voice can make a huge difference .


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