Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Derailments and Toxic Rivers [updated]

There were at least four train derailments in America yesterday.  The first one in East Palestine Ohio has contaminated the Ohio River, one of the longest rivers in America.  I have listed the four known train derailments below the image.  

Is this sabotage, or is it something else.... such as earth movements causing rail lines to buckle?  Whatever the case, once the rivers become toxic, water flows and travels and maybe we are seeing this sign of Geula approaching.  Again, stock up on canned tuna if you need to.

Talmud Sanhedrin 98a "Mashiach ben Dovid will not arrive until someone seeks a fish for a sick person and cannot find one."

Toxic chemicals from the train derailment & explosion in East Palestine have reportedly “contaminated” the Ohio River as far as West Virginia, a water source for over 5 million.

One person is dead after a train derailment in Montgomery County… at 59 and Midline (Fostoria). Authorities say, avoid the area… there’s a possible hazmat situation. #breaking #texas Metro-North

Railroad @MetroNorth · Train service is replaced by buses on the New Canaan branch between New Canaan and Stamford because of a non-passenger train that derailed near New Canaan. Please transfer in Stamford for service to New Canaan or Grand Central.

Currently multiple emergency crews are responding to a train derailment in Enoree South Carolina CSX Transportation are also on the scene this is still developing

                             Update: This is a picture of snow in Ontario Canada, taken 19 Feb 2023.


  1. E. Palestine in response to America's condemnations of Itamar BenGvir for destroying illegal and terrorist structures in E. Jerusalem. We are darn close to Geulah. E. Palestine, Ohio is immediately to the east of Salem, Ohio! The odds of the synchronicity of Ben Gvir's Gevurot against the Enemy, America's contempt, and that train derailment poisoning the Ohio River approaches 100 quadrillion to one. This derailment is a Bona fide Plague.

  2. Ah yes, I did wonder why we got a Palestine in there....

    1. Not just Palestine, but East Palestine to the due east of Salem, Ohio!

  3. Note to readers: Salem, as in the last half of the word "Jerusalem". Hashem is showing us outright hints for those who notice.

  4. off the topic...looking for a reputable method to 'detox' from the vaccines...anyone know of anything??? thanks.

  5. Australian researchers discovered a protein in the lung that blocks Covid infection and forms a natural protective barrier in the human body. That means that some people would never get Covid anyway.

    In the same way that Hashem protects these people naturally, from Covid, so Hashem will protect those who were vaccinated. That is my theory, you're welcome to share it.

    Trust in Hashem and all will be good.

    That is the only answer I can give you, maybe others will know of a way to "detox" from it.

  6. In other words, The cure was created before the disease [and the vaccine!]

  7. Lisa, has some posts on what to do to detox
    from the va

  8. I like Devora's suggestion for a cure even better than mine!

  9. Look at the city names- East Palestine, Canaan!

  10. DG, Thanks for the website...really interesting articles.

  11. For Lisa, before doing anything to improve your health, taking vitamins, seeing a doctor etc, say:

    יהי רצון מלפניך ד, אלוהי ואלוהי אבותי שיהיה עסק זה לי לרפואה, כי רופא חינם אתה

    Also the Yanuka says, to see yeshuot from any problem, every night before sleep, take a stone, say יהי אבן זו זכר לחורבן בית המקדש and place it under your pillow.

    He says if we remember Hashem's pain, Hashem will remember ours. (something like that).

    Be"D you should see yeshuot bekarov.

    Oh and the most important thing is not to worry, and to be happy I know easier said than done, Be"D.


  12. LL Thank you for sharing that. Where do we find these teachings from the Yanuka? Are they available anywhere on the internet?
    For anyone who doesn't know who the Yanuka is, see here:

  13. I should clarify, the first thing I wrote, yehi ratzon etc, I didn't hear from the Yanuka, I don't remember where I heard it. In any case, it's good to connect to Hashem and remember that the refua comes from Him, all the rest is just hishtadlut.

    Unfortunately, I don't have a direct line, just youtube. He has videos, and sometimes, I see other videos, probably from Arutz 2000, or randomly, of rabbonim who cite him.

    About being happy, again didn't hear it specifically from the Yanuka, but that is well known. My rav always says to me just to be happy, and do things I like, listen to music etc.


  14. Always have emunah that what Hashem does is good. It’s hard to understand in the midst of confusion or pain but this is the truth. I’ve run across a few suggestions for detox from the spike protein whether from the gene therapy shots or the virus. Nattokinase may break it down, it aids in blood flow, naturally derived supplement. Major Autohemotherapy (MAH) is very good, IV ozone therapy aids in blood flow and many other things, it can also help to follow this with high dose vitamin C IV (25g-100g). There are private clinics all over where it’s available. In tandem with a general regimen, at least through winter, of zinc with either quercetin or green tea extract (EGCG), and if you don’t get enough sun, vitamin d. Also heard that heat can help, like a sauna.

  15. The Yanuka's YT channel

    הגאון הינוקא - איך אפשר לקבל ישוב הדעת? | The Yanuka - how to attain peace of mind - English subs

    This particular video had English subtitles. I don't know if they all do.

    The Yanuka is also a talented composer of literally divine music and pianist:

    גוני הינוקא: מחרוזת א' ● אלמנטים התבוננות בגדולת ה' • בלעדי לערוץ

    Meditation on the Greatness of Hashem


  16. Just to call a spade a spade, I have an anatomy that you might call the "acid test". So FWIW here's my testimony.

    All sorts of vitamins/supplements, InfraRed, H2O2, IV-EDTA Chelation, never helped me. Believe me, I tried so very much.

    So I can vouch that the ONLY detox-method I tried, wherein I actually DID feel positive results directly afterward, was in the mid-90s (in June) when I'd gone to a mud-pool at the Dead Sea, A.K.A. "quicksand". Albeit it was the type of quicksand which AT THAT TIME HAD NOT YET BECOME HAZARDOUS. However, since that era, sinkholes have developed there.

    Unfortunately, I only got to go that one time, under stress. Long story.

    Suffice, that the correct process (at that pre-hazardous time) would have been:
    (1) In May / June / Sept. / Oct.
    (2) Under a warm sun
    (3) At Northern part of Dead Sea (which had grounded mudpools, rather than only salt-sea)

    Once those rules were followed, you then:

    (1) Immersed into salt sea for approx. 10 to 15 min., to prep yourself, after which you
    (2) Immersed into nearby mudpool approx. 10 to 15 min. until you'd start to feel a PULL-PULL-PULLING sensation, as if ughy/painful stuff were being VACUUMED out of your body.
    (3) You repeated said sequence on subsequent days, as per tolerance & need.

    That Northern Dead Sea was FOR REAL insofar as detox. Totally unlike the useless sulphur baths in Teverya (and BTW, someone else told me she'd had the same useless experience compared to the Dead Sea).
    ...The Northern Dead-Sea was also unlike ridiculous edible clay and clay baths, of which I tried SEVERAL brands, and were a hassle to clean. I ached after the exertion of cleaning the tub.
    ...The Northern Dead-Sea was also unlike the useless Southern Dead Sea, where con-men would sell useless plates of mud to smear on yourself, because there were no mudpools in that locale.

  17. Two more chemical fire incidents:

  18. Devorah, Are chemical accidents of these kinds truly rare, or are they fairly common occurrences in a country the size of the US? I'm just curious how out of the normal they are. It seems clear to me that with the names like East Palestine, New Canaan and Salem it's connected to the United States' pressuring Israel to role over and play dead in the face of constant terror attacks.

  19. I don't think that toxic spills like the one in Ohio happen too often. They are saying its America's Chernobyl. It's just that so many things are happening at once... UFO's, earthquakes, massive toxic spills in America flowing into the river system, Russia Ukraine, America's taking out of the Nordstream pipe line information - some are saying these toxic spills are a retaliation for that, that it's not accidental. THere are theories and then there is the truth, which will come out eventually.

    1. HaRav Zilberstein To Paley Family: “Techiyas HaMeisim Will Occur Very Soon”
      February 18, 2023 6:25 pm5

      "And so, we will say after the terrible tragedy in which the kedoshim, Asher Menachem, h’yd, and Yaakov Yisrael, h’yd, were killed al kiddush Hashem. The tzaar is very deep but we must remind ourselves that soon, mamash soon, techiyas hameisim will occur and you will quickly be zochech to be united with them again when Moshiach comes and at the building of our Beis Mikdash, bimheirah b’yameinu, Amen.”

      For the full letter Yeshiva World News

  20. It seems to me that in all areas, after being really extremely weird for awhile, things are suddenly reaching a boiling point. I do so hope that Moshiach will come soon.

  21. Situation Update, Feb 17, 2023 - OPERATION CHAOS - Pattern of "accidents" points to deliberate sabotage by foreign actors.


  22. Behold, Behold, Mashiach is Coming 5783!! – Rav Yaakov Moshe Salmanovitz

  23. Trains carrying hazardous materials continue to derail around the country – is the U.S. under attack?

  24. Latest incidents [today/yesterday]

    12 car derailment Gothenburg, Nebraska - Hazmat attending.

    Medley Florida explosion.

    Williamsburg Brooklyn massive storage warehouse fire.

    Fire in alloy plant Fayette County.

    Pretty sure all these incidents are not normal activity in the US. Conspiracy theorists are keeping track, I don't have to search for them.


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