Monday, February 20, 2023

Russia's Nuclear Exercises and Adar

As we approach Adar, we also approach a ramping up from Russia, with it's nuclear forces doing "massive exercise" - on the eve of Biden's visit to Europe

We know Adar is the month of miraculous events where evil is turned around - V’nahafoch hu - the enemy’s’ efforts ultimately lead them towards becoming the source of the salvation for the Jews.

And here I want to quote Myrtle Rising about Russia: [I highly recommend clicking on that link and reading the whole blog post]

The Russian nation comes from the klippah of Dubiel ("God is my Bear"—or, in modern Hebrew  ..."God is my Teddy Bear"—ha!). 

Interestingly, even the non-Jews sense this aspect of Russia because they dubbed Russia with the moniker "the great Russian bear." 

The original nation under the klippah/sar/Heavenly representative of Dubiel was Paras—Persia. Persia existed as the initial earthly manifestation of Dubiel......when we hear about Russia's increasing aggression and victories, it stands out as a sign that Dubiel's power is reaching its which point, the only way is down. 

This is similar to Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein's parable of a dying fish which, in an effort to return to its life-giving watery habitat, thrashes around more than it ever did or ever needed to do its entire life.

Davka in the last dying moments, power often peaks. 

Dubiel is about to die, so its earthly counterpart is thrashing around. This means we now need to prepare ourselves for the approaching bell-ringing of Mashiach.


  1. Interesting how Russia shares the same ministering angel as Paras - Persia, yet considers itself third Rome from when it was under the Tsar.

  2. When we talk about "aggression" we should look at the true events of this war; the aggressors are the Eisav kings in Washington and London. Not Putin, as we are brainwashed to believe. The West has orchestrated this war from at least 2014. They want Russia weakened. Well, it's not working as the Bear is winning this war. As for the nuclear exercises, they were in response to the US exercises a few days before. Seymour Hersch has highlighted how the Bidenites are the real problem in this war and throughout the world; they blew up the Nordstream pipeline, an act of terrorism, and an impeachable offence. The ones who will be "destroyed" are the US and its allies, where we live. Oy veys mir!

  3. Agree Dodeca, but on a recent video with a Rabbi I can't remember... it is a prophecy that before Moshiach, Russia will be destroyed. Ukraine also, but Russia as well. Not sure why, and if someone remembers where I got this info from, please let us all know. :)

  4. America and NATO want Russia destroyed because Russia, along with China, are the only things getting in the way of their global hegemony. This war isn't the result of Putin but of YEARS of the West fiddling with Russia in order to provoke Russia into conflict. They're doing the same with China as well. How could anyone take the side of the US and NATO in this conflict? Americans are spending billions for Ukraine all the while people in Ohio are suffering from a toxic waste spill and millions more are dying due to lack of resources.

  5. Rebbe Nachman says that nothing will be left of Russia but a hill and a tree. Russia is the language of רשע.

  6. Thank you Chava. There was still another Rabbi who mentioned it in one of his shiurim, I'll try and find it.

  7. Rav Glatstein has a whole shiur on this topic. He mentions that it is interesting that when you look at old pictures of "Persia" it looks just like The Kremlin. I have no idea who the goodies or the baddies are. I'm also not sure how much of a Nafka Mina (practical halachic difference) there is. The West are from Esav and, according to Rav Kessin, so is Russia. According to Sir Paul Johnson's "History of the Jews", all in all over the years Russia was the most antisemitic country ever. On the other hand the US and its followers has "silently destroyed" more neshamas than probably any other country.

    Ein Lanu Al Mi Lismoch Ela Avinu Shebashamayim (We can rely on no one other than Hashem)


  8. Ukraine Official Warns World Russia's Nuclear Weapons Will 'Touch Everyone On Our Planet'.;amp

  9. The only side a Jew takes is Hashem's side, and the only consideration is is it good for the Jews. There are Jews in both Russia and Ukraine. Those in Ukraine are suffering, Russian Jews are potential hostages/scapegoat targets. And both countries are steeped in Jewish blood. Putin is not a teddy bear or your friend. He was a KGB operative. Nuff said.

    Jews should live in Israel as a united nation, not am mefuzar umefurad amongst the gentiles. We should trust in Hashem and stay out of other countries' business.


  10. NO ACCIDENTS: The oblivious masses have no idea they are being systematically EXTERMINATED by a series of planned disasters.

  11. First, to the commenters about the similarities of the nations is because all the modern nations derive from the ancient empires. The Greeks, Turks, Persians, and most likely the Russians all stem from the same sources and that relates to all the other nations. The 200 or so nations of today all derive from the 70 original nations.
    Those nations where the earth is drenched in Jewish blood are due for their 'end', but others will be punished measure for measure but not necessarily destroyed. Their powers will be withdrawn but where there are merits due, they will be rewarded for that. Everything is in the Hands of Shamayim (so to speak) and justice will be done - how, who and where, only Hashem knows!

  12. Those... who are evil and have a definite agenda ... are tools in Hashem's plan... do we think Hashem is not seeing what is going on? NO... He is keenly aware of the intentions of every heart, but His Perfect Plan will be done... for His Great Name's Sake and His Creation's purpose...

    It may seem hard to believe, or hard to grasp... but... stop looking at the what the evil is doing now, and accomplishing now... Torah is the best Place to be looking at ... especially now... It's an encourager of the faint, lifter up of our soul... and draws us closer to Hashem...

    simple thinker...

  13. Just a quick reminder about Mr Putin: he was virtually brought up by a very frum Jewish family, his karate trainer (or some such) was a Jewish woman, he went to Israel and bought his old "mamma" a flat, he has met with groups of chassidim and he has commented on their Talmudic sayings. Bottom line, he loves Jews. That's a huge merit!

  14. Thank you, Dodeca. I agree with both of your comments!
    I see that some of us Yidden here wish that the prophecy of the destruction of 140 million Russian people comes true, and the only thing that remains of Russia is a hill and a tree. At the same time, we lament and disapprove of the murder of 6 million innocent Jews during the Holocaust. Do you see the hypocrisy here?
    If we are so quick to judge Russia, then we need to also judge Jewish monsters like George Soros and Yuval Harari, who both (together with WEF) want to chip us, destroy most of humanity, and bring down the human population from 7,500 million down to 500 million. We must judge Jewish mastermind Jacques Attali, a true author of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, who wants to turn all people into transhuman garbage.
    We also need to talk about Jewish monsters like Anthony Blinken and Victoria Nuland, who masterminded the murder of innocent people of Donbas and, lately, the destruction of Nordstream pipelines bringing us closer to WW3.
    Someone in the comment said that Putin is not a teddy bear. Is Mossad, who has committed countless murders of innocent and guilty, a bunch of teddy bears, then?
    We can't judge others while not judging ourselves.
    If anything, we must tear our clothes and weep in sorrow because we have such monsters amongst our Jewish nation.
    We, as frum Jews, should stick to kindness, mercy, peace, the study of the Torah, and above all, repentance! Leave the politics alone - they only bring forth above mentioned monsters.

  15. Continuation of my comment that got truncated.....

    I only wish that Mashiach comes this year because if he comes too late, most of us might be just a bunch of transhumans that would not know right from wrong.

  16. I don't think we want to see destruction, we're just talking about various prophecies. A lot of the diaspora is supposed to be affected by various things such as weather phenomenon, and Israel will also have earthquakes and major disruptions at the time of Moshiach. But yes I guess the way we talk about it can seem as though we are all de-sensitised, I guess that's our generation and the internet bringing so many disasters right to our faces.

  17. Israel: I reported what Rebbe Nachman said. I do not wish suffering on any human being, I'd rather everyone does teshuva, Jews and non-Jews. This is something to daven for. It's very hard in this world to see clearly to do the right thing. Each of us has a yetzer hora and free will. Even though it's hard for us not to judge people, it's best to leave the judging to Hash-m, Who actually knows what's going on in people's hearts.

  18. I highly recommend this Rabbi for Torah lectures and Musar. Enjoy!!!(. I have heard first 3 lectures and these are incredible

  19. The prophecy you were referring to was the Vilna Gaon's and is on the same (myrtlerising) site that your italics excerpt quoted.

    Scroll down to the word "Constantinople" and also "Istanbul" in the following site:

    P.S. Never mind Putin, perhaps todays' Russian population/soldiers are reincarnations of some of the cruel Czars and pogrom-instigators of the past.

  20. Re link posted by M.M : But as long as Russia stays out of Crimea/Constantinople, the "bells of Mashiach" have not actually rung.

    Well the Russians have already invaded Crimea..

  21. They took over Crimea in the previous shmittah year.

    1. The current war is actually a continuation of the Russian takeover of Crimea in 2014. So I have read in the news. So that there is every reason to believe that Moshiach's revelation is quite literally imminent.

      According to Rav Alexander Hool, he will reveal himself by Tisha B'Av of this year.

  22. Re Chava, So now what?

  23. Try this shiur from Rabbi Hool

  24. Yes Devorah around min 26 in that shiur rabbi Hool talks about it. Thank you for that great shiur!

  25. The Gemara said the Redemption from Egypt was in Nissan and the future Redemption will be in Nissan

  26. So now what? We wait and daven and expect Moshiach, please G-d.

  27. "Many of us know the famous Zohar that’s written in the simplest words about Techiyas Hameisim starting before 210 years before the year 6000. The final end of Yemos HaMoshiach and the time Olam Haba will start by. The Zohar is never wrong about a positive prophecy. To make it even more exciting, the Leshem (Rav Shlomo Elyashiv) wrote that Techiyas Hameisim will start by 5786. The Zohar has to be right, and very possibly the Leshem will be right about the sooner date. We have all the signs throughout the world that Moshiach is imminent. We know that Moshiach and the Beis Hamikdash come before Techiyas Hameisim. It’s 5783, a motzei shemittah year. We know that the Gemara says that if we are not worthy of Moshiach coming achishena (early), it will come during Motzei Shemittah, especially the month of Nissan. Just weeks away."

    From a comment on Yeshiva World

  28. Sounds perfect to me, thanks Anonymous.

  29. Ron: Your comment was not published because the link you provided is not within my Torah guidelines to link to.

  30. Devorah, what do you mean precisely? Ron

  31. The site is not somewhere I would recommend learning from. So I choose not to link to it.

  32. Russian President Vladimir Putin said Wednesday that he will strengthen Russia's nuclear forces, announcing that his military is prepared to deploy a new intercontinental ballistic missile system with hypersonic missiles and new nuclear submarines.

  33. I personally do not think anyone has a clue about what is going to happen in the future, and a lot of the statements made regarding current events are just reactionary. In the same way I support Israel's right to the land, not by having an emotional reaction to current events, but rather by reading Torah and history to gain a better understanding of the issues, so I do likewise in this matter of Russia and the war in Ukraine. Jews, I believe have an unconscious bias against Russia and this plays into some of the negative sentiments. I will remind Jews that Russia saved the world from Nazi Germany, and they deserve a little respect.

  34. For 5.16am, with the offensive moniker.

    The term unconscious bias is nonsensical. Unconscious means that someone is unable to think, in which case a bias is pretty much impossible.

    I will remind you that we know our history and our present, and we don't need your support or approval, or to be told what to think or feel, as if we were a collective and not individuals. You obviously look down on us, to be able to barge in on a Jewish space and talk down to us so condescendingly. Whatever views any Jew holds they are their own, and I am quite sure are quite conscious.

  35. Thanks Anonymous, I didn't have the strength or time to deal with that one this morning.
    You made me laugh as well.
    And to the offensive moniker.... Jews don't write those 4 letters in english or in Hebrew. We don't use that term at all. It is disrespectful. We say "Hashem" which means "the name". We don't actually SAY the name.

  36. I have been listening to Rabbi Mendel Kessin for quite a while (thanks greatly to you Devorah) and one of the ideas that he taught and which I find very relevant in today's climate is this: we live in a little house with a door and a window. The window, which takes up all our attention is closing and closing, blocking the light. It is very dark and the window pane is almost down to a micro millimeter of light. One more push down and pitch darkness is around us, but just in time before that fateful moment, the door behind us bursts open with great fury and our little house is flooded with the most beautiful and clear light. The darkness is a the path that forces the door to open.

  37. Excellent breakdown of where we are right now. Thank you Dodeca.

  38. With impeccable timing for this thread, Rav Palvanov's latest shiur, Third Rome, refutes all the Russian stanning on this thread.

    A Jew puts his trust in Hashem, not basar vedam, and not in a Russian bear hug, and doesn't act as a kategor for the nations against Am Yisrael, twisting the historical narrative with false equivalences. This is doubly true for Jewish men who should use whatever sechel Hashem gave them to learn and spread Torah.



    BREAKING; Iran enriched uranium particles up to 83.7% purity, 0.3% away from nuclear weapons grade.

    Israel Air Force is expected to strike Iranian Uranium Plants or any key strategic areas to stop Iran from obtaining Nuclear Weapons.

  40. Iran could make enough fissile for one nuclear bomb in "about 12 days", a top US Defense Department official says - Reuters


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