Monday, February 13, 2023

Making Your Own Messiah [and UFOs]

There are so many things going on at the moment, and it's not so easy to know which ones are real and which aren't.  The real events are also being manipulated, and it's only through Torah that you can separate the truth from the lies.  Basically, if it fits with the Torah's description of the End of Days, I think it's real.  That's my rationale anyway.  

While I was researching other things, I came across this:  Project Blue Beam -  "the idea that, if you can't find a messiah, you can use technology to make one". [Source] [I haven't listened to the podcast]  It's called a "conspiracy theory" but like a lot of other conspiracy theories, this one is actually true, and seems to be coming to life in 2023.  You can find other references to Project Blue Beam if you Google.

The Turkey quake: many believe that was brought about by HAARP.  I also believe that now.  Clue: the flashing blue light beforehand and the clanging noises.  [I have linked to my blog post on the lights and sounds, and as you can see the video has been taken down by You Tube. and the account terminated - too much information for the general public to be made aware of.] These strange noises, and other trumpet like sounds, are also HAARP, and not the trumpets that the Xtians think is a sign of the End.

Whether or not these trumpet-like sounds are deliberately being made to make the JC worshippers think it's all happening again..... is speculation but possibly true.  They want to make their own messiah because they also know the real one is coming.  Who are they?  Shrug... I actually have no idea who "they" are.... but it's a giant band of evil and it's fighting the coming Geula. 

There's too many politics for me to try and explain why they decided to destroy Turkey, I am not political and there's plenty of other people who can explain all that, go ahead and do so in the comments if you feel like it.  Just look to America if you're looking for the evil.  And look to America if you're looking for the evil in the Russia/Ukraine war.  And the blowing up of the Nordstream Gas lines. Putin is not the bad guy here.  We're just not being given all the information.

Nevertheless, all of this has been sanctioned by Hashem, of course, nothing happens in the world unless Hashem okays it.  So German has problems with gas.... there's a midda kneged midda if ever there was one.  Ukraine [Ekron] needs to be destroyed? Again something that has been foretold as happening. 

Hashem is using the evil to do His job at the End of Days.  We are the ones who wanted to be here to watch it all go down.  Here we all are, and we are watching the show.  We all just need to keep an open mind and remember that just like Alice in Wonderland, nothing is really as it appears to be anymore.


  1. One of the things they want to distract us from with all these UFO's is this:

  2. Flashing lights and noises have been features of the build up to earthquakes on many occasions.

    They do not prove that HAARP was used to make this earthquake.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. London Male: See this FB link if you have FB
    It doesn't prove anything, but other people are very sure it was HAARP

  4. Fascinating article from
    2008 pointing to 5783 as the year MBY is freed, galus edom ends, & the rebuilding of the bais hamikdash begins

  5. They are trying to condition the masses to want to shoot down the Beit HaMikdash when it comes down from Heaven. Sure other distractions and deception too, but they've never made a big deal of shooting down objects before and linking it with UFOs.. The evildoers know what is coming.

  6. what about what is happening in Israel today...sickening. thousands protesting to safeguard a Jewish state while Israeli 6, 8, and 20 year olds were murdered and others hurt. no protests about that! and number of religious jews making aliyah is so low. as a religious israeli jew living in Israel, don't know how much longer Jewish Israel can hold on.

  7. sorry...miswrote...'thousands protesting against safeguarding a jewish state...'

  8. Here we go again. first Dov Bar Leib and now this. Why do so many Israeli residents assume that most of us in chutz laaretz have supreme health and resources? (which is what it takes to make aliyah)

    So how about, Lisa, you meet me halfway. Forget the resources for now. How about you just trade me your state-of-health for my state-of-health, including orthopedic/vascular/muscular/neurological/podiatric health? Then I'll take it from there, and see what I can do about making aliyah.

  9. Just a reminder: Hash-m is the only Cause. We need Moshiach, if only for the family of the two little boys and the kallah of the young man murdered on Friday afternoon.

  10. In Response to Lisa, the number of religous Jews in Israel is growing rapidly. There may be thousands protesting today. But there are tens if not hundreds of thousands or even a million or more good Jews in Israel learning torah, keeping Mitzvos and making Hashem proud.

    THAT is why the geulah is nearly here.


  11. Lisa, Jewish Israel is here to stay for eternity. No worry about that; maybe the 'state' will change to Eretz Yisrael. Netzach Yisrael Lo Y'Shaker!
    This thing with the earthquakes, most likely man-made and also I've read many times that the ptb's are trying to hide the 'Nibiru' factor and so there are many manipulations here. Devorah's article is spot on! Also, a few (a # of years back) read on other excellent blogs about the notzri/nwo was already exposing their hologram and other such space things to bring about their messiah. Basically, they all understand the true Moshiach is almost here and they are working hard to undermine his coming and will try to fool the people that their makeshift one is the real one. Nothing will deter our Goel tzedek from coming. Only Hashem is in Control!

  12. anonymous at 11:10

    why would you even think i would be implying that sick, poor, caring for relatives, etc. should make aliyah? i never stated that. calm down...perhaps, i was thinking of my wealthy, young relatives who just enjoy the american way of life. i wish you better health and only happiness.

  13. Yes Lisa I have no idea why Anon wrote that to you. A bit of confusion I think.

  14. Lisa, please do not despair, regardless of the news. Be"D we are nearly there. I know that it's hard to ignore the news completely, but we should try not to be discouraged by it. Do you understand Hebrew? If so, I'll post links of encouraging links by Israeli rabbonim.

    As for all the outlandish news, imho, I think that people are too focused on it. Shevet Levi was saved from shiabud Mitzrayim, because they focused on Torah.

    To anon, with poor health, first of all refua shleima, bekarov memash. According to the Pew Research about 80% of Jews in America are happy with their health, finances and lives in general. And for the most part, up until now at least, they have not been interested in aliya. Personally, I find it unconscionable that the Jewish state does not help ALL Jews who wish to make aliya do so, including and especially those in vulnerable situations, and instead the Non-Jewish Agency brings a majority of gentiles and showers them with resources.

    When the Jews were escaping the USSR in the aftermath of WW2, everyone wishing to leave was obliged to give all their money to the cause which was used to help everyone. Thus, no-one was left behind on account of a lack of funds. We don't have to be so extreme these days, but I would suggest that Jews create groups of about ten adults, out of which eight people help two in vulnerable situations, whether financially, socially etc. There is still affordable housing in Israel, away from the centre. People should make aliya in multiple groups of ten to these places, and support each other.

    Now that there is a right-wing government, anyone wishing to make aliya, should get organised and contact the relevant MKs to push for removal of the obstacles.

    The most important thing is to fix one's ratzon, what one truly wishes, regardless of the reality, and focus on that. Be"D yeshuat Hashem kheref ayin.


  15. It is my understanding that Project Blue Beam may have its roots in the Social Credit Party of Canada -- a worldview with strong anti-Semitic tropes. Based on that it is unlikely those discussions will lead anywhere

  16. Distraction with "alien spacecraft" what a joke they are. Do they really think people believe this nonsense?
    Meanwhile in Ohio there is a catastrophic trains derailment of toxic chemicals which has shut down Ohio

  17. I should have said East Palestine, Ohio. That's the name of the area.
    You can't make this stuff up.

  18. We are also being distracted from the fact that the usa blew up the Nordstream Gas Lines.

  19. This text was copied from a video - it is supposedly their "plan" - the Ufo's are just the start.

    Project Blue Beam: The next step is a gigantic Space Light Show, 3D optical holograms and sounds, laser projections of multiple holographic images. When the project is activated, a 'messiah" will appear in every country, representing that country's biggest religion. Thus Muslims will see Mohammed and Xtians will see JC and so on.
    All these "gods" will melt into one god - the New World Religious Leader.

  20. Another toxic train derailment, this time in Texas. Someone is sabotaging trains in the US carrying toxic chemicals.

  21. According to what we know, quakes are the beginning of the birthpangs. Birthpangs generally begin at 37 weeks into the pregnancy. Lets count 3 weeks from the Turkey quake and we arrive at 7 Adar, birthday of Moshe Rabbeinu.

  22. I'd just like to point out again, amongst all the above comments, that Hash-m is THE Cause. Regardless of plans of man. Hash-m knows exactly what's going to happen, and at the same time we have free will. This is something that is impossible for the human mind to understand. There are plenty of people doing evil things of all types in Olam HaZeh. This too is part of Hash-m's plan. We can try to focus on the good, and try our best to serve Hash-m with joy and to daven for the Geula Shleimah.

  23. agree with anonymous at 7:20...jews who want to live in Israel, but need various kinds of help need to be assisted. then perhaps, help to Syria for earthquake victims, help to non jewish pple coming to Israel, assistance to ukraine... etc. i'd feel much better knowing my israeli taxes went to help jews making aliyah!

  24. I just read this somewhere else, I'm slightly changing the words: "There's a lot of talk about project blue beam. Remember 911? You can clearly see it was a cover up. There was no plane. Only a controlled demolition. It was a test run of blue beam. It was a success. It was all hologram."

    I think this statement is true. Those "planes" we saw we holograms. They blasted the sound of the planes through speakers, and people "saw planes", but no plane ever hit those buildings. No plane can slice through a building like that. There are videos that prove it was CGI, aka Project Blue Beam.

    911 was a test run for what we are about to get now. UFOs are just the start.

  25. The same intense blue lights coming from the sky were seen before the second quake yesterday 20 Feb. Same lights as the first quake two weeks ago. ALso the same clanging noises. Like someone's starting up heavy machinery.
    I know about earthquake lights, but these were bright blue. I've seen several videos, not on the internet though, these days the only news that seems to be accurate is coming from tiktok.

    The question for me is... what is causing these lights... is it HAARP or is it from the Nibiru system around us. It is all around us by the way, and soon I will upload photos of what people are seeing all over the world.

    I agree this is all Hashem's plan but I would like to know where these intense blue lights come from.


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