Thursday, August 22, 2024

Rabbi Mendel Kessin speaks about the Messiah

This is from 2018 but has been re-uploaded to You Tube.


Anonymous said...

Someone please translate this short video. Thanks


Devorah said...

You can navigate to english subtitles but I'll type it up anyway. Give me a few minutes.

Devorah said...

Here are the English subtitles, I didn't change anything.

right now I want to show you that everything that is happening in the world is connected to  salvation and to the people of Israel.  Yemen, we haven't heard from them recently, what is happening there.  There is a historic flood there, tens and tens of dead, the wires have fallen silent, in Mecca strong natural blow natural in gematria. G-d helps and participates with the attacks of the people of Israel at the moment when the people of Israel are strong.  And we will not give in to the gentiles, as soon as we don't give in to the Gentiles who demand us to withdraw then we will receive help from Heaven. Just like what is happening right now in Lebanon, they don't have electricity and it's not because of Israel, they don't have electricity because it's the same concept, as soon as the people of Israel are strong then the Creator helps us. Pay attention to the verse of redemption and Hashem On them it will be seen and come out like a lightning bolt and the name in the shofar will stick and go in the hairs of Yemen.  Exactly what is happening is he brings arrows to them.

ל.ל. said...

in the video rabbi Kessin says that "now year 2010"

Devorah said...

It must be an error on the You Tube listing. He does look a lot younger so it probably should read 2010.

batya said...

Oh yes! If we would only be strong and not yield to the gentiles... oy...

Anonymous said...

How Israel will win vs Iran
