Monday, August 5, 2024

The Final Redemption

"The Final Redemption" is here.

R’ Doniel Stochel introduces a brand new website about all the secrets of the imminent redemption from Yaakov’s Vayechi Torah Matrix and his book entitled “Until the hour of the Final Redemption”. 

Read through the few pages of the website: The Final Redemption …then - watch the “introduction video” so you’ll understand what it is all about…then and only then watch the revelatory Matrix #1-22 Windows in Vayechi to see the Nevuah (Prophecy) of Yaakov our father, just as he promised to reveal it all to us, his children, now at the very last Days before Mashiach Ben Yoseph rises up and versus the entire world. 


  1. I can't find anything about R’ Doniel Stochel on the Internet. Who is he?

  2. He's someone I've known via email for many years. Not everyone has their name plastered all over the internet. You can see exactly who he is if you watch the introduction video, he's narrating it.

  3. Which introduction video? Can you provide a link?

  4. Never mind. This is it:

  5. I'll leave the link there for others to click on to, but probably better to access it via the website so you can see the other info there.

  6. can someone tell me what it says?

  7. Rivkah, it's a Torah code, I'm not transcribing it sorry. You can go to the site and read whatever is written there.

  8. BEH:
    I’m sorry but it is — so much more than “a Torah code.” It is actually unique in its view of the Torah from an encoded sense - if you read through the website (ask your internet filter provider to unlock it for you).

    As you read through it and then start watching the Window presentations in their order you will see we are not searching the entire Torah backwards and forward randomly finding 3 or 4 encoded words, . Just the opposite. Everything you will see is all only appearing from just one small and fixed Torah grid of Vayechi. Then you will begin to grasp many deep and amazing redemption related concepts from Yaakov Avinu our father, who wanted to show it to us “during our present day the “Last Days of troubles” only to inspire us to a complete teshuvah - just before Mashiach arrives. Please enjoy and post to your statuses to share with as many others that you can.

    The Geulah Shilaimah is coming in the blink of an eye so: “אל תירא עבדי יעקוב“ — no matter what happens in the coming months.

  9. Thanks for posting Devorah.
    The codes the Rabbi has found hint at a redemption process which will intensify in Elul next year, 13 months from now. But not fully reach Geula until a year later.
    But we have to remember these dates can change depending on Hashem.
    The name linked to Gog is extraordinary, it is someone most of us have heard of, but not President, King or Prime minister. Unless that name is the secret name of someone else who was a President.

    1. "next year, next year, next year..." enough already

    2. Which video are you referring to?

  10. BEH:
    He is the secret founder of radical suicidal Jihad Islam - that’s Gog whom you likely never heard of by name, just as Yichezkel (38-:17) clearly
    saw and seemingly “asks” as if in a surprise question “You are Gog? spoken about in earlier times (prophesied by the early Prophets Eldad and Meidad)??? A real nobody - just a tool of Hashem - that’s who Gog truly is -as revealed in the coming book:
    “Until the hour of The Final Redemption.”
    …as is a lot more revealed just like it.

  11. I saw Harav Amnon Yitzchak mentioned in some of the videos. Is it saying he’s Mashiach?

  12. Brand New Moshiach Video and Update from Ari Goldwag! Worth making its own blogpost on this!


  13. Thanks Zev, I saw that come through in some comments on Dov bar Leib's blog and then got distracted and forgot about it.

  14. 7. Salvation of Mashiach Ben Yoseph is the ITCHALTA D'GEULAH– Imminent Start of the Final Redemption.

    In the video list on youtube

    It says: 4 Sivan 5786. = May 5786.

    Also Harav Amnon Yitzhak is mentioned a lot. Have a look.

  15. Wow, now things are starting to get exciting.
    But the Mashiach does not work alone, he depends on the orders from Shamayim.
    Keep going and stay strong, Israel.
    Tefilah, Teshuva and Tzedaka, even in ordinary days.


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