Monday, October 7, 2024

A House of Many Lies

I published this video of Netanyahu at the U.N.  in 2011, but the words he is saying apply just as well today as they did then.

And let's not forget that the Rebbe told him that "you can stay here until the arrival of the Messiah"


Devorah said...

Twelve Months of Fighting the Erev Rav

Anonymous said...

Ari Goldwag

Much food for thought. An unusual angle of the Jews in the German galut. And the great merit of those who even yearn to go to Israel.


Anonymous said...

馃摙New class from R Ron Chaya:
The missiles attack of Iran on Israel is the sign of Amalek . Oh Go-d of Israel, hit all of them!!

In the Zohar that the rav cited in his last classes, namely Zohar at the end of Balak, it talks about the king that dies on 25th of ellul.

Nasralla = gematria of 'melech Romi' , (ie. the king of Rome, words of that specific Zohar ) = 362


I'll continue translating within the next 48h I hope.

Devorah said...

Thank you Dave, please keep us up-dated.