Thursday, October 10, 2024

Lebanon and Iran in the End of Days

Rabbi Efraim Palvanov

Exploring the significance of Lebanon and Iran in End Times prophecies and their relation to current global events. Also: who was the mysteriously long-living prophetess Serach bat Asher? Where is the Phoenix found in the Bible and what does it have to do with the Messiah? What are the spiritual and historical origins of the ancient cities of Beirut, Tyre, and Isfahan? And what is the deeper meaning behind the seven voices of God in Psalm 29?


Devorah said...

He speaks about the Star on 25 Elul at the very beginning of the shiur. It is the comet, as I originally thought, not the "star" as xtians are saying all over the place.

It is the comet known as C2024 S1 Atlas.

I'm so glad he clarified that, because with both the star and the comet appearing on the same day, it was quite confusing.
This comet is very big.

Anonymous said...

very interesting

Anonymous said...

This is INCREDIBLE!!! Rabbi Palvanov has confirmed with tremendous proof and insight that we are in the final 70 days before Moshiach!!!!

The star appeared on the 25th (on a Friday!), the leader of a Roman city (nasrallah) was killed on that same day, as the Zohar says! So much proof! I’m getting my Moshiach clothing ready! We have no more than 60 days less until yemos hamoshiach!!!


Devorah said...

Maybe even sooner. Yehudis I'm as excited as you are, and it does say somewhere that everyone will know when Moshiach is coming, and maybe this is how they know... with the star etc.

Anonymous said...

Most people don’t know about the star. I asked about 20 people in shul on Rosh Hashana and they had no idea what I was talking about.


Devorah said...

I know, people generally don't know about any of this.

I expect that the comet/star will intensify and get to the point where people are talking about nothing else. They'll know about it soon enough.

Devorah said...

But.... like I said on another post.... there are countless xtians talking about the Star of Jacob, but they are looking at a star, not the comet. There is a big star up there that just arrived, same time as the comet, and this is called T coronae boraelis... and it's going to blow up. Rav Chaya thinks this star is the Kochav Yaakov.
And that ties in with the Oct 7 festival "Nova" or "Supernova" as it was called, which started this war, which could last exactly a year, ending on Simchat Torah coming up soon. We don't know.

Devorah said...

[the comet] apparently it is still intact after passing through the closest point to the Sun this weekend and is now heading towards the ends of the solar system, but before that, it will pass very close to Earth on October 12th, being only 70 million km away. To give you an idea, today it is 120 million km away, meaning it will be twice as close to us on that date! Hopefully it will be twice as big and bright too! ✨☀️☄️ It is visible to the naked eye until the 4th before sunrise, far to the east. It can get much stronger, but for now it is something that requires attention and a place without lights, outside the city. After that day, it will start to rise together with the Sun, remaining hidden until the 10th, when it will reappear at sunset for a few more days.

Devorah said...

[the comet] apparently it is still intact after passing through the closest point to the Sun this weekend and is now heading towards the ends of the solar system, but before that, it will pass very close to Earth on October 12th, being only 70 million km away. To give you an idea, today it is 120 million km away, meaning it will be twice as close to us on that date! Hopefully it will be twice as big and bright too! ✨☀️☄️ It is visible to the naked eye until the 4th before sunrise, far to the east. It can get much stronger, but for now it is something that requires attention and a place without lights, outside the city. After that day, it will start to rise together with the Sun, remaining hidden until the 10th, when it will reappear at sunset for a few more days.

Michael Margolis said...

they all get this "King" wrong. sorry, this is not a leader in the world of nations as the guy here says.. This one's identity may be discovered mentioned in the Treatise on the left Emanation if you want to discover the TRUTH. so many inaccuracies here but this is the key to the geulah which we are already within: ZOHAR: BALAK 503." In the center of the world, when that star will shine in the centre of heaven/RAQIA, a great king and ruler will rise in the world. He will have haughty disposition over all the kings and provoke war on the two sides, and will overpower them."

503. וּבְאֶמְצָעוּת עָלְמָא, כַּד יִתְּנְהִיר הַהוּא כֹּכָבָא, בְּאֶמְצָעוּת רְקִיעָא. יְקוּם מַלְכָּא חַד רַב וְשָׁלִיט בְּעַלְמָא, וְיִתְגָּאֶה רוּחֵיהּ עַל כָּל מַלְכִין, וְיִתְּעַר קְרָבִין בִּתְרֵין סִטְרִין, וְיִתְגַּבָּר עָלַיְיהוּ.
Also the "kings" of the three nations Persia, Arabia and Edom are the SARIM/ the folk souls of the three peoples. They must join together in the human world with the SAR GADOL(from Daniel)to have pulled off what is happening now. The "King" of Persia who is a SAR/minister angel has already destroyed the old world. We are in a new one folks NOW!

Anonymous said...

Didn't Rav Cordavero (lived approx 500 years ago) describe it as appearing like a "jack"? With the comet's tails of rocks, ice and gases appearing so?


Devorah said...

Yes CS it's described here
The comet will keep growing tails, so maybe it will morph into the object described.
The star... I don't know what that will do, except blow up.