Wednesday, October 16, 2024

The Moon is on Steroids

This was how the moon looked last night in several places around the world.

Look up tonight and check out the full moon.


Anonymous said...

So is the sun.
So white
So bright everyone is saying it
Can't function without sunglasses

Devorah said...


Devorah said...

You actually need sunglasses for the moon these days.

Anonymous said...

So my Rav here in Kew Gardens, a Chabad rabbi although I didn’t grow up Chabad told me that moshiach loves curries and other Indian food. The problem is that a lot of it mixes meat and milk. He said moshiach is about to arrive and he needs someone to cook him kosher Indian food. Tandoori tandoori tandoori that is your mission is what he told me. So I have been buying Indian cookbooks and trying to make kosher Indian food as close to the authentic recipes as possible. But I think we can all work on this. Does anyone want to help me adapt these recipes to be one hundred percent kosher. I don’t mind sharing my role

Devorah said...

How does he know Moshiach likes curries?

I'll be signing off soon for 3 days, Yomtov and Shabbas.
Chag sameach.

Anonymous said...

I don’t know. He’s one of the great rabbonim. He knows a lot of stuff