Sunday, December 8, 2024

Syria, Assad and Geula

H/t Jack Fried

From Rabbi Alon Anava's book


  1. Thank you!! me from Canada, also I just read this week's Parsha Vayishlach 33-13 "until I come to my lord at Seir" in other words; I'll see you at the end of days in Syria. And it is possible that USA comes in to deal with the situation? and will Russia go after Turkey since they have a big part in this- another prophecy? Are the other wars going to shift to Syria now?

  2. Thank you Jack and Devorah!

  3. The Assad regime has fallen!! Put your Moshiach dancing shoes on!!!!!!


  4. I looked up the source he quotes, interestingly enough it mentions Niron HaMizrachi (sounds like a football player) but also Niron HaMaaravi. Definitely exciting times.


  5. Amen, may we see Mosiach now. No doubt the CIA was behind this. They are behind every coup and government overthrow. The people of Syria wont be celebrating for long when they finally realize that the rebels are an Al-Queda backed group who want a Taliban like government.

  6. "When Niron Mizrachi AND the kingdom to the East of Israel falls down, then will be the salvation for the People of Israel". SO, Niron Mizrachi felt, but NOT the kingdom, as the Prime Minister, Mohammad Ghazi al-Jalali, acknowledged the fall of President Assad's Baathist government and announced that he was extending his hand to the opposition, EMPHASIZING THE PRESERVATION OF STATE INSTITUTIONS. It seems it will take a bit longer.
    I also have issues with the guematria of Niron Mizrachi and its name. The guematria is taking a short version of its common name, at least in Western countries, naming him Bashar Assad, and not Bashar al-Assad.

    1. Tomer Devorah linked to an old blog post by Yeranen Yaakov, where it shows they actually called him Nero of the East

      Also don't forget this occurred 70 days after the Star [comet Atlas] appeared on 25 Elul as prophesized, so I think we can safely say Assad is the leader of Damascus referred to in the prophecy by R Shimon bar Yochai.

    2. Thank you. Quite clarifying!

    Short clip Netanyahu responds to the collapse of Assad regime


  9. I hear R'Palvanov will soon have out a new class about this!!

    1. Yes, he changed the topic for tonight's shiur to cover the recent events in Syria. It was supposed to be part 3 of Edom, but now it will be about Kochav Yaakov and Assad.

  10. Wow!!! great class by R'Glatstein - it's Chanukah!!!:


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