Monday, December 30, 2024

The Reckoning Begins


by Afshine Emrani  MD FACC

2025: The Reckoning Begins 

Carter’s death marks the end of a dying era. 
Obama’s sinister grip on America crumbles into irrelevance. 
Trump returns, triumphant, to restore what was stolen. 
A global shift erupts: Iran breaks its chains, the mullahs fall, and freedom rises from the ashes. 
America reclaims its greatness, casting out corruption and embracing strength. 
Israel awakens, fulfilling its Biblical destiny as a light unto the nations. 
The world stands on the precipice of prophecy fulfilled. 
This is not a time for complacency. 
This is the Messianic Era. 
Are you awake to the truth?


  1. More from Afshine

    Jimmy Carter has finally shuffled off this mortal coil, and now the world is about to be subjected to the nauseating spectacle of his canonization. Let's not forget, this man, who paraded around with a veneer of holiness, had a troubling inability to tell right from wrong.

    Carter, the so-called "man of peace," thought Yasser Arafat was a model leader, even advising him behind the scenes on how to polish his image. His disdain for Israel was palpable; he smeared the nation with baseless accusations of apartheid in his book's title and beyond, and didn't shy away from slandering Judaism itself.

    And let's not overlook his bizarre admiration for the Ayatollah Khomeini, whom he had the gall to call a "saint" and liken to Gandhi. His judgment was so clouded that he saw divinity in a man whose regime would plunge Iran into decades of darkness and oppression.

    Carter's legacy? A trail of diplomatic disasters and moral confusions. But the worst part? Barack Obama picked up where Carter left off, continuing to bolster the evil Iranian regime. Obama, with his deceitful charm, funneled billions back into Iran's coffers through the nuclear deal, essentially funding terrorism and the spread of Islamic extremism. His administration's policy was a disgrace, sacrificing American and Israeli security for a false peace with a regime that chants "Death to America."

    Yes. Carter was responsible for October 7th. Elections have consequences.
    Both Carter and Obama should be remembered not for their sanctimonious posturing but for their role in enabling some of the darkest forces in the modern world. Carter and Obama started the EVIL Leftist marriage of Marxist and Islamist ideology. Trump will end this.

    2024 ends evil. 2025 Begins Light. During Chanukah. Another miracle on God's Plan.

  2. This is a big relief to all of us. I am absolutely infuriated at Jimmy Carter. I have probably twenty books on him and his disastrous administration. I’m still angry when I wake up every morning largely because of that avoda zaranik. It’s a bit of obsession with me, reading and rereading the Wikipedia article about him and wondering how anyone could have ever voted for him


  3. Jimmy Carter will be remembered as the modern day Vespasian. Just as Vespasian was eating ergot in the Greek temples on his way to Israel, so was Jimmy Carter taking illicit substances at Woodstock before his “march” on Israel with the Camp David Affair. Besides that, there was his giveaway of the Panama Canal, his legalization of home brewed beer, and his disastrous handling of the Uganda Tanzania War. It was copied today by his student Justin Trudeaumalek who similarly legalized marijuana. Now it’s time for the reign of Antoninus Pius who will reverse the criminal dealings of Carter’s minions.


  4. The old rasha indeed! He’s been haunting my dreams for decades. For the first time in forty eight years I have a sense of peace and finally can sleep well!


  5. Don’t forget Walter Mondalelek. He was a big rasha too

  6. " Elected in 1976 defeating the incumbent ho-hum Republican Gerald Ford. As an unknown peanut farmer and governor of Georgia, many pro-Israel Jews voted for him as a lesser of two evils. After all, the re-election of Ford meant another four years of Kissinger, which nobody wanted. Carter was an unknown, his views on Israel ambiguous, so pro-Israel Jews looking for better days roll the dice on Carter.

    Early warning signs: Carter appoints Andrew Young as UN Ambassador. Young’s glowing reviews of the PLO—include calling them "intelligent and decent" - is alarming...

    Jimmy Carter's beer-guzzling brother red-neck brother, Billy Carter shows open support for Gadhafi and the Arab world proclaiming: “There's a hell of a lot more Arabians than there is Jews." Jimmy Carter tries to disassociate himself from Billy Carter's blatant anti-Semitism, but never expresses his clear disapproval. Smart Jews figure it out that Jimmy and Billy are cut from the same cloth.

    Carter vs Israel: While sweet-talking the public about his "commitment to Israel's security," Carter's behind the scenes pressures PM Rabin to hand over land to the PLO and shrink Israel back to its pre-1967 borders. Carter insists that the Palestinian Liberation Organization, led by Yasser Arafat, enter the negotiation process. Carter publicly sides with the Arabs in saying that Israel would have to withdraw back to the pre-Six Day War 1967 borders. In the end, PM Begin buckles to the pressure and gives up the Sinai.

    Let's not forget Iran: Carter and his administration help Khomeini overthrow the Shah, turning Iran from a reliable pro-West ally to the center of fundamentalist terror. Well done, Jimmy

    As an ex-president Carter doubles down on his anti-Israel rhetoric with op-ed articles, speeches, and books. A failed president, he reinvents himself as a “humanitarian”. His Carter Center is funded generously by Arab interests. His masterpiece? "Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid."

    Moral of the story: Anti-Semites like Carter are the most dangerous, because you don’t see it coming. When Carter first entered the White House, PM Rabin said to his advisors: "From what I've heard, he sounds like a pie-in-the-sky-do-gooder, with visions of curing all the ills of the world, beginning with our own. My fear is he's going to embark on a misbegotten crusade to bring peace to the Holy Land and end up a misinformed meddler embroiling us all in an inferno." (The Prime Ministers, Yehuda Avner, p.324)
    Indeed, watch out for "do-gooders"… the ones with the big smiles. "

  7. Did I hear that Germany shut down 3 mosques? I wonder what Trump will do after New Orleans attack similar to xmas market attack? will this start the war between Edom and Yishmael?


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