Thursday, December 12, 2024

The Tov Sh'b'Eisav

Did you happen to listen to Rabbi Anava's shiur yesterday.... Who Are You Kidding?

He showed us a totally different way of looking at Eisav.  

Anyway.....this short clip below just randomly appeared on my feed.   It seems to again prove that Trump is the tov sh'b'Eisav - the good side of Eisav - as Rabbi Kessin has told us for years. Watch til the end and hear what he says, it's like a confession that he is indeed the TOV she'b'Eisav, and he's done teshuvah this time around.


Anonymous said...

Trump had a brother with addiction issues who died. He is very disciplined when it comes to substances like alcohol. It might be why he is so tough on drug trafficking at the southern border.

Anonymous said...

Why Persia today is a continuation of Haman and Amalek against the Jewish people

Rabbi Hajoff's latest.