A 30-year-old guy goes to Rav Chaim Kanievsky to receive a beracha [blessing] for a Shidduch [marriage partner]. Rav Chaim Shlit"a tells him, "Your Bashert [soul mate, intended partner] wasn't born yet. It should be with Beracha Vehatzlaha [blessing and success]"
The news hit the man hard and he left the house crying, asking himself why he has to wait so long for a Shidduch.
Two months later, he comes back to Rav Chaim Shlit"a and announces he's engaged to a Giyoret [female convert to Judaism] who had just converted a month earlier.
[Note: when a person converts to Judaism it is as if they are re-born. They receive a new name , and even a new birthday - the day of the conversion]
Source: KikarHaShabat