Rabbi Kessin gives a fascinating shiur, highly recommended [by me] :)
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Who Will Build the Third Temple, Man or G-d?
A Building of the Heavens or of the Earth
There is a classic difference of opinion between our Rabbis regarding the construction of the Third Beis HaMikdash. The Rambam states [1] that the Beis HaMikdash will be built by man, more specifically by Mashiach. Indeed, its construction will be one of the signs of Mashiach’s advent.
Rashi, [2] by contrast, explains that the Beis HaMikdash has already been constructed by G‑d and exists in the Heavenly realms, waiting for the time when it will descend to the earth. For the Third Beis HaMikdash will be “the Sanctuary of G‑d, established by Your hands.” [3] When the setting within the world is appropriate, this Heavenly structure will descend and become an actual reality within our material world.
Each of these views is based upon sources in the works of our Sages. [4] There is, however, a unique historical point which supports the Rambam’s position. Our Sages relate [5] that in the era of Rabbi Yehoshua ben Chananiah, the Romans granted the Jews permission to rebuild the Beis HaMikdash. Joyous at the opportunity they were granted, our people rushed to begin the preparations for building only to have the project thwarted by the intervention of the Samaritans. What is significant, however, is that they planned to build the Beis HaMikdash through their own efforts; they did not wait for it to descend from the heavens.
Will We Be Worthy?
This account can, however, be reconciled with Rashi’s view. To explain: Our Sages [6] note the apparent contradiction between two verses describing the coming of Mashiach. One verse states:[7] “Behold, one like a son of man came on the clouds of heaven.” It is, however, also written: [8] “Your king will come... like a poor man riding on a donkey.” In resolution, our Sages explain that if the Jews are found worthy, Mashiach will come “on the clouds of heaven”; if they do not merit, he will come “like a poor man riding on a donkey.” Similarly, in other contexts, our Sages describe one course for the Redemption if the Jews’ conduct is meritorious, and another, if, heaven forbid, such merits are lacking. [9]
In the present context as well, it can be explained that the ultimate conception of the Beis HaMikdash is a Heavenly structure to descend from above. If, however, the Jews are not worthy of such a sanctuary, the Beis HaMikdash will still return in the Era of the Redemption. It will, however, be a structure built by man, and not by G‑d.
On this basis, we can also resolve the difficulty cited above. When the Romans granted the Jews the opportunity to rebuild the Beis HaMikdash, the people must have been somewhat disappointed that the Beis HaMikdash did not descend from heaven. Nevertheless, the realization that they had not been found worthy of a heavenly structure did not dampen their enthusiasm for building a sanctuary to the fullest extent of their human potential. [10]
Concrete Elucidation of Yechezkel’s Prophecies
Another possible resolution can be offered based on the Rambam’s statements shortly after the beginning of Hilchos Beis HaBechirah: [11]
The structure which Shlomo built is already described in the [Book of] Melachim. Similarly, the structure which will be constructed in the future era [is described in the Book of] Yechezkel. Nevertheless, the description there is not explained or elucidated.
[Therefore,] the people who constructed the Second [Beis HaMikdash] in the time of Ezra, built it according to the [basic] design [employed by] Shlomo, incorporating the elements which were explicitly detailed by Yechezkel.
It can be explained that Mashiach will lead the people in the construction of those dimensions of the Beis HaMikdash which can be grasped by human intellect. Afterwards, since the dimensions of Yechezkel’s prophecies which we cannot comprehend will be left incomplete, they will be revealed from Heaven by G‑d.
When That Which is Hidden Will Emerge
Another approach to reconcile Rashi’s view and that of the Rambam is based on our Sages’ interpretation of the verse, “Her gates sank in the earth.” [12] Our Sages relate [13] that the gates of the Beis HaMikdash were fashioned at the order of King David. This endowed them with an eternal invulnerability. [14] When the Babylonians laid waste to the Beis HaMikdash, the gates were not destroyed. Instead, they were swallowed by the earth.
In the Era of the Redemption, the entire Beis HaMikdash will descend from the heavens with the exception of the gates, which will ascend from the earth. Mashiach will then connect the gates to the Beis HaMikdash. Our Sages explain [15] that connecting the gates to a building is considered as equivalent to the construction of the entire edifice.
Adding Divine Perfection to Human Effort
Moreover, it can be explained that the two conceptions are, in no way, contradictory. Building the Beis HaMikdash is a mitzvah incumbent on the Jewish people. [16] In the Era of the Redemption, when it will become possible to fulfill all the mitzvos, we will also be obligated to rebuild the Beis HaMikdash. Within that structure which man will erect, however, will descend and be enclothed “the Sanctuary of G‑d,” which is waiting in the heavens.
Mankind is obligated to create a Sanctuary for G‑d within the context of our material world. After that is completed to the fullest extent of our human potential, the inner essence of the Beis HaMikdash will be revealed — that it is “the Sanctuary of G‑d,” possessing a dimension of perfection which utterly surpasses any possible work of mortal man.
* * *
May we witness the actual resolution of this issue in the immediate future, with the coming of the Redemption and the rebuilding — or the descent — of the Beis HaMikdash. “And then, the offering of Judah and Jerusalem will be pleasing to G‑d, as in the days of old and as in bygone years.”[17]
Adapted from Likkutei Sichos of the Lubavitcher Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneersohn, Vol. XI, p. 98; XVIII, p. 418-419; Vol. XXVII, p. 205.
1. Mishneh Torah, Hilchos Melachim 11:1,4.
2. Sukkah 41a, Rosh HaShanah 30a. See also Tosafos, Sukkah, loc. cit.
3. Shmos 15:17.
4. The Rambam’s view appears based on the Jerusalem Talmud, Megillah 1:11, Pesachim 9:1, Vayikra Rabbah 9:6, and Bamidbar Rabbah, 13:2. Rashi’s view has its source in the Midrash Tanchuma, Pekudei, sec. 11, the Zohar I, 28a, and other texts.
5. Bereishis Rabbah 64:10.
6. Sanhedrin 98a.
7. Daniel 7:13.
8. Zechariah 9:9.
9. See the essay “Two Periods Within the Era of the Redemption,” in the text I Await His Coming, which discusses this issue at length.
10. Significantly, in the era of Rabbi Yehoshua, there was no particular individual distinguished as Mashiach. Nevertheless, the people planned to build the Beis HaMikdash. It was only in a later generation that it was revealed that it would be Mashiach who would build the Third Beis HaMikdash.
11. Hilchos Beis HaBechirah 1:4. See the essay “How We Can Build the Beis HaMikdash” which elaborates on this concept.
12. Eichah 2:9.
13. Bamidbar Rabbah 15:13, Eichah Rabbah on the verse cited.
14. Sotah 9a.
15. See Bava Basra 53b; see also Shaarei Zohar to Sukkah 41a.
16. Hilchos Beis HaBechirah 1:1. See also the conclusion of the discussion of the positive mitzvos in Sefer HaMitzvos, which states that building the Beis HaMikdash is an obligation incumbent on the Jewish people as a communal entity.
17. Malachi 3:4.
Original Article: Chabad.org
Each of these views is based upon sources in the works of our Sages. [4] There is, however, a unique historical point which supports the Rambam’s position. Our Sages relate [5] that in the era of Rabbi Yehoshua ben Chananiah, the Romans granted the Jews permission to rebuild the Beis HaMikdash. Joyous at the opportunity they were granted, our people rushed to begin the preparations for building only to have the project thwarted by the intervention of the Samaritans. What is significant, however, is that they planned to build the Beis HaMikdash through their own efforts; they did not wait for it to descend from the heavens.
Will We Be Worthy?
This account can, however, be reconciled with Rashi’s view. To explain: Our Sages [6] note the apparent contradiction between two verses describing the coming of Mashiach. One verse states:[7] “Behold, one like a son of man came on the clouds of heaven.” It is, however, also written: [8] “Your king will come... like a poor man riding on a donkey.” In resolution, our Sages explain that if the Jews are found worthy, Mashiach will come “on the clouds of heaven”; if they do not merit, he will come “like a poor man riding on a donkey.” Similarly, in other contexts, our Sages describe one course for the Redemption if the Jews’ conduct is meritorious, and another, if, heaven forbid, such merits are lacking. [9]
In the present context as well, it can be explained that the ultimate conception of the Beis HaMikdash is a Heavenly structure to descend from above. If, however, the Jews are not worthy of such a sanctuary, the Beis HaMikdash will still return in the Era of the Redemption. It will, however, be a structure built by man, and not by G‑d.
On this basis, we can also resolve the difficulty cited above. When the Romans granted the Jews the opportunity to rebuild the Beis HaMikdash, the people must have been somewhat disappointed that the Beis HaMikdash did not descend from heaven. Nevertheless, the realization that they had not been found worthy of a heavenly structure did not dampen their enthusiasm for building a sanctuary to the fullest extent of their human potential. [10]
Concrete Elucidation of Yechezkel’s Prophecies
Another possible resolution can be offered based on the Rambam’s statements shortly after the beginning of Hilchos Beis HaBechirah: [11]
The structure which Shlomo built is already described in the [Book of] Melachim. Similarly, the structure which will be constructed in the future era [is described in the Book of] Yechezkel. Nevertheless, the description there is not explained or elucidated.
[Therefore,] the people who constructed the Second [Beis HaMikdash] in the time of Ezra, built it according to the [basic] design [employed by] Shlomo, incorporating the elements which were explicitly detailed by Yechezkel.
It can be explained that Mashiach will lead the people in the construction of those dimensions of the Beis HaMikdash which can be grasped by human intellect. Afterwards, since the dimensions of Yechezkel’s prophecies which we cannot comprehend will be left incomplete, they will be revealed from Heaven by G‑d.
When That Which is Hidden Will Emerge
Another approach to reconcile Rashi’s view and that of the Rambam is based on our Sages’ interpretation of the verse, “Her gates sank in the earth.” [12] Our Sages relate [13] that the gates of the Beis HaMikdash were fashioned at the order of King David. This endowed them with an eternal invulnerability. [14] When the Babylonians laid waste to the Beis HaMikdash, the gates were not destroyed. Instead, they were swallowed by the earth.
In the Era of the Redemption, the entire Beis HaMikdash will descend from the heavens with the exception of the gates, which will ascend from the earth. Mashiach will then connect the gates to the Beis HaMikdash. Our Sages explain [15] that connecting the gates to a building is considered as equivalent to the construction of the entire edifice.
Adding Divine Perfection to Human Effort
Moreover, it can be explained that the two conceptions are, in no way, contradictory. Building the Beis HaMikdash is a mitzvah incumbent on the Jewish people. [16] In the Era of the Redemption, when it will become possible to fulfill all the mitzvos, we will also be obligated to rebuild the Beis HaMikdash. Within that structure which man will erect, however, will descend and be enclothed “the Sanctuary of G‑d,” which is waiting in the heavens.
Mankind is obligated to create a Sanctuary for G‑d within the context of our material world. After that is completed to the fullest extent of our human potential, the inner essence of the Beis HaMikdash will be revealed — that it is “the Sanctuary of G‑d,” possessing a dimension of perfection which utterly surpasses any possible work of mortal man.
* * *
May we witness the actual resolution of this issue in the immediate future, with the coming of the Redemption and the rebuilding — or the descent — of the Beis HaMikdash. “And then, the offering of Judah and Jerusalem will be pleasing to G‑d, as in the days of old and as in bygone years.”[17]
Adapted from Likkutei Sichos of the Lubavitcher Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneersohn, Vol. XI, p. 98; XVIII, p. 418-419; Vol. XXVII, p. 205.
1. Mishneh Torah, Hilchos Melachim 11:1,4.
2. Sukkah 41a, Rosh HaShanah 30a. See also Tosafos, Sukkah, loc. cit.
3. Shmos 15:17.
4. The Rambam’s view appears based on the Jerusalem Talmud, Megillah 1:11, Pesachim 9:1, Vayikra Rabbah 9:6, and Bamidbar Rabbah, 13:2. Rashi’s view has its source in the Midrash Tanchuma, Pekudei, sec. 11, the Zohar I, 28a, and other texts.
5. Bereishis Rabbah 64:10.
6. Sanhedrin 98a.
7. Daniel 7:13.
8. Zechariah 9:9.
9. See the essay “Two Periods Within the Era of the Redemption,” in the text I Await His Coming, which discusses this issue at length.
10. Significantly, in the era of Rabbi Yehoshua, there was no particular individual distinguished as Mashiach. Nevertheless, the people planned to build the Beis HaMikdash. It was only in a later generation that it was revealed that it would be Mashiach who would build the Third Beis HaMikdash.
11. Hilchos Beis HaBechirah 1:4. See the essay “How We Can Build the Beis HaMikdash” which elaborates on this concept.
12. Eichah 2:9.
13. Bamidbar Rabbah 15:13, Eichah Rabbah on the verse cited.
14. Sotah 9a.
15. See Bava Basra 53b; see also Shaarei Zohar to Sukkah 41a.
16. Hilchos Beis HaBechirah 1:1. See also the conclusion of the discussion of the positive mitzvos in Sefer HaMitzvos, which states that building the Beis HaMikdash is an obligation incumbent on the Jewish people as a communal entity.
17. Malachi 3:4.
Original Article: Chabad.org
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
How to Merit Miracles
“Lo Yachel Devaroi, K’Chol HaYotzai MiPicha Yaaseh”, do not profane your words; do as your mouth spoke. The Torah tells us that we must keep our word and not violate it. Rav Levi Yitzchok MiBerditchev in the Kedushas Levi makes a play on the words to explain how mortal people can perform miracles.
He reads the words as follows. If “Lo Yachel Devaroi”, you do not profane your words, then they will be holy and meaningful. Therefore, “K’Chol HaYotzai MiPicha Yaaseh” whatever comes out of your mouth will happen. This is the concept of “Tzadik Gozer, VHaKadosh Boruch Hu Mikayem”, a tzaddik decrees and Hashem makes it happen.
He further explains that this why the Parsha is called Matos. Matos also means to turn (Netia). When a person watches his mouth, Hashem turns the Midas HaDin into Midas HaRachamim.
Source: Revach.net
Sunday, July 12, 2015
Remedy for an Evil Eye
The evil eye, also known in Hebrew as the ayin hara, is usually seen as a mysterious external force, lurking around, waiting to pounce on innocent victims. Some of us are familiar with phrases such as bli ayin hara or k'nayna hara, which are said in an attempt to ward off the influence of the evil eye. Other protective measures against the evil eye include the wearing of special amulets or visits to those who perform various practices using oil, mercury or eggs in an attempt to shatter the effects of the evil eye. On the other hand, many of us understandably relegate any discussion about the evil eye to superstition and irrationality. However, there is another dimension to the story of the evil eye, which can dramatically transform our relationship to others and the world in general.
The evil eye is synonymous with greediness, not being satisfied with one's portion, jealousy and begrudging others their good fortune. Someone who has an evil eye possesses these attributes as part of their personality. These characteristics can be manifested in a person quite openly, or sometimes in a much more hidden and subtle way. The potential damaging influence arises when someone who harbors these types of feelings against us, looks upon us, or our good fortune, including our children and our possessions. The negative force only has power over that which can actually be seen by the physical eye. This is one of the reasons that it can actually be a blessing to not be so noticeable in the public eye.
But wait... before you start glancing nervously over your shoulder, let's turn this entire idea upside down. Rebbe Nachman writes that we have to pray a lot in order to be saved from the evil eye [Likutey Moharan 54]. Which evil eye? Our own evil eye! Here is the secret principle: The evil eye only has power over us to the extent that we ourselves have the evil eye. According to Rebbe Nachman, there are two types of evil eye. The first type of evil eye is when we see our friend enjoy some elevation or greatness and wish it wasn't so. The second type is when we have an evil or begrudging eye towards anything else about our friend. The remedy for this potentially harmful situation is to develop a good eye, an ayin tova, towards everyone. This means sincerely wishing the best for them at all times, and being genuinely happy for their success.
Rebbe Nachman does point out that one also needs to pray a great deal in order to be saved from the evil eye of another, yet the primary responsibility for avoiding the evil eye lies with ourselves. If we feel that we don't have the strength to withstand the evil eye of someone else, for whatever reason, we should stay clear of that person until we have strengthened the power of our own good eye.
Rebbe Nachman also teaches another benefit to a good eye: By finding merit, in even a wicked person, one is saved from the evil eye. This means not engaging at all in the negativity of another who wishes you harm. Respond only positively and pleasantly, emphasizing the good point that can be found in anyone or any situation. Respond to a curse with a blessing, no matter what! Then, the bad has absolutely nothing to grab and hold onto. This brings good into the world, subduing and eventually eliminating the bad completely.
Some of us may still insist on using amulets and other practices aimed at breaking the influence of someone else's evil eye upon us, but we need to be aware that, at best, the relief will only be temporary if we don't develop the power of our own good eye. By developing the power of our good eye through a little effort and revision of our habitual responses, we can shift our whole outlook towards the world and those around us. We have the ability to be channels for good to flow into the world; it all depends upon our desire. Not only can we wish good for others, but we can actually pray to God that the entire Creation itself be successful [Rav Ephraim Kenig]. In this way, we are restored as partners with God to repair and heal the world.
Source: BreslevTsfat
Also see: The Power of Vision
Friday, July 10, 2015
''A Great Shaking Is Coming''
''A great shaking is coming to our world, and life as we know it is about to change in a major way.''
That could be a quote from one of the Autistics, except it isn't.
It's from the Economic Collapse Blog.
A global stock market crash has begun. European stocks are crashing, Chinese stocks are crashing, and commodities are crashing. And guess what? All of those things happened before U.S. stocks crashed in the fall of 2008 too. In so many ways, it seems like we are watching a replay of the financial crisis of 2008, but this time around the world is in far worse shape financially. Global debt levels are at an all-time high, the 75 trillion dollar global shadow banking system could implode at any time, and there are hundreds of trillions of dollars in derivatives that threaten to wipe out major banks all over the planet. The last major worldwide financial crash was almost seven years ago, and very little has been done since that time to prepare for the next one. If global markets do not calm down, we could see carnage in the months ahead that is absolutely unprecedented.
Thursday, July 9, 2015
Rav Kanievsky: Moshiach Will Come Motzei Sheviít [video]
Hat tip: Rivka
Moshiach ben David will come motzei shevi''it [after the seventh year - the Shmita year] which is this year, 5775.
For those that understand Hebrew, here is the video of his announcement, and here is a link to an English article. Leading Israeli Rabbi Says the Arrival of the Messiah is Imminent
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Parshas Pinchas: The Lonely Road
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Art Jeannette Woitzik |
The two Parshiot before Pinchas - Chukat and Balak - are often read together [in Eretz Yisroel only]. The two parshiot afterwards - Matot and Maasei - are almost always read together.
Pinchas, which is between these parshiot is always alone. Why?
This teaches us that when you are Kana'i [zealous] you should be prepared to spend your life alone. People do not have the courage to fight for what is right and even if they start out behind you, by the time you turn around they will be gone.
Source: Revach.net
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