Thursday, July 9, 2015

Rav Kanievsky: Moshiach Will Come Motzei Sheviít [video]

Hat tip: Rivka

Moshiach ben David will come motzei shevi''it [after the seventh year - the Shmita year] which is this year, 5775.

For those that understand Hebrew, here is the video of his announcement, and here is a link to an English article.  Leading Israeli Rabbi Says the Arrival of the Messiah is Imminent



  1. And what are you going to do/say if it doesn't happen?

  2. If you listen closely, he QUOTES THE GEMARA that Mashiach comes after a shemitta year.


    1. Exactly, he's only quoting a known Gemara, not promising anything about a specific Shmita but reminding us of what we already know (or teaching it to us for the first time). Nothing to make these claims the people who posted this made.

  3. anonymous, just keep on going!

  4. There are certain things that were predicted to happen before the Moshiach comes and hopefully they will happen soon. For instance, the child prophet said that the Statue of Liberty would fall 6 months before the Moshiach comes.

  5. where does it say that Mashiach will come after shmita year? I am not getting this...


  6. He is here, he was revealed (in Israel, witnessed by rabbi's of every sect of normative Judaism, back in 2002) and currently in the concealed stage except for those who know him. This one is safe because it was the Creator of All and not men who revealed him the first time. It is now up to the people to decide. If they decide to move forward, the Creator will help us. If they choose not to, which I cannot fathom at this point in history and the matzav, then we will have to wait for another time. Lets hope and I have confidence they will make the right decision for Israel and ultimately the world.

  7. Does the Rav actually say that Moshiach will come after THIS shevi'it, or just after a shevi'it in general??

  8. Sure. Chances are very likely that Moshiach will come motzei shevi''it instead of before. We don't need a gadol hador to tell us this. Be more specific. When exactly?

  9. The Rav is in total agreement with Sanhedrin 97 which tells us what will happen in each year of the Shemitah cycle prior to the announcement of Moshiach. This is definitely the cycle (a long, long list of prophesies have already occurred, past tense), which says that the seventh year is a year of war and is followed by Moshiach at the beginning of the eighth year. It is all happening exactly as prophesied. Any other predictions that are not coming from Hashem can be ignore.

    The exact date is top secret according to the Prophet Daniel. If it is revealed before Hashem wants it to be revealed, Hashem will change the date. Don't worry about the exact date -- it is close. Worry more about whether you have done enough Teshuvah and are ready as an individual before it occurs.

    1. The gemara says Moshiach will come on Motsaei Shviit and it doesn't say which one and it also doesn't say that whatever you claim fulfills the prophecies (even if it does) will make that specific cycle ("Shavua Shanim") be the one -- it could be that more than one time before Moshiach comes all those things will happen. It could also not be that way. I don't know the answer, but it's certainly not clear one way or the other from the Gemara.

  10. For those of you looking for a reference, in the Gemara SANHEDRIN it says clearly that Moshiach will come motzei shevi'it.

  11. So yeah does he say THIS year or just after the 7th year because quite frankly....the latter is quite known.

  12. From my limited understand he only says that he's going to come he's going to come after the 7th shmitah, doesn't say this year...

  13. I think it is the implication given, rather than the actual naming of the year. It is implied and hopeful, but not a guarantee of course.

  14. I will try to assume that some people commenting here are not aware of exactly who Rav Kanievsky, Sar HaTorah, shlita, is. FYI, The rav is gadol hador, and as such it's befitting that one speaks of him with a bit (a lot) more respect. My understanding from the clip is that the rav says that moshiach will come motsei shmittah. Also, it's not not clear to me what is the agenda of the website linked to. In any case it's full of xian talkbacks. (And do they not realise the irony, that they rely on a rabbi to tell them what's going to happen and then deny the Torah?)

    In any case please try to fulfill the Torah mitzvah of respecting chachamim (sages) and pray for the geula shleima bemehira uverachamim le'kol am yisrael (full geulah speedily and in kindness for all of the Jewish nation).

    1. Erev Tov Chaverim,

      I was wondering if I might be able to connect with you as I have some questions that you may be able to answer?

      Kol Tuv


    2. Just because we are not implying that the Rav said Moshiach will definitely come this Motsaei Shviit doesn't mean we disrespect him. Not only that, it is respectful for us to believe he is hopeful that Moshiach will come even if he doesn't know or doesn't reveal when. So maybe, even if he DID mean this Motsaei Shviit he said it as wishful thinking and maybe he didn't even do that, maybe he didn't even mean davka this Motsaei Shviit. Of course, there is a slight possibility that he DID mean Moshiach will come this Motsaei Shviit and that will be very happy news but there is nothing in this video to imply one way or another so therefore, in lack of proof, you have no reason to believe anything different of this year than you did before watching the video.

  15. Meanwhile, teshuva or not, we're still waiting. There is no such thing as tomorrow.

  16. Shilo: Mashiach is not a dead Jew.

  17. Zohar says moshiach ben david appears in the year 100. From 73-100 . That is 2040. Moshiach ben joseph is from 66-73 . Since he appears in the galilee which is called the land of joseph. Moshiach ben david probably sets up the tabernacle in the galilee. Ie meron shAMMAI TOMB ie bet el

  18. i dont like it that this video was spliced and pieced together, in fact this may be from an earlier video on the same subject. if in the talmud, in Sanhedrin it says Mashiach will come motzei Shviit, the Rav is saying nothing new. if anyone knows otherwise, please advise.

  19. Sincerely, I think it's best not to post such things both because the agenda of the website you link to is questionable, and because it seems to bring out the worst in people. It's like a stumbling block before the blind, causing quite a few of your talkbackers to commit a Torah transgression of disrespecting sages.

  20. I received this via email from a reliable source: Those who know Reb Chaim will know that it's not his style to predict events. Lately I got a lot of phones calls about this subject. To please every one who wants to know.this is what he said to me "Shtus (nonsense)"

  21. the year comes after the moshiach...not the moshiach comes after the year..Moshiach waits,not time for him,but the time is for the people

  22. when is the exact date that moshiach will come

  23. Everything its very unclear , If you have seen the video of Natan the 15 year old boy from Israel, according to what he was told or saw "there" it might bee soon, after Rosh Hashanah ? Sukkoth ?
    I don't know and I don't predict anything, but the way things are going something "might" or "can happen" there is a lot of hush hush going on, and this only create anxiety ... We should let things happen when they are suppose to happen, not when we want for them to happen.

  24. Hi Devorah, I personally went to see Rav Chaim Kanievsky to clarify his words. see please post this on your blog. otherwise people will think he was wrong if moshiach does not come this year.


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