Wednesday, February 7, 2024

A Kabbalistic History of the World

Rabbi Efraim Palvanov

Does the first chapter of Genesis secretly allude to the major events in the history of mankind? How do the Six Days of Creation parallel the past six thousand years of human civilization? 

Find out in this class where we review the key developments of history through the lens of Torah, Talmud, and Kabbalah, and take a peek into what’s to come in the long-awaited seventh millennium. Also: does AI have anything to do with the forthcoming Messianic Age?

Monday, February 5, 2024

Ani Ma'amin

Australian Zalman Simons - love it!

Eliyahu haNavi

 Rabb Tovia Singer speaking about Eliyahu haNavi before Moshiach - [less than 10 mins]

Sunday, February 4, 2024

The Essence of Torah in One Word


The Alter Rebbe teaches that the essence of the giving of the Torah is hidden in one strange word in the introductory verse of the Ten Commandments in parshat Yisro: 

וַיְדַבֵּר אֱלֹהִים אֵת כָּל־הַדְּבָרִים הָאֵלֶּה לֵאמֹר

And God spoke all of these words to say. [Yitro 20:1]

The last word of the verse - “leimor/to say” - has challenged the Sages throughout the generations. Without it, the verse would have read “and God spoke all of these words,” and this would have been sufficient. What does it add to indicate at the end of the verse that these words were “said/leimor” after it was already stated at the beginning of the verse that they were “spoken/vayidaber”? 

Many answers have been proposed. In other cases where this formula is employed in Torah - for example, “God spoke to Moses, saying” [Exodus 16:11] - the Sages explain that “leimor/saying” indicates that Moses was being instructed to “say” to the people publicly what God had “spoken” to him privately. Yet in the case of this opening verse at the giving of the Torah, the Alter Rebbe points out that this explanation cannot apply. For unlike the other cases where God is speaking to one person and instructing him to repeat what was being said to others who were not currently hearing it, in the case of the giving of the Torah, the entire Jewish nation (including the souls of all future generations) was there and heard the words from God Himself. 

Rashi interprets that “leimor/saying” here means that the nation answered each of the commandments, explicitly stating their agreement to them. God “spoke” the commandments, and the people “said” we will fulfill them. 

But the Alter Rebbe provides a deeper interpretation according to Chassidus and the Torah’s mystic depths. The essence of the giving of the Torah is expressed in this word “leimor/to say,” he teaches, because the entire purpose of Torah is to enable each of us “to say” what G-d “spoke.” In other words, each of us was created specifically in order to be a vessel through which G-d’s energy is expressed and manifested. Our ultimate function and purpose is to recognize that we are the instruments of Divine communication that He utilizes to reveal Himself in a world where He had initially hidden Himself. Torah is the wisdom that enables us to understand this reality and to articulate it. Torah is the practice that enables us to nullify our ego and allow the Godliness that is our ultimate essence to flow through us without obstruction. 

G-d “speaks” the world into existence every moment. We are here as His mouthpiece, to “say” what He speaks in a language that it can be understood and integrated in this physical world. Torah enables us to translate His infinite energy into something finite and tangible - to say what He spoke - and thereby to inform the entire creation of His Oneness and His eternal omnipresence.

Source: Pnei Hashem

Thursday, February 1, 2024

As Above, So Below

Looking at photos all the time, sometimes I don't even know what I'm looking at - is this Gaza or is it the sunset?  ... sometimes they all seem so similar.

"By the times of the Talmudic period, the Jewish Sages had developed a unique cosmic worldview. They saw this material world as only a reflection of the spiritual world. What happened down here reflected, in some way, much greater cosmic events that were happening in the Heavens. Thus, just as there was a Jerusalem down here on Earth, there was a Jerusalem shel ma’alah, a “Jerusalem Above” (see, for example, Ta’anit 5a)." Source: Mayim Achronim

 The World Above resembles the world below: Cf. Tractate Berachos 58a; Zohar I, 38a, 205b, 197a.

Sunset Baja Sur, Mexico


Mereweather Beach Newcastle Australia

Gaza bombing lights up the night

Cloud of unknown origins: from last week


Gaza - notice the red circle around the sun

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Waiting for Moshiach

Today is 21 Shevat, and in a week or so we will be entering the month of Adar 1.  The year 5784 is a leap year so there are two Adars, as we all know.   

There is a possibility that we will see the Kochav Yaakov on 25 Adar II or perhaps even 25 Adar I - as the prophecy says "the 25th day of the sixth month".  Technically Adar 1 is the sixth month, but we always celebrate the chagim in the second Adar, so if the sixth month is "Adar" then it is more likely to occur in Adar II.

But.... and there is a huge BUT here.... it may not happen that way.  

When the Torah says the "sixth month" it generally refers to Elul.   However, there is a question mark on this, as we really don't know until we get there.

We know that the Jewish year begins on the first of Tishrei—a day we observe as Rosh Hashanah, “the Head of the Year”—and ends twelve (or thirteen) months later, on the 29th of Elul. But if the head of the year is on the first of Tishrei, why does the Torah (in Leviticus 23:24) refer to Tishrei as the seventh month of the year? And why is the month of Nissan, occurring midway through the Tishrei-headed year, designated—in the very first mitzvah commanded to the Jewish people—as “the head of months, the first of the months of your year”? But like a sphere with two poles, the Jewish year has two “heads” or primary points of reference, each of which is equally its beginning. Our annual journey through time is actually two journeys—a Tishrei-to-Elul journey, and a Nissan-to-Adar journey. Every day on the Jewish calendar can be experienced on two different levels, for it simultaneously exists within these two contexts.  [Source - Chabad]

I've been blogging for a long time. I've expected Moshiach to arrive many times during all these years, and have been disappointed but I've always managed to pick myself up and remain hopeful. I'm not worried about my own feelings. I am worried about some of my readers, especially the younger ones.  This blog post is especially for YOU.  

I want to say to you: make sure you keep a part of yourself safe from disappointment.  You need to prepare yourself for the fact that things may not happen in the way we hope.  It is very important that you do this, because if you don't, you may feel as though it's all never going to happen at all and abandon your beliefs.

This is especially the case if you have a physical, financial, mental or emotional issue.  If you are depending on Moshiach to come and save you from any of these things, and then it doesn't happen as you had planned it to.... you could chas v'shalom be plunged into the depths of despair and even feel suicidal.  You MUST prepare yourself for the fact that it may not play out in the way that we are hoping it does.

This is a Geula blog... it didn't start out that way, I never intended it to be a Geula blog, but it seemed to have a life of it's own and it basically created itself.  I do not PREDICT Geula, I just blog about things that relate to Geula.   Some of those things may, or may not, happen.   

When Rav Zeira happened upon scholars who were engaged [in calculating the date of the coming of Moshiach], he told them, "I beg you, do not postpone it . . . for it has been taught, ‘Three things come when the mind is occupied otherwise: Moshiach, something that is lost, and a scorpion.' "(Sanhedrin 97a)  [Source: Do You Anticipate the Redemption?]

As we are definitely close to the time of Moshiach's arrival, were are allowed to talk about it and we are allowed to attempt to calculate the date.  However, have we reached the time where even children will be able to make the calculation????[see quote below]

The Maggid of Dubno : the Zohar even states that it is not God’s will to reveal the arrival date of the Moshiach, but when the date draws near, even children will be able to make the calculation [Bereishis 118a]

I'm just going to continue on blogging as usual, because I have asked a few people whether or not I should.....and the answer has always been to keep going.  We need to have a Moshiach consciousness. The more people who think about it and talk about it, the more it gains a Geula energy.  You need to be planting Moshiach seeds wherever you go.  Don't worry if people look at you strangely, or think you're a bit crazy..... just plant the seed and let Hashem take it from there.  You'd be surprised how these people, who never gave a thought to Moshiach previously, suddenly start thinking about it, and the next time they see you, they ask you where Moshiach is.  That happens to me all the time in real life.  But I'm just happy that they are giving some thought to a concept which they'd never acknowledged until I brought it to their attention.

....the Dark Side tries everything to prevent Moshiach's arrival, so Hashem must engineer it in such a way that catches the unholy spiritual opposition completely off guard. [Rabbi Lazer Brody - "The Seeds of Moshiach" click here to listen to "The Book of Ruth"]

As I was typing up this post and I read this,,,, On the first of Nissan, 2448 years after the creation of Adam, G‑d commanded His first mitzvah to the fledgling nation of Israel—to establish a calendar based on the monthly lunar cycle.....

I did a small calculation on my notepad: 2448 x 2 = 4896

Then I subtracted 4896 from the current year 5784.  The remaining total was 888.

I don't know if that's relevant to anything at all, but it was exciting for me to see because 8 is the number of Moshiach.  Our current world is a world of sevens, seven continents, seven seas, etc. but the world of Moshiach is the world of 8.  

Who Will Fight the Battle of Gog and Magog ?

 Rabbi Zamir Cohen [in English]    H/t Sherry

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Sun, Moon and Asteroids

The first time I noticed something strange in the sky was about 7 years ago. It was first night Seder and I went outside and looked up at the moon.  It looked something like this.  

I clearly remember asking my sister-in-law to come outside and explain to me why the moon had colours all around it.  She didn't know, but thought it was something to do with Moshiach coming soon.

I have seen the moon looking like this quite a few times since then, but it was not until five years later that I found out WHY there were colours around the moon.  

I saw a video on TikTok about planets passing between Earth and the Sun, which were highly visible to us.  After a lot more investigating, I started to understand why there were these colours around the moon.

Most people in the world still have no idea why they are seeing this.  Here is a typical example of things people post and, in response to their question, they are told utter nonsense about the reason why they are seeing these colours.

There are planets all around the sun, all different colours, and this is what is creating the rainbow-like effect both around the moon and also the sun.  

If you take a photo of the sun you make well see blue flashes around it - like this photo below.  You may also notice that it is not a full circle, it's being cut off at the sides.  This is called a light pinch.  The planets around it are blocking the edges of the sun from being seen. [You won't always get the colours or the blue around the sun, it depends where the planets are on that day.  I have successfully photographed blue flashes around the sun several times.  You do need to take photos on a daily basis to maximize your chances of catching the blue.]

In the picture below, a diagram has been superimposed below the image to show you what you are actually looking at.

The blue flashes are from the blue asteroid, which is an amazing turquoise colour, causing the blue around the sun. The asteroids appear to us as a circle with stripes. This is actually the "leading asteroid" - all of these orbiting objects have been named and new drawings are issued on the 15th of every month, showing their new positions in relation to our Sun.  There is also a red, a green and a tan coloured asteroid that we see.

Here is a picture of the blue asteroid illuminated under the moon. 

You can often see asteroid trails, which people wrongly identify as chemtrails or some other man-made thing.  Asteroid trails are wider and thicker, and they don't disappear after a few minutes, they hang around for quite a long time. Below is a short video of an asteroid trail.