Sunday, January 28, 2024

The Power of Hashem

Rashi says that after Yitro saw Hashem punish the Egyptians Midda K'Neged Midda he then declared, "Ata Yadati Ki Gadol Hashem MiKol HaElokim" -  I now know that Hashem is greater than any other power. 

What is it about Midda K'Neged Midda that makes Hashem so unique, is it the ingenuity?

Rav Shimshon Pincus explains that every Koach [strength] in the world only has its own power to use. Fire can fight water with fire only, and not water. Aside from the fact that this is its only capability, it also wants to show its opponent what makes it unique. It cannot use power that it doesn't have.

Hashem works the opposite way. To show fire who is boss, Hashem uses fire to fight fire. He uses water to fight water. This unique fighting strategy shows that Hashem is more powerful than any other force. Moreover it shows that He is the only force, and the force behind all forces. 

In a way this doesn't counter the above logic, it works with it. Hashem fights each element with His unique force. He is Echad Yachid U'Miyuchad and every possible force is His. And He shows it to everybody as needed.



  1. Piggy backing on Kessin also, who sees things have def shifted twds the better since tu bshvat?? The court ruling was a joke, the UN is losing its status and funding, hopefully the last of loss of our soldiers, Ba'din losing ground, Israel rain and snow...

  2. Of course, H' is Infinite and so are His Powers. He is the Creator of everything, so, of course, He is the Power! I'm always a bit surprised when we hear/read the term that He is
    more Powerful over all the 'gods'. Why is it stated that way? The gods are nothing but mere
    physical creations of humans. It is wrong to even put those words in the same sentence of our
    Creator, G-D Almighty, Hashem! Praised be Hashem, our Father, our King and Master of the
    Universe! Amen!

  3. Is today’s attack by Iran on US forces in Jordan that killed 3 US soldiers and injured many a major step closer to gog u’magog and the imminent arrival of Moshiach? Everything seems to be in place with Ari Goldwag’s prediction of MBD arriving sometime between the first of Shevat and the 25th of Adar Bet!


    1. Definitely looks like it! Everything looks to be ready for imminent Geulah b’itoh.

      Devorah, would you be able to put up a new blog post about Moshiach progress/events? Most of your latest blogposts are only about the solar system (which I know is connected to kochav yaakov/nibiru)


    2. US planning full-scale retaliation


  4. Yisrael I have always thought that Gog u Magog started on October 7. Just a few hours after the terror attacks, all the anti-semitism roared into life. It was obvious that it was a "continuation" of WW2 in that way, just as the Chafetz Chaim had said... that Gog u Magog would be in 3 parts, and we appear to be in Part 3 now.
    We have all the signs, we have Gog u Magog, we have the sky doing things it's never done before, and so we must be close.

  5. I felt the tsunami in strait of hormuz was perfectly timed for Beshalach. Deep angst that it didnt.


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