Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Who Will Fight the Battle of Gog and Magog ?

 Rabbi Zamir Cohen [in English]    H/t Sherry


  1. How come some rabbis say that what Israel is experiencing now is gog u Magog..when the nations aren't even talking about Jerusalem?!


    1. When America and Britian talk about a 2 state solution it means a palestinian state with yerushalayim being split.

  2. Gog magog is Hashem's war. He fights it. But the phases of it in 3 parts and using Moshiach and all the other conflicting nevuas keeps us wondering that's for sure. One thing seems for sure, this ground war was started to begin the judgment of the nations. Hashem always has to appease the satan ie. judging us first. We got a big potche but nothing like whts coming ...I heard a rabbi say, wht we saw in these days is a reflection of how low the world has sunk. But Hirsch says, never not ever look at evil or contemplate it. Think instead only spiritual thoughts. The mann is a great ponder topic. So is the ananni h'kavod and the well...
    -another leah

    1. You mean the bit “potche” klal yisrael got on Oct 7 is nothing compared to much more suffering coming for Am Yisrael or you mean for the world once Moshiach comes soon and destroys all the reshaim?


  3. Also, we hear Jerusalem. But think Israel bc dont fget all the world will be Israel and Israel will be Jerusalem. So whn the navi says attacks on Jerusalem dont hear more terror. Hear this is it now. Edom and Paras are behind this whole thing. And soon we will have peace and nevua fulfilled.
    - that other leah again

  4. From my reading of Middle East Politics, what comes up at these "Islamist conventions" is always the topic of Jerusalem. We might not hear about it, but Jerusalem is the prize of the nations. If not, what's the big deal about putting their Israel embassies in Jerusalem?


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