Thursday, February 1, 2024

As Above, So Below

Looking at photos all the time, sometimes I don't even know what I'm looking at - is this Gaza or is it the sunset?  ... sometimes they all seem so similar.

"By the times of the Talmudic period, the Jewish Sages had developed a unique cosmic worldview. They saw this material world as only a reflection of the spiritual world. What happened down here reflected, in some way, much greater cosmic events that were happening in the Heavens. Thus, just as there was a Jerusalem down here on Earth, there was a Jerusalem shel ma’alah, a “Jerusalem Above” (see, for example, Ta’anit 5a)." Source: Mayim Achronim

 The World Above resembles the world below: Cf. Tractate Berachos 58a; Zohar I, 38a, 205b, 197a.

Sunset Baja Sur, Mexico


Mereweather Beach Newcastle Australia

Gaza bombing lights up the night

Cloud of unknown origins: from last week


Gaza - notice the red circle around the sun



    Ari Goldwag: Ascendant With Moshiach

    This class is 3 years old, but gives incredible inspiration, as well as answering the question of our great suffering, and it's purpose.

    Well worth listening to.

    C S

  2. Devorah, in the third photo from the top, is that a missile above the sinking sun, or a planet?

    The pictures are incredibly beautiful. Have never seen such sunsets.

    C S

  3. CS: Thank you so much for pointing that out. I totally forgot to put the photo of the explanation, and I've moved it to the end of the post now. Blogger sometimes won't let me add photos into the centre of a post, so I had to move them. You can clearly see the red circle around the sun, and in the second photo again you can see it even more clearly with the explanation drawn underneath.


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