Sunday, January 12, 2025

The Palisades Palestine Connection

People are noticing the similarities.... they both currently look the same, i.e. totally destroyed and they both start with "Pal" - even though the "Palestine" they refer to is actually called Aza or Gaza - nevertheless there is a connection, just not the one the anti-Semites have grabbed hold of.

Dov bar Leib shows us the  connection between the Mishkan and California - although there are a lot of comments there, just click this link to take you to the actual page, scroll down to see his comments dated 9 January.

I'm going to quote his last sentence:

Both Eretz Yisrael and California have 50th Gates (Golden Gates). Eretz Yisrael has the Golden Gate from the Qidron Valley to the Ezrat HaNashim on the Temple Mount, and San Francisco's Golden Gate is well known and has been used by some in humanity to take the Human race in the wrong direction. Both places have spiritual power to move all of humanity in one direction or the other.

Friday, January 10, 2025

The Tenth Day of the Tenth Month

The 10th of Tevet (known as Asarah B'Tevet) is observed as a day of fasting, mourning and repentance. We refrain from food and drink from daybreak to nightfall, and add Selichot (penitential prayers) and other special supplements to our prayers. The fast ends at nightfall (and Kiddush has been said, when this fast occurs on Friday), or as soon as you see three medium-sized stars in the sky.

What does it commemorate? 

Jerusalem Surrounded 

For years, G‑d had sent His prophets to warn Israel about the impending destruction of Jerusalem and the Holy Temple if they didn’t mend their ways. But they derided the holy men as bearers of “false prophecies of doom,” bent on demoralizing the nation. They even went so far as to kill one of the prophets. 

Then it finally happened. On the 10th day of the Jewish month of Tevet, in the year 3336 from Creation (425 BCE), the armies of the Babylonian emperor Nebuchadnezzar laid siege to Jerusalem.

Ever patient, G‑d delayed the destruction to give the Jews yet another chance to repent. He repeatedly sent the prophet Jeremiah to admonish His nation, but they foolishly had him imprisoned. Thus, 30 months later, on Tamuz 92 (or 17,3 the very date the walls would be breached when the Second Temple was destroyed), 3338, the city walls were breached, and on 9 Av of that year the Holy Temple was destroyed and the Jewish people were exiled. 

Unique among Jewish fasts, 10 Tevet is observed (in a joyful manner) even when it falls on a Friday, though it interferes somewhat with Shabbat preparations.

More plus footnotes: Source

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Woken Up Yet ? [updated]

I spent most of yesterday watching a Live Stream of the fires in California.  I was horrified and amazed as I watched million dollar properties burn while people helplessly watched on, with no water to put out the fires, compounded by the fact that there had been no back-burning -  which is what we do here in Australia.... back-burning is to deliberately burn parcels of land well beforehand in order to halt an out-of-control fire spreading even further.  

Australians are prepared for fires, but it seems these Palisades people didn't have a clue what to do.... and there's only one road out.  Scenes of earth-moving equipment shovelling abandoned cars out of the way to make a path for the Fire trucks was something I'd never seen before.  Hundreds of abandoned Porsches, Mercedes.... all being unceremoniously pushed to the side.  

How is that even possible.... in California, the land of the disaster movie... out of control fires, the devilish Santa Ana wind blowing through like a jet engine, and no water available from the fire hydrants so the Fire Dept had to leave.

Well, it's because the Governor of the State is woke [the new word for stupid] and even Trump had to call him out.

But don't blame him entirely.... he got there because they voted him in.  All the woke stupid people voted for this guy.  

So Hashem gave them a cluster....   a word I can't write in full but you know what I'm saying.... it's when mass human incompetence and the Hand of G-d come together to cause a major devastation.  And it's still going, they say at least until the weekend.  That Santa Ana wind is blowing like there's no tomorrow.

Feel for the people in L.A. who can't breathe because of the air quality.  I'm sorry that so many innocents have to suffer because there are so many woke stupid people who vote in these morons to run their lives.

So 2025 has certainly got off to a nightmare start, and it's just the beginning of more of the same, in the lead up to Moshiach coming.   I think we're in for a wild ride.  Maybe some of these woke people will wake up, who knows.

Update: Fire has now broken out in the Hollywood Hills.... near the HOLLYWOOD sign.  G-d is sending a strong message.

Link to NY Times

Monday, January 6, 2025

The Spiritual Significance of 2025

Rabbi Efraim Palvanov

What is the significance of the alignment of the last night of Chanukah with the first day of 2025? What does it have to do with the upcoming Chinese Year of the Snake? And how is it all connected to the new Hebrew month of Tevet and the Talmudic tractate of Sanhedrin? Find out in this fascinating class as we prepare for what promises to be a monumental 2025 ahead. 

Also: Why was the Zohar revealed to the world in the year 1290? Which verses in Tanakh prophetically allude to the year 2025? What is the significance of the letters on the dreidel? And what happened when Alexander the Great presided over a lawsuit against the Jews?

The Spiritual Ladder

I heard in the name of Rebbe Elimelech that if a person wishes to rise higher in his spiritual level, he must see to it that his character traits are whole and perfect on the lower level. This is because it is impossible to maintain a constant static level.

A person is like the angels called Chayos, which run and return, for sometimes he rises and sometimes he falls.  And if his lower levels are not perfected, how can he return to them?

The Rebbe compared this to a man climbing a ladder.  The wise and intelligent man will first test all the rungs to make sure that they are whole and intact so that if needs be he can retrace his steps and return to them.

[Tal Moshe Zwecker: Mipeninei Noam Elimelech]

Sunday, January 5, 2025

How to Avoid an "Evil Eye"

"Ben Porat Yosef, Ben Porat Alei Ayin" [Vayechi 49:22].

Rashi says that this means that Yosef will multiply and be beyond the reach of Ayin Hara [the evil eye]. As a reward for not taking his master's wife, no one will be able, through jealously, to inflict any harm on what belongs to him.

The Shulchan Gavo'a brings from Rav Eliyahu Dessler that no matter how rich a person is, no one is ever jealous of a totally selfless person whose whole life is about giving. An element of jealousy stems from the intended or even unintended flaunting of oneself before others.

Yaakov gave Ephraim and Menashe a bracha "V'Yidgu LaRov" - they should multiply like fish. There are two attributes of fish that Yaakov had in mind. Fish are not seen from the dry land. Moreover the fish live a life totally separated from the inhabitants of the land. They don't compete with them in any way. That is why the Ayin Hara does not affect them.

If a person lives a life of Yosef, where he doesn't want what doesn't belong to him, and he lives and enjoys his material assets out of the public eye, he too will not suffer from any unwanted evil eyes.

Source: Rav Eliyahu Dessler

Thursday, January 2, 2025


We're living through an episode of Stranger Things.  

The Empire State Building, the Capitol and the Washington Monument were all struck by lightning on New Year's Eve.

To make things even more crazy, the truck that ploughed into the people in New Orleans was a Ford Pro Lightning model.

Here is the link to the Twitter account I got this information from.  [I don't know anything about the person who owns this account]  You can find news stories on the internet which will confirm all this.