The month of Esav…every month has a certain mazel—fortune and the mazel of Esav in his evil guise, is the month of Teves, the month of the goat. The sign of Esav is the “seir,” a goat, so what is interesting is the Aschaltah D’Geulah began on November 5th which is the month that begins the Redemption, and Trump takes office on January 20th which is Teves.
Source: Rabbi Mendel Kessin "What is the Messianic Meaning of the Trump Presidency" - transcription
Now have a look at the golden-hoofed goat at Trump's Mar-a-Lago, it's covered in dollar bills printed with the words "in Trump we trust".
Source: MeidasNews
The Kohen Gadol had them throw a goat off the cliff to Azazael, on Yom Kippur to atone for Am Yisroel? And Se'ir (שעיר) means a 'he -goat'. And Esav tries to get Yaakov to follow him to the wilderness of Se'ir... which chazal tell us is analogous to idol worship, physicality and materialism ( also, I cant remember where I learned this but azazael was one of the fallen angels that brought pritzuit, znut and all kinds of immorality to the world, he literally corrupted mankind).
ReplyDeleteYaakov obviously declined but told him he'd catch up with him later in Se'ir. In the Navi Ovadia ( one of the trei asar and an Idumean convert- descended from Esav) its written 'rescuers shall climb Har Tzion to Judge Har Se'ir and then the Israelites will come and inflict judgement and punishment on Seir. The prophecy repeats itself in Az Ya'Shir but leaves out the Seir part, just calls it the mount of Esav.
Anyone else think its portentous and strange that Trump chose a Goat to put on display like that, as a symbol of hooves and money all over it. It almost looks like Chait Ha' Egel. Also, he may as well be announcing who he's the reincarnation of.
But I feel like there are other connections to be made here and my brain isn't making them. But I don't feel like this is just stam he chose a goat and stuck it there.
Thank you CSF. I hope someone shows that photo to Rabbi Kessin.
DeleteConspiracy sites are saying it's satanic. [But they say everything is satanic.]
DeleteMaybe someone will now ask Trump about the goat and what it means to him.
That’s actually disgusting, who does he think he is! Think he needs a reality check, he’s a lucky dude who HaShem saved many times, nothing else. Wow such Giyvah!