Monday, March 21, 2011

The 11th Hour

The eleventh hour is a colloquial expression meaning "a time which is nearly too late".  So says Wikipedia.... but there are some other origins of this expression, notably:  This expression comes from the Bible. The 11th hour is the last hour before the end of the world.

Interesting...that number Eleven  again ....even more so when you listen to Rabbi Winston's shiur about Moshiach and the 10th Hour.  (I know a lot of you don't have the time, so I've typed up the relevant bits)

Disclaimer: Any mistakes are mine, not his.

[the following is taken from Rabbi Winston's shiur with a few added clarifications from me in blue]

5750 was a major turning point in Jewish history, as the Vilna Gaon explains:

Each 1000 years represents one day of Creation. The first thousand years represent Day One of Creation, the second millenium is Day Two.... and so on. Therefore this current millenium represents Day Six, the eve of Shabbat. And we know that Moshiach needs to come before Shabbat, before the end of 6000 years. 

History Repeats
Everything that occurred at the time of Creation is going to have a corresponding reality in each millenium....each event will present itself again, in some way, every thousand years. History literally repeats itself - on a different level - during each "day" (a "day" being a thousand years).
Knowing this, we can actually calculate the time Moshiach will arrive, so to speak, even though we are not permitted to calculate the date of His arrival, we can come close. {The Zohar says that as we come closer to the Geulah, even children will know how it will be.}

Moshiach's arrival is about tikkun - rectification. Therefore, Moshiach's arrival will correspond with the ideal time for tikkun as set out at the time of Creation.

The only reason we are all here is to rectify the original sin of Adam HaRishon in the Garden of Eden - the eating of the forbidden fruit. Adam ate from the tree of knowledge at the time of the 10th hour of day six of creation.

The gemara explains that during the 9th hour he was warned, and during the 10th hour (just before Shabbat) he ate the fruit.

The ideal time for tikkun/Moshiach will be in the period in history that corresponds to when he ate the forbidden fruit. 5750 was when the world entered that period of time - the time that corresponds to the 10th hour of the sixth day of creation. (see Rabbi Winston's books at his website for all the details) 5750/1990 was the turning point, and the 10th hour lasts for 83.6 years (from 1990). What happened in 1990: as a starting point, Russia imploded, Jews were allowed to leave: some went to Israel, some to America.  Soon after in 1991 we had the Persian Gulf War. 10 years later, Y2K and then 911 when the world really did change for all to see.

The book that can change history
The one book that tells us what we're supposed to do at the end of history is Kol HaTor (The Voice of the Turtledove) based on the manuscripts of the Vilna Gaon and passed down through his talmidim until today. People don't talk about it, it gets pushed to the side, but that's the book that can change history.

The Zohar tells us that Techias Hamaisim - the revival of the dead - takes place 210-214 years in advance of the year 6000, and the Zohar further says that Techias Hamaisim takes place AFTER the 40 years of the ingathering of the exiles. So according to the Zohar, history has to wrap itself up within 15 years from now. Techias Hamaisim is within 15 years. Hashem is bringing the end very fast.

I'm sure Moshiach ben Yosef has already come and gone, and there's reasons for that opinion - the Gra says that the job of Moshiach ben David is to conquer Yishmael - and this is the age of Yishmael - when Moshiach comes, Yishmael will go down. Before then, there are gevurahs (strict judgments) which have to be rectified (sweetened). For example...last week's murder of the Fogel family in Itamar represented a bucket-load of gevurah.

The Gra says ultimately it depends on what we do.   We should be talking about Moshiach, informing people... and reading Kol HaTor.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Purim Torah Codes

[adapted from Keeping Posted with NCSY, Fall 1999 edition and also from article by Rabbi Dovid Rosenfeld]

There is a famous "code" in Megillat Esther :- towards the end of the story, King Ahashveirosh allows the Jews to avenge themselves of their enemies on the 13th day of Adar. In Shushan, the capital, the Jews kill 500 men and hang Haman's ten sons on a gallows. Queen Esther then approaches the King with an additional request: "...allow the Jews who are in Shushan to do tomorrow as they did today, and let the ten sons of Haman be hanged on the gallows" [Esther 9:13]. It's curious that she would request the hanging of Haman's already slain sons. Nevertheless, the King complies.

The Hebrew word for "tomorrow" ("machar") occasionally refers to the distant future. Further, the Sages tell us that whenever the word "king" appears in the Megillah it alludes to the King of kings as well. Thus, the verse could be understood as a request by Esther to G-d to again hang the ten sons of Haman at some point in the distant future. Now, when the Megillah lists the ten sons of Haman during their hanging [Esther 9:7-9] there are a number of unusually-sized letters. (There is a tradition to write certain letters in the Torah larger or smaller than the standard size.)

According to the most accepted tradition, there is a large 'vav' [numerical value = 6] and a small 'tav' [400], 'shin' [300] and 'zayin' [7]. The following suggestion has been made: The large vav refers to the sixth millennium (of the Hebrew calendar); the small letters refer to year 707 of that millennium. The meaning, then, is that G-d agreed to hang Haman's ten sons again in the year 5707 = 1946-7.

When listing the ten sons of Haman who were hanged [Esther 9:6-10], three letters, namely Taf, Shin, and Zayin, are written smaller than the rest (most printed texts reflect this; if yours doesn’t, look in another). The commentaries offer no explanation for this other than that it is a prophecy. The letters "Taf-Shin-Zayin" represent the Hebrew year 5707, corresponding to the secular year 1946-47.

On October 16, 1946 (21 Tishrei, 5707) ten convicted Nazi war criminals were hanged in Nuremberg. (An eleventh, Hermann Goering, a transvestite, committed suicide in his cell. The Midrash tells us that Haman also had a daughter who committed suicide.) As if the parallel were not obvious enough without further corroboration, Nazi Julius Streicher’s last words were: "Purimfest 1946". (In case you question the accuracy of Streicher’s last words, they are are well-documented; they appeared in Newsweek, October 28, 1946.)

It is fairly safe to assume that (a) Streicher did not know about the three small letters in the Megilla, (b) he did not know that these letters corresponded to the year in which he was being hanged, and (c) even had he known, he would have had no motivation to reinforce the validity of Jewish texts, traditions, or prophecies. One could not ask for a more independent confirmation of the all encompassing knowledge to be found in the Sifrei Tanach.

Rabbi Weissmandl - a great Hungararian scholar and holocaust survivor - made a number of findings concerning Megillat Esther using skip distances of 12,111 letters - the exact number of letters in Megillat Esther. If one starts with the first regular mem (as opposed to the "final mem" ) in Bereishis 4:14, where the name Esther (vocalized differently) appears for the only time in the Torah, and count at intervals of 12,111 letters, one finds spelled out the phrase "Megillat Esther." Coincidence? I think not.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Rabbi Winston on Current Events [video]

Rabbi Pinchas Winston speaks on why the world seems to be falling apart, why we should not be worried, and why Moshiach is not very far away.

Also see: The Eleventh Hour

Everything happens for a reason

Source: Malbim's commentary on Megillat Esther, translated by Jonathan Taub

Before recounting the troubles that befell the Jewish people, we are told that "the cure preceded the wound". We are taught that the Almighty only strikes us in order to heal us. This is the meaning of the verse: "All the diseases which I brought on Mitzrayim I will not place upon you, because I am Hashem Who Heals You." [Shemos 15:26]
When the messengers sent by Hasach gave Esther's instructions to Mordechai, Mordechai told them to reply to Esther: "Do not think to yourself that you can escape in the king's house more than all the Jews." [Megillat Esther 4:13]

Why did Mordechai say "Do not think to yourself" when "Do not think" would have sufficed?

Mordechai informed Esther of several fundamental principles:

1) Any time something unusual and extraordinary occurs, we must realize that the Almighty has brought this about as a means to achieving some important providential end.  Esther's remarkable elevation to the position of queen was clearly Divinely determined for some significant purpose.  With the revelation of the decree to annihilate the Jewish people, it was now obvious that Esther was intended to help save the Jews.

2) For any tragedy that befalls the Jews, there is a specific time and day ready for their deliverance by certain prepared means. If these means are not actualized, then the Almighty will prepare other means to save them.

3) Anything that does not exist for itself, but to help something else, has its entire existence dependent on what it was destined to help.  For example, if a gardener wants to plant certain flowers in the winter, he will construct a special greenhouse with a heating system to help these flowers grow.  If he changes his mind and wants the flowers to flourish in the summer, when there is an abundance of natural light and heat from the sun, he will dismantle the greenhouse, for it is no longer required.

Mordechai was telling Esther that her position in the royal house was not for her own benefit, but for the sake of the Jews.  If Esther decided not to help rescue them, the Almighty undoubtedly had other means and methods of bringing about their redemption, regardless of how improbable they might seem.

Since Esther was granted her position as queen only in order to help the Jews, and since the date for their salvation had already been determined, if she did not act immediately she might miss the appointed time and the Almighty would use other agents to affect their deliverance.

This was Mordechai's warning to Esther.  Do not think that your elevation to royalty is to yourself, for your own benefit, so that you can escape in the king's house, rather than for saving the Jewish nation.  The opposite is true: it is only to enable you to rescue the Jews.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Appearances can be Deceptive

A Purim Vort

Why did Vashti refuse to appear naked before the King?  The Ohr HaMeir says in the name of the Baal Shem Tov:

Vashti is klipah and Esther is Kedusha. "The King" is obviously in reference to Hashem, the True King.

Klipah is the outer shell - it encases that which is in it, in essence holding what is inside it prisoner. Kedusha is holiness.

The only advantage that klipah has over kedushah is that it is beautifully clothed. The klipah appears to be attractive. But as soon as you remove the levushim (robes) - the klipah has nothing to hang on to and it vanishes completely. Thus, the klipah cannot come before the King.

Anything in this physical world that entices us that is not Kedusha will be nothing in the future: it will cease to exist, because klipah cannot stand before the King "unclothed".

Purim begins this Saturday night.  At that time we will see the Super Moon - the moon will appear huge because it will be very close to the earth -  356,577km away.  The moon represents the Jewish people... so it's a good sign.

The Prophetic Words of the (Previous) Lubavitcher Rebbe

The moment the tsunami hit Japan

Before Redemption: A Tremendous Flood
[originally published at by R. Yaakov Nathan]

The prophectic words of the Previous Lubavitcher Rebbe  (Tammuz, 5704/1944)

Psalm 93
The rivers have raised, O Lord, the rivers have raised their voice; the rivers raise their raging waves.
More than the sound of many waters, than the mighty breakers of the sea, is the Lord mighty on High.
Your testimonies are most trustworthy; Your House will be resplendent in holiness, O Lord, forever.
This chapter of Tehillim was composed by the G-dly poet regarding Yemos Ha’Moshiach (the Messianic days). He hints briefly at the events which will take place before the geula. The central theme of the chapter is that the Jews living at that time will understand by means of these events, that the galus is over and geula has begun.....

"..... the roaring rivers will bring great changes to the world; for example: they will drown an entire nation or at least a great portion, and this natural disaster will cause a revolution in man’s perspective. They will see this as a G-dly punishment. It’s also possible that this natural disaster will change the world political map by a chain of events which will begin with that nation that drowns."

To read the entire article go to: Before Geula a Great Roaring of Water

Water gushing from Kotel

Received via email:

My sister in law is a kalla and her wedding is tonight. She just went to the kotel to pray and asked to go into the tunnels where there is a spot that is next to the kodesh K'dashim. She was told that it is closed because a lot of water came gushing out from Har Habayit and a wall collapsed there.

The prophet Ezekiel prophesied about the water which would go out from the Temple Mount in the end-times which will be a sign of the redemption of the people and land of Israel.

And from an old Lazer Beams posting (which I could only find quoted on google) "By our own tradition, the moisture at the Western Wall of the Holy Temple indicates the impending redemption of the people and land of Israel, the rebuilding of the Temple and the coming of Moshiach ben David, speedily and in our time, amen."

Gemara [Yoma 77b-78a] :
R' Pinchas said in the name of Rav Huna of Tzippori: The spring that issues from the Holy of Holies initially resembles the antennae of locust. Once it reaches the entrace of the Sanctuary it swells and becomes as wide as the thread of the warp. Once it reaches the entrance of the Antechamber, it becomes as wide as the thread of the woof. Once it reaches the entrance of the Courtyard it becomes as wide as the mouth of a small flask. And this is the meaning of what we learned in the Mishna (Middos 2:6) R' Eliezer Ben Yaakov says: By this gate a stream of water, as wide as that which issues from a flask, will emerge from under the threshold of the temple. From here onward [the stream] will rise unabatedly until it reaches the entrance of the house of David (i.e. Har Tzion, Mount Zion in Jerusalem - Rashi). Once it reaches the house of David it becomes a swiftly flowing stream, in which zavin, zavos, niddos, and childbearing women will immerse and cleanse themselves from their tumah. As it is stated: On that day there will be a spring opened up for the house of David and for all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, for cleaning and for purification. [Zechariah 13:1]

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Tsunamic Deluge

Article below by Laibl Wolf, Dean, Spiritgrow - The Josef Kryss Wholistic Centre, Australia

You have been away for some weeks, maybe months, travelling or visiting. You finally come home. And it feels so good, so secure, so familiar. You sit yourself down in your favorite lounge chair and look around and mentally whisper, “It’s just great coming back home.”

The fifty foot wave carries everything in its path along miles of wave front, frothing angrily at all in its path. Effortlessly it sweeps houses off their foundations, carelessly catapults container ships ashore, drags hundreds of cars like plastic toys through towns and fields, crashing and crushing bridges, refineries, and shopping centres. The roar of destruction is awesome, terrifying. Bodies bob up and down but soon cease to feature in the macro sweep of titanic garbage that makes up the jetsam and flotsam of civilization that ceases to be – drowned by cataclysm and vis major.

Our home is our castle. Every nook and cranny triggers a memory – a piece of our life. The house is as intimate with our soul as is our body. It snuggles us in its womb, extricating us from the demons outside, from a world of thrust and parry. It encompasses us in a warm blanket of security fending off the lurking dangers of a world no longer safe.

It arrives so suddenly – a deafening crackle of crunching tectonic plate sheering a few more centimeters of its opposite number, and all too suddenly the Pacific Rim is the setting for topographical mayhem. A mere rubbing of subterranean shoulders, and life on the surface of the green planet is turned upside down. New Zealand and Tokyo join a modern history of quakes that rudely destroys landscapes of earth and lives alike.

Our comfort zone is more than a house. It is a state of mind. It accepts the high predictability of tomorrow’s normalcy and continuity. It anticipates the newspaper on the front porch, the neighbour’s dog barking, the good-morning kiss of our child, the familiar face on the bus, and the setting of the afternoon sun. Change is uncomfortable. Transformation is painful. Destruction is soul destroying.

The plume of nuclear cloud floats away ominously from the cracked nuclear plant torn asunder by forces far stronger. We breathe the air of our city and wonder. The unspoken sense of personal security is hesitant and thinly veiled. Our sense of tomorrow is no longer a given, a bedrock of assumption, an axiom of life’s continuity. Our complacency is undressed and the veneer of self-assurance cracked wide open.

Is there rhyme or reason? Or are we dry leaves driven by powerful and wanton winds of arbitrary change?

I think not. I believe not. To a world of moderns who exult themselves in their political and physical capacity to rule and over-rule, to control and defeat, to invade and subjugate, to maim and murder – comes a message, a correcting mechanism, a reminder: you are but ants to be stamped out at Will. And as the Torah notes: when the angel of death is given permission, it doesn’t discriminate between the good and the bad. Rough justice for human sensibilities!

We are witnessing a cosmic lesson in humility. The animalistic tendency of man is being checked and subdued. A force far greater is reminding us of the higher purpose of creation: “And it was good.” When we make it less good, it comes to bite us. ‘ The Kabbalistic teachings describe the physical features of life as shards of a broken Divine container that humans have been given the privilege to raise up and restore. And not just a privilege – but an absolute duty, loosely described as Tikkun Olam – the 613 Mitzvot that repair the world.

Jewish people have a 3500 year tradition of response to supreme adversity. It is called Teshuva – returning to the norm. In the place of fear and repair, the onlooker of tragedy has to visit his/her own heart and commit to a life of high values, true Hessed (compassion), real nurture of family and friendship, meaningful contribution to the welfare of others and community, and expression of real love – even for the stranger.

Read the signs well and make a change in your life. The tsunamic flood seeks a Noachide response of principle and brotherhood - Ahavat Yisrael.
Source: Spirit Grow

Women Unite for Fogel Family

A Jewish response to tragedy is to add light to this dark world. Women around the world are uniting to light candles for this coming shabbat, March 18, in merit of the holy souls of members of the Fogel family murdered mercilessly. Please check your local Shabbat candle lighting time and make this your status. May Hashem have pity on his children.

Guys, please remember if you live on your own, you can also join in by lighting the candles for shabbat or you can get family and friends to do so!

Please note that if you already light shabbat candles, it is better not to add extra candle in their memory, but rather invite a friend who does not light to do so. If you keep shabbat you may choose to light the candles a little earlier.

May Hakodosh Boruch Hu inundate our world with his light and the light of peace and may the holy neshamot (souls) of these special people who lived for Israel and for peace enjoy eternal life and be our emissary in asking G-d for peace...

Click here for Facebook page and add yourself to the 11,000 plus names already there.

"A small amount of light dispels a great deal of darkness" [Tanya Ch. 12]

Monday, March 14, 2011


Ever since the Twin Towers fell on 9 11 people have tuned into the number 11.
What is the significance of eleven in the Jewish religion? And why is that number being drawn to our attention again and again this year, with the major events all falling on the 11th day of the month, in the year of 2011 ?
1.11.11 -  Australia Hit with Massive Flooding - Parts of the country disappear under water
3.11.11 - Japan quake, tsunami  
According to some people, 11/11 is a portal opening, a time when we can expect change.  Going by the events so far this year, it certainly seems to be the case !

Here's a few things I found regarding the number eleven and it's relevance to the Messianic Era, and which may explain why it is being brought to our attention again and again :

"Normally the attributes (Sefirot) add up to ten. There is, however a case where the number eleven comes into play. This would be the level of Kodesh HaKodoshim, (Holy of Holies) or the "crown." "You are One but not in the numerical sense" [Tikkunei Zohar, Introduction II], meaning not in the normal order of ten, rather eleven!

"We would associate the eleventh level with the Divine service of ba'alei teshuvah, who reach above the system of development of the worlds, where even tzaddikim don't stand.

"Chassidus teaches us that in the future G-d will cause the tzaddikim to rise to the level of teshuvah, thus, then, all will reach to the same level of eleven!

"Which also connects all these thoughts with the theme of parshas Shemini where we are told that Moshe and Aharon entered the Communion Tent to burn the incense and then the Shechinah came to rest in the Tabernacle.

"The incense was composed of eleven different spices and symbolized the aspect of teshuvah, which brings the revelation of: "You are one but not in the numerical sense" (above the Ten Sefiros)."
"The number eleven, which is how many spices there were in the Ketores, at first seems rather odd. However, Kabbalistically it is a number of tremendous importance for it alludes to one of the most prized possessions in all of history: Da'as Elokim - G-dly-Knowledge.

"It is well-known that there are only ten fixed Sefiros: Keter, Chochmah, Binah, Chesed, Gevurah, Tifferet, Netzach, Hod, Yesod, and Malchut - Crown, Wisdom, Understanding, Kindness, Strength, Harmony, Dominance, Glory, Foundation, and Kingship. They are, for all intents and purposes, the spiritual DNA for all of existence, and the filters through which the G-d of light passes to make it all exist and happen.

"Kabbalah explains that there is actually an eleventh sefirah. However, because it is really the product of other sefiros and subject to movement, meaning that it can come and go based upon the efforts of man, it is more like a pseudo-sefirah, though its centrality is not to be under-estimated. (In truth, Da'at is what the light of Keter becomes after being filtered through Chochmah and Binah, which is why it is not really counted independently, but that is already a discussion that goes above our heads.)

"Brushing aside the details, Da'at means one thing and one thing only: Redemption. The more of this light that exists in the world, the more redemption will become a real and fixed reality, which is why the prophets describe Yemos HaMoshiach as a time when the world will be filled with Da'at, just as Betzalel was to construct the Mishkan, a microcosm of the entire universe in perfection, as the Zohar said:

"Ya'akov wanted to establish the Mystery of Unity below, and composed the twenty-four letters of, "Blessed be the Name of His glorious kingdom forever." He didn't make it twenty-five letters since the Mishkan (Tabernacle) had yet to be built. Once the Mishkan was built, the first word was completed . . . With regard to this it says, "G-d spoke to him from the Appointed Tent, saying . . ." [Vayikrah 1:1] which has twenty-five letters. [Zohar 2:139b]

"The golden calf represents the other extreme - the world without Da'at, a forerunner of modern Western Society.  The Parah Adumah of course is the tikun for the golden calf, and therefore an expression of this very concept. [See Rashi at the beginning of Parashas Chukas]

"Thus, there are some very famous elevens through history, and they are all associated with this concept of Da'at. For example, Yosef was the eleventh son born to Ya'akov, the one through whom the hand of G-d became clear and from whom Moshiach ben Yosef will descend to help us across the threshold into Moshiach's time.

"However, perhaps the most famous eleven is the gematria of the letters "Vav-Heh" from G-d's Tetragrammaton Name, purposely left out at the end of Parashas Beshallach when G-d swears there will be war against Amalek until the end of history. The Name of G-d that represents this reality is "Elokim." Once Amalek is finally snuffed out in Moshiach's time, they will return and G-d's Name will once again be one. However, until such time it is as if they remain hidden, like the hand of G-d itself in the affairs of man, allowing Gevuros and Amalek to do their thing."


"The number eleven is associated with the phrase, "an eleven day journey from Choreb." This implies that after the experience of Choreb, the giving of the Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai, there is the need to proceed to a higher rung, "an eleven day journey."

"This teaches that one should not content himself with the service of the ten conscious powers of the soul, but should also involve our encompassing powers, including the power of yechidah whose transcendent nature is symbolized by the number eleven. Furthermore, both these dimensions of service should be fused together.

"The fusion of ten and eleven relates to our present time, the time when all of our energies are directed towards "bringing the Era of the Mashiach." This will be the tenth redemption. Simultaneously, there is a connection to eleven for the "the new [dimensions of the] Torah that will emerge from Me" represents an increase beyond the Ten Commandments and thus relates to the number eleven."
Sources: Sichos in English  and Eleven Days Fall from Edom

And from Rebetzin Esther Jungreis:

"Turning to parshas Nitzavim [Deut. 28:28], in which it is written: "The hidden things are for G-d, but that which is revealed is for us and our children." Over the words "for us and our children" there are dots, and if you count them, you will discover exactly eleven! .... What is the meaning of eleven? I called all the members of my family for their input, and each of them came up with a different Torah answer.

"In the Book of Daniel, Chapter 7, the prophet speaks of a vision of "horns" which symbolize the various regimes that we will encounter in our exile. The last and smallest of these horns will be the eleventh, after which the messianic period will be ushered in. Sadya Gaon, the Rambam, and the Malbim all interpret this eleventh horn as the religion of Ishmael - Mohammed - Islam! The Rambam, in his "Epistle to Yemen"writes that "the horn has human eyes and a mouth speaking big things, that is to say that this upstart would conjure up a religion similar to the G-dly religion. He will say that he is a prophet and say many things. His interest will be to hinder and destroy the true religion and he shall think to change the times and the law...." I was floored by it all and continued to search.

"Eleven, I remembered is also the eleven stars that Joseph saw in his dream which foretold his future. Joseph was the eleventh son of the patriarch Jacob, and he died at the age of 110 (remove the zero and once again, you have 11)."

Update:  See the bigger picture

PM Netanyahu Visits the Shiva House of the Fogel Family (video)

Video removed as it slowed down the page.... to watch click on the link below
PM Benjamin Netanyahu Visits the Shiva House of the Fogel Family from on Vimeo

Specific Psalms

Art: Shoshanna Bauer
"Shalom rav al Yisrael am'cha tasim l'olam"
Establish abundant peace upon Your people Yisrael forever

Rebbe Nachman's Tikun HaK'Lali (Complete Remedy) is a set of 10 Psalms [Tehillim] which, when said daily, are of great benefit for all ailments and difficult situations in a person's life.  Rebbe Nachman advised people to say these 10 Psalms daily:

"I am very positive in everything I say. But I am most positive in regard to the great benefit of these ten Psalms."
"These are the ten Psalms: 16, 32, 41, 42, 59, 77, 90, 105, 137, 150."
"This is the General Remedy. There is a specific remedy for each sin, but this is the general remedy."
"Go out and spread the teaching of the ten Psalms to all men."
"It may seem like an easy thing to say ten Psalms. But it will actually be very difficult in practice."

[Rebbe Nachman of Breslov]

Other Psalms and when to say them:
To find a mate (shidduch) - Psalm Nos. 32, 38, 70, 71, 72, 82, 121, 124

On the day of a wedding - Psalm 19

For healthy childbirth - Psalms 4, 5, 8, 20, 35, 57, 93, 108, 142

Upon the birth of a child - Psalms 20,139

On the day of a circumcision - Psalm 12

For recovery from illness - Psalms 6, 13, 20, 22, 23, 30, 32, 38, 41, 51, 86, 88, 91, 102, 103, 121, 130, 142, 143

For livelihood - Psalms 23, 34, 36, 62, 65, 67, 85, 104, 121, 136, 144, 145

For peace - Psalm 46

In times of crisis - Psalms 20, 121, 130

Antidote for rejoicing at an enemy's downfall - Psalm 7

For success - Psalm 112

For protection against an ayin hora - Psalm 59

For the Jewish People - Psalms 43, 79, 80, 83

For thanksgiving - Psalms 9, 21, 57, 95, 100, 116, 138

For Divine guidance - Psalm 139

For repentance - Psalms 51, 90

For help in troublesome times - Psalms 20, 38, 85, 86, 102, 130, 142

Prayer recited when traveling - Psalm 91

Psalm of thanksgiving for a miracle - Psalm 18

Psalm of thanksgiving upon being rescued - Psalm 124

In a house of mourning - Psalm 49

At a gravesite or on a Yahrzeit - Psalms 33, 16, 17, 72, 91, 104, 130

At the dedication of a monument - Psalm 1

For "supernatural" results: 121, 130 or 142 - all three Psalms have eight verses, eight represents "Above Nature" - the time of Moshiach.

Tehillim online: Hebrew and English:

Friday, March 11, 2011

Fooling Yourself

"Seekers of the Truth" - Mike Worrall
It is told that R' Pinchus of Koretz used to warn his disciples: ‘Never fool yourselves! Above all a Jew must be thoroughly honest with himself!’

Once one of his students challenged him. ‘But Rebbe,’ he said, ‘one who fools himself actually thinks he is being honest with himself. So how are we ever to know if we are being honest, or just fooling ourselves?’

‘You have asked wisely, my son,’ the Rebbe said. ‘The answer, however, is simple. It is written in Tanna d-Bei Eliyahu [an ancient Midrashic source] that anyone who is careful to speak words of truth will be sent a malach [an angel] who shows him the truth. One who speaks words of sheker [falsehood] will be sent a malach who fools and deceives him.

So, if you will be careful to always tell the truth, you will never “fool yourself.” If not, well …’ This is a very telling incident. One can live his⁄her entire life in deception, of others and of himself, and not have even the faintest notion he is doing so. R' Pinchus also used to tell his disciples: ‘It is better to choke, than to utter a lie.’”

R' Raphael said: “The Sages teach that the greatest labor of man should be to avoid self-deceit. But how can a man do so when he is deceived and believes his action to be right? By obeying the counsel of his friend, since his friend cannot profit by permitting the deceit to continue. We are also taught that he who labors for truth creates for himself an Angel of Truth who acts as a monitor to warn him of falsehood.”

R' Pinchas said: “He who is filled with self-importance lies to himself and he fools others to believe his importance."

Source: Two Tzaddiks

No Jew will be left behind

In the redemption from Egypt, our Sages explain, only one Jew out of five left. Four-fifths of the people died in the plague of darkness. In the Future Redemption, by contrast, no Jew will be left behind. Every member of our people will share in Mashiach's coming.

Why the difference? Because at the time of Mashiach's coming, the truth of G-dliness will be revealed. At the core of every Jew lies a soul that is "an actual part of G-d," a spark of His being. When the truth of G-dliness will be revealed, every Jew will realize that G-dliness is the truth of his own being.

By anticipating the Redemption and applying its truths to our own lives now, we can bring it closer. Realizing and focusing on the G-dly spark within ourselves serves as a catalyst for the revelation of G-dliness throughout existence. [Source: Lubavitcher Rebbe]

The expression "the true and complete Redemption" is meant to differentiate between the approaching Redemption and previous redemptions experienced by the Jewish People. When our ancestors were redeemed from Egypt, or from the Babylonian or Persian exiles, those were temporary redemptions, followed by repeated exiles. They concluded with the destruction of the first and second Holy Temples, which indicated that they never were the "true" or "complete" redemption. The future Redemption, by contrast, will never be followed by another exile.

Another difference is that after the future Redemption, not a single Jew will remain in exile. When our ancestors left Egypt, or when the Diaspora returned to build the Second Temple, not all Jews merited being redeemed. Many remained behind in the foreign lands. According to an opinion in the Midrash, only twenty percent of the Jewish People actually left Egypt!

However, regarding the future Redemption we are assured: "And you will be gathered up one by one." Even the greatest sinners, who strongly opposed the Redemption, will in the end merit to do teshuva and return to the Jewish People, to pray to G-d in Jerusalem. As a verse in Prophet Samuel states: "No Jew will be left behind."

In the Passover Haggadah, we tell the wicked son: "If he had been there (in Egypt) he would not have been redeemed." This time, however, regardless of the circumstances, every Jew will merit redemption. (Of course, it is recommended that each of us prepare for the upcoming Geulah to the best of our abilities.) For these reasons, the approaching redemption will be the true and complete one.
[Isaiah 27:47. Hilchot Talmud Torah 4:3. Likutei Sichot vol. XI, p. 1]
Source: Chabad World

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Way to Receive Blessings

In order to receive Hashem's blessings, a person needs to make a vessel (a keili) capable of receiving them.  The way to do this is by observing the mitzvot, and prayer.  In that way, the person becomes a suitable keili - a vessel that can receive and contain blessings.

On a larger scale, there is no greater keili than achdus - unity.  

Someone who receives a bracha (blessing), or a nes (miracle) but doesn't live up to their expectations on a spiritual level, can cause the keili to crack, and the blessings to leak out -  they cannot contain the blessing because their keili is broken.  To fix the problem, they need to repair the keili - go back and do teshuva.

Regarding financial blessings: A Jew's income is determined on Rosh Hashanah.  If that's the case, then why should we work? After all, our income for the year has already been decided....

"It is the way of Hashem that His blessing must flow down in a natural way. For whatever reason, it is His requirement that, even when nature is suspended, the suspension is through nature and in a way which is apparently natural. In order to receive the blessing, man must make a keli (vessel) to contain that brochah. The vessel must be part of nature so that the brochah devolves through apparently natural means. The keli for parnossah is work. This is the reason, and the sole reason, a Jew is required to work." [from "The Ladder Up" by Robert Kremnizer]

Making a 'Keli' 
The Medrash explains that one should not say, “I will eat, drink and enjoy, and in Shamayim they will have mercy,” for Hashem sends his bracha through a person’s work, and without doing, one will not receive the bracha. This can be learned from Yitzchak who planted his field so that Hashem’s bracha would be able to settle there.

The talmidim of Rebbi Shimon Bar Yochai asked him: “When the Yidden were in the midbar, why didn’t Hashem make enough מן come down once a year to last for a full year?” Rebbi Shimon explained this with a moshol: A king had an only son whom he supported by giving him his needs once a year. However, the king was unsatisfied with this arrangement, for the prince would only visit once a year to receive his provisions.  Therefore, the king decided to give him his daily needs on a day to day basis, and now the prince would have to visit his father every day. So too, a Yid living in the midbar who had a number of children would worry and say, “Perhaps the מן will stop coming tomorrow and we will all die of hunger.” He had no choice but to put his full trust in Hashem, that He would provide him with all his needs. [יומא עו ע״א]

Chazal say: The One who has created each day, also created its parnasa. Rebbi Elazar Hamoda’i would say that one who has food for today, yet worries what he will eat tomorrow, is lacking in emunah. The Maharsha explains that this is only applicable to great ‘chassidim’, whereas all others are allowed to be concerned and daven to Hashem. [מכילתא בשלח, סוטה מח ע״ב]

The Alter Rebbe writes: Bracha and success come from above and the only thing necessary to be done is to make a ‘keili’ (vessel) for this bracha. One who is very involved in his parnassa is comparative to a person who sews clothing for himself that are too long, causing himself to trip and fall.

The Tzemach Tzeddek writes that one who is overly involved in business is similar to one who sows many wallets so that he can have a lot of money... So too without the bracha of Hashem, the business is an empty wallet.  [לקוטי תורה תצא לז, ב, דרך מצותך מצות תגלחת מצורה]

Only a 'Keili'…
On one of his travels, the Baal Shem Tov went up to a house, knocked on the window and then continued on his way. Hearing the knock, the one living there rushed out of his house and caught up to the Baal Shem Tov, asking him what he wants. The Baal Shem Tov told him that he needs a certain sum of money and the man fulfilled his request.

The talmidim of the Baal Shem Tov asked him, “If there was a need to knock on the man’s window because something was needed from him, then why did you leave right away without waiting for the owner to come out and hear your request?”

The Baal Shem Tov explained that Hashem is the One Who fulfills one’s request, but He wants that man should also do some action on his part. Therefore it was enough to do something small like knock on a window, and once he had done his part, he had no reason to stay and therefore had continued on his way. 

The Rebbe explains that it is up to the person to decide how much of an effort he will have to make, whether he will learn all day and do only ‘something’, or suffice with a little learning in the morning and evening, and work the rest of the day… [התוועדויות תשמ״ז ח״א ע׳ 290 , לקו״ש ח״ה ע׳ 34]

The mashpia Reb Mendel Futerfas related: At one point, the Yeshiva Tomchei Temimim in Russia was in such dire straits that even Reb Chatche Feigin, normally very straightforward and organized, had to avoid those who had loaned funds to the yeshiva. The situation was so severe that Reb Chatche once jumped out the window of the shul in order not to meet the shamash who had lent the Yeshiva some money. During this time, when we would ask him, “What’s going to be?” he would reply, “Why should you worry? It is clear, that in the end everything will be as Hashem has ordained. It is not our issue; we must do what is required of us, and Hashem will do as he desires…”  [ר׳ מענדל ע׳ 262]

During the First World War, a chossid asked the Rebbe Rashab if he should sell the forest he owns, for the German army was approaching, and the forest would likely be lost. The Rebbe Rashab advised him not to and explained: “The Mezritcher Maggid said that if one has a functional ‘keili’ for Hashem’s bracha, he should not break it. Only if from Shamayim they cause it to break, then there is no other choice but to look elsewhere…” [רשימת דברים ח״א ע׳ קס״ט]

The Rebbe explains that also with regard to spreading Yiddishkeit, the person’s doing is merely a ‘keili’ and the success comes from Hashem. However, in this case a person must do with much effort and labor, and then they can merit the supernatural hatzlacha. [התוועדויות תשמ״ב ח״ב ע׳ 56]

There was once a man who was both a skilled craftsman and an accountant, but was unsuccessful in earning money. The Rebbe of Kotzk once called him over and asked, “Do you understand the possuk, ‘ לא לחכמים לחם ’ (simply meaning that though one is wise, he may not have bread)? The man was quiet, and the Rebbe explained “Hashem is telling a person, ‘If you think you are a chochom, then go look for your parnasa yourself…’” [סיפורי חסידים זוין ]לה״ק[ מועדים ע׳ 15]

A Proper 'Keili'
Chazal say that although a person should have a trade, he must daven to Hashem, for any trade can either succeed or not, and it is dependent on a person’s zechusim (merits).

Rebbi Shimon ben Elazar said, “Have you ever seen animals working for a living: perhaps a deer working in an orchard, a lion as a porter or a fox as a storekeeper? Despite their lack of work they still have provisions, while I have to labor for mine! It is only because I myself have caused this, through my aveirois (sins).” [קידושין פ״ב ע״א]

The Torah says that a person must remember that it is Hashem Who brings a person any success, and one should not attribute it to his own doing. Some list this as one of the 613 mitzvos.  The Rebbe gave the example of a businessman who before davening in the morning, hurries to call his associate and strike a deal, lest someone else precede him. He does this because he thinks that he is the one who brings the parnasa. If he would truly believe that everything is from Hashem, he would work only because Hashem has commanded and do so only in the manner in which he was commanded, for it is unthinkable that following the directives of Hashem will bring him a loss. Behavior contrary to this is a subtle form of Avoda Zara! [עקב ח, יז, סמ״ג מל״ת סד, התוועדויות תשד״מ ח״ג ע׳ 212]

A simple Yid once traveled to the tzaddik Reb Mordechai of Chernobyl for Shabbos. When he went to get a bracha before departing, Reb Mordechai asked him about his daily routine, and the Yid told how he rises early to buy merchandise from the farmers and returns home to daven when he finishes. The Rebbe condemned such behavior, but the Yid excused himself saying that if he davens first, he will be unable to buy the merchandise. Reb Mordechai then told him the following story:

“A yungerman who was supported by his father-in-law, was forced to find additional means of support when his family grew. He left home for three years and earned money as a melamed, saving every coin he received. When he had collected enough to start a business, he decided to return home. On Erev Shabbos, he reached a small village near his city and realized that he did not have enough time to reach home before Shabbos, so he decided to stay at a motel. He was afraid to leave the money in his bag, lest someone steal it, and he did not know if he could trust the owner with it, but having no other choice, he gave it to his host to hold for him. Throughout the entire Shabbos, the yungerman worried about his money, and immediately after Havdala requested it back. Upon receiving his wallet, he counted all the gold coins and was happy to find that nothing was missing. He then continued to shake the coins and look through them. “What are you looking for?” the owner asked, “Is something missing?” The guest told him that he wanted to make sure that his one copper coin is there as well…”

Reb Mordechai concluded, “Look at this man’s silliness. After seeing that all his golden coins were returned to him, he still suspects his host of perhaps stealing one copper coin… And you are doing the same. Every night, you entrust Hashem with your neshama, and when you wake up in the morning, he returns the gold you have given him. How is it that you do not trust that he will give you your parnasa if you will wait until after davening…?” [אדמו״רי צ׳רנוביל ר״ה]

Returning home from cheder, on his way to his father’s room, the Mitteler Rebbe saw Reb Shmuel Munkes among other chassidim and ran towards them. Listening to their conversations, he heard Reb Shmuel ask two wealthy chassidim why they looked so downcast, to which they responded that they were experiencing some hardships in parnasa. The young boy was surprised at the question, and claimed that this type of worry is clearly described in Tehillim. He quoted the possuk “ עצביהם כסף וזהב, מעשה ידי אדם ”, (simply meaning that the Avoda Zara of goyim are made of gold and silver, fashioned by hand) and interpreted it to mean that people are sad  (עצב) because they think their gold and silver is dependent on a person’s actions. The Mitteler Rebbe continued, “They are so foolish that they think the quicker they hurry to bring merchandise from the fairs and do more business, the more money they will accumulate.

The businessmen’s blindness causes (as the possuk continues) that פה להם ולא ידברו , though they have mouths and repeat chassidus, it does not change them; עינים להם ולא יראו , they have eyes, but do not recognize Hashgocho Protis (Divine Providence); they have ears but only hear the chitzoniyus (superficialities), and therefore have no ‘sense of smell’.” The Mitteler Rebbe concluded, “And so they become ‘avoda zarah’…” [לקוטי דיבורים ח״א ע׳ 340]

The Frierdiker Rebbe writes: When the Yeshivah Tomchei Temimim was established, my father, the Rebbe Rashab instructed that when raising money, they should not overemphasize the greatness of the Yeshivah in order to increase the contributions, “We must only do as Hashem commanded and make a Keili by notifying Anash of the Yeshivah and its nature.” [אג״ק ריי״צ ח״א ע׳ רכו]
תנחומא ויצא, תדב״א יד, תוספתא ברכות פ״ו
Source: L'Maan Yishmeu

Unintentional and Uncertain Sins

The Guilt Offering in a Case of Doubt

The guilt-offering, brought in a case of doubt where a person is uncertain if he transgressed a commandment unintentionally, is actually more expensive than a sin-offering, which is brought when a person is sure that he transgressed.

This is an indication that, in certain respects, the person who is uncertain if he sins is actually in need of more atonement.

When a person knows that he has sinned, he is aware that something needs correcting, which leads him to act upon his feelings.

If he is uncertain that he sinned, he is likely to take the matter less seriously, and this represents a more serious spiritual blemish, for the person becomes indifferent to his own spiritual shortcomings. Thus a more powerful - and more expensive - atonement is needed.

Source: Likutei Sichos Lubavitcher Rebbe

An individual is required to repent and bring a sin-offering even for an unintentional transgression.

This is difficult, noted the Alschich HaKadosh R' Moshe Alshich, for there are certain unintentional transgressions which are completely out of a person's control.  For example, if a man was walking in the street and, suddenly, something frightened him and he jumped back a step.  As a result, he stepped on, and broke, his friend's vessel.  What could he have done to prevent this from happening? Nothing, apparently. How can he be held responsible in such a case?
When a man consistently keeps Hashem's mitzvos, answered the Alshich, Hashem protects him from all mishap.  For instance, if a person is always careful not to allow any food of questionable kashrus status into his mouth, then Hashem will see to it that he will never unintentionally eat anything forbidden.  Similarly, a person who is always mindful of other people's property will not unintentionally sin with money that does not belong to him.

This idea, concluded the Alshich, is alluded to in the following verse: If a person unintentionally transgresses..." - When does a person come to sin unintentionally? When he "does one of them" - when he has previously committed the sin intentionally.

Source: Rabbi Yisrael Bronstein

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Rebbe Nachman said that repentance helps for all sins.

True repentance involves never repeating the sin.

"You must go to the same place where you sinned, and put yourself in the same situation, and let the temptation stand before your eyes. When you can do this, and not repeat the sin, then you have broken the evil urge and have truly repented."

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Achieving Great Heights

 וַיִּקְרָא  "Vayikra - He called" [Vayikra 1:1]

by Rabbi Yisrael Bronstein

Why is the word "Vayikra" written with a small alef? asked R' Simchah Bunim of P'shischa.

The verse comes to teach us, answered the rebbe, about the extraordinary humility of Moshe Rabbeinu. Even when he was engaged in conversation with Hashem, the King of the entire world, Moshe remained the most humble of men.

To what can this be compared? asked the rebbe.  To a man who had scaled an enormous mountain and looking about, he could get the impression that he towers over all those around him.  However, if he is a wise man, he will realize that he is not tall at all, nor does his elevated position point to any personal greatness.  For it is the mountain upon which he is standing that is tall. He knows that he has not grown any taller and that he is still small compared to all the mountains around him.

This is the secret to Moshe Rabbeinu's humility, explained the rebbe. For even though he had achieved great heights, so much so that Hashem was calling him in order to speak with him, he nonetheless remained humble, as he did not attribute any of his greatness to his own personal strengths.

There is a commonly asked question regarding the word וַיִּקְרָא in this parshah: Why is it spelled with a small alef?

The word Vayikra begins the sefer that deals with sacrificial offerings. The main purpose of bringing sacrifices is to bring atonement to a person who sinned. But that is only accomplished if the person regrets his previous misdeeds and repents wholeheartedly for what he has done.

The mussar masters have taught us that the trait of haughtiness lies at the root of all sin. A humble and subdued person does not sin easily, but one whose heart is filled with pride and arrogance pays little heed to rebuke, so he will inevitably succumb to sin.

The letter alef stands for the word ani - I. "Vayikra" is spelled here with a small alef to teach us that if we make our ani small - if we make ourselves small and act with humility - then we will avoid sins and we will have no need to bring sacrificial offerings.


"You should season every one of your meal-offering sacrifices with salt. You should not leave out the salt .... You should offer salt on all your (burnt) offerings....." [Vayikra 2:13]

According to chassidic thought, offering a sacrifice on the Altar is a process of offering up one's animal soul - the source of all physical desires - to G-d. 

Since these desires come primarily from the blood, every sacrifice must be salted to signify the strong resolution of the person bringing the sacrifice to extract those desires from the animal soul, like salt that extracts blood.

[Based on Ohr Hatorah, Vayikra]

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Clothes Have No Emperor

Art: Vladimir Kush

by: Yosef Y. Jacobson

Death of a queen
The opening chapter of the Purim Meggilah is strikingly enigmatic.

Here is the story in brief: The Emperor of Persia, Achashverosh, throws a party in his capital city, Shushan, to celebrate the firm establishment of his kingship. On the seventh day of the feast, "when the heart of the king was merry with wine," he orders seven of his chamberlains to bring Queen Vashti before him, "to show off her beauty."

Vashti refuses to appear. The king becomes furious and he has her executed.

Why did Vashti refuse to appear before the guests? The Talmud explains [1], that when Achashverosh offered to show them his wife's beauty, the guests insisted that she appear without any clothes. Vashti, a wicked queen who found special glee in torturing and violating Jewish girls and women on the Sabbath day, was punished with leprosy on her skin. Under such conditions she naturally refused to expose her body.

But if so, why did Vashti not send a private message to her husband explaining that it would be humiliating for her and him if she were to expose herself before the guests. Though the king was intoxicated, it is hard to imagine that he would bestow a death sentence on a wife who has just spared him tremendous shame [2]!

Also, why does this story occupy the entire first chapter of the Megillah? Though it is a prelude to understanding how Esther, the hero of the Purim story, became the queen of Achashverosh, nonetheless, the detailed description of the event that brought about Vashti's execution seems superfluous in the story of Purim.

The power of evil
In the Kabbalah, where all biblical figures and episodes are depicted as parables for metaphysical realities, Achashverosh, the mighty monarch of a world power, serves as a parable for the King of Kings, the Creator of the universe [3]. Vashti, the wicked queen of Persia, symbolizes the reign of evil in the world [4].

Naked evil has no appeal or power to attract. In order for evil to gain popularity among the masses, it must be "packaged" well; it must be "dressed" in nice garments that will cover up its true identity.

The two evil monsters of the last generation, Hitler and Stalin, presented their colossal murderous strategies as moral and noble programs dedicated to healing the world of its diseases. This was true throughout history. The inventors and implementers of bloodshed and violence usually presented their schemes as ethical and humane endeavors.

This is valid concerning the evil we perpetrate in our personal lives as well. We embrace many of the destructive and immoral temptations we feel in our heart only because they package themselves outstandingly well. The glittering veneer of comfort and happiness that these temptations display lure us into their trap. If every unhealthy craving we experience presented itself without any masks, we would immediately cast it away.

Thus, the Kabbalah teaches [5] that man's daily challenge in life consists of choosing substance over packaging, inherent value over good PR. When one feels an urge to eat something, to engage in a certain intimate act or to say something, he or she ought to reflect whether this is an inherently healthy and moral thing to do, or is indeed hollow and empty, merely exhibiting itself as promising and enjoyable.

The hallmark of a spiritual life is one that always seeks to be in tune with the true essence of things, and not merely with their external appearance.

Removing the masks
This is how Jewish mysticism understands the symbolism behind the opening story of the Meggilah: Vashti, symbolizing the power of evil, can only retain her power and glory if she is garbed in garments that conceal her real identity. If Vashti removes all her masks, she instantaneously loses all of her appeal and charm.

Therefore, when the King of Kings insists that Vashti appear at His feast in her bareness, she must refuse Him. Because the "clothes" of evil have no "emperor" within them.

This brought about the end of the Vashtinian rule. When evil is called on its nakedness, its nothingness is exposed and its power lost [6].

1. Megillah 12b.
2. The Talmud (ibid. Quoted in Rashi to Esther 1:12) explains, that Vashti sent her husband humiliating messages, thus kindling his wrath to an extreme. What follows is the mystical interpretation of the story, as it is presented in the writings of Chassidism.
3. Midrash quoted in Meoray Or 1:182. Cf. Rikanti to Genesis 29:10, quoted in Mechir Yayin to Esther 1, 12:13. Erkay Hakenuyim under the entry of Achashverosh.
4. See Or Hameir Megiilas Esther. Likkutei Levi Yitzchak Megillas Esther p. 79. Toras Levi Yitzchak p. 17.
5. See Tanya chapter 16.
6. See Tanya chapter 29.

The nucleus of this explanation was presented by the Baal Shem Tov (1698-1760, founder of the Chassidic movement). It is quoted in his name by Rabbi Zee'v Wolf of Zhitamir (a disciple of the Maggid of Mezrich, heir to the Baal Shem Tov) in his Chassidic work Or Hameir on the Meggilah. Reference to it is made in Or Hatorah (by Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Lubavitch, the Tzemach Tzedek, 1789-1876) Megilas Esther p. 72.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Superstitions and Ayin Haras

Someone told me they were going to see a rabbi in Chicago who is removing ayin haras, like this : The Scandal of Meah Shearim 

If you are still one of those people who believe that this kind of stuff works, you should listen to this shiur: by Rabbi Avi Matmon: - The Good The Bad and the Superstitious - where he also explains how to identify a Navi Sheker (false prophet).

Thursday, March 3, 2011

UFO over Temple Mount #4

According to the video below, the UFO at the Temple Mount on January 28 this year, was real. And whilst someone may have gone to the trouble of manufacturing a fake video (which you can see here and which was debunked here), there actually was a UFO, and here is the proof - from Jaime Maussan, Mexico's leading UFOlogist - in a video he made for the 2011 International UFO Congress, which he was unable to attend personally.