Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Torah Codes: Gilad Shalit encoded in the Story of Yosef

Just as we saw in the Jonathan Pollard Torah Codes , where Pollard's name is encoded in the story of Yosef, so is the name Gilad Shalit.  The codes note that one is in captivity in Edom, and one in captivity with the Yishmaelim.

Update: Also see: In the Blink of an Eye


  1. The Kabbalist HaRav Mordechai Eliyahu, a"h, repeatedly told us that we must work hard for Jonathan Pollard's release - he is the Yosef HaTzadik of our generation. And when he is free, then ALL of our other captives will be released and be free - including Gilad Shalit! We need to concentrate on Jonathan Pollard NOW!

  2. I remember that post but December 2009 already seems like a very long time ago.

  3. I still don't know why Jonathan Pollard is so special. Was he not found guilty of a serious crime? Did he not confess? Am I missing something here?b

  4. RedTory, what you are missing is that his crime was that he gave info to an ally and that he was told that he would recieve one type of defense/sentence, but was lied to by the US gov't and he received the most heinous punishment that anyone has recived for his crime. Those both before and after him who have committed the crime of giving classified info to enemies have received on the average 2-3 years whereas Jonathan Pollard has received SO FAR 26 years in prison.
    So, as for what you are missing, this is only a perusal of the info.
    Anti-semitism, I would say, is what you might be missing.....

  5. RedTory here are the facts


  6. Sure wish, however, that he hadn't accepted money for his services.

  7. Thanks, I'll have a look.

  8. Thank you Devorah for sharing this insight.


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