Monday, October 17, 2011

Does Noam Shalit have Stockholm Syndrome by Proxy?

In psychology, Stockholm Syndrome is a term used to describe a real paradoxical psychological phenomenon wherein hostages express empathy and have positive feelings towards their captors, sometimes to the point of defending them. These feelings are generally considered irrational in light of the danger or risk endured by the victims....

Noam Shalit: No sign of life from Gilad yet
Father of captive soldier says there is no finalized timetable for his son's release. 
'Inshallah he is well,' he says ......

Inshallah ?

Source: Heading Home


  1. Some Sephardim commonly say "Inshallah," but if the Shalits are Ashkenazi (or if they are Sephardim who are not very strongly rooted in their own culture), it's a bit odd, yeah.

  2. more than just odd, Tali. It is downright dangerous in light of the fact that over 1000 bloodthirsty murderers are getting out of prison so that Noam's son can go free. My son just expressed fear about how many Jews will have to die at the hands of these murderers. Simply telling him that G-d decides who lives or dies is not enough considering the rank incompetence behind this dirty deed. The incredible idiocy in this move is awesome in its scope.

    On a related note, I just found out that Sbarros seems to have disappeared from Rehov Yafo in Jerusalem. Think about it. The planner of this carnage is going free. May G-d save us from our own idiocy and the inmates running the asylum here. Insha'Allah my Heavens. I am feeling such revulsion towards these small minds who conceived this atrocity. Yes, Gilad should go free, and the parents have a right to be in pain. But their pain should not be the guiding light behind State policy. As the West withers and collapses, Islam becomes a more wild and raging fire out of control.

  3. as a noahide i cant comment on sefardic or ashkenaz customs or practices. but my second son has visited both in melbourne and singapore and he says the prayers are longer, more detailed in the sefardic syng. he has never heard anyone say this word. however i do understand that just a few years of intermingling will not stand up against a j who is born and grew up with knowledge of the customs of both affiliations.
    i feel really stunned and speechless at the father's usage of words. instead of thanking Hashem, His G-d, His Father as he called Him during R H, his King, whom Hashem instructed to isr to be a light to all nations and to teach us about Him and the laws pertaining to us and he uses the names of another god. or deity to the whole world. i expect this kind of ingratitude to Hashem from the gentiles but not from the jews and not during the present times where Hashem is openly showing the world to leave His Isr alone. to think that thousands of jews are waiting for his son's return in spite of the fact one day one of their own may be victim to this generous albeit as many feel, foolish adventure and method of releasing, and here is the father, ...words fail me.

  4. As a Sepharadi who has heard this expression countless times said by other Jews, this expression doesn't bother me.

  5. re yaak's statement: my friend who lives in kfar chabad said this word is quite commonly used. and she uses them to groups which understands the word. she is an orthodox chabad . i guess its where one lived and lives, and the surroundings etc.

  6. I would be surprised to hear this phrase outside of Israel, unless it was in a very concentrated Sephardi community. The people who use it are people for whom Arabic or Judeo-Arabic are still very much a part of their life. "Inshallah" has a very Jewish feel for them, much like the word "heimish" has a very Jewish feel for many Ashkenazim -- despite the fact that "heimish" is a completely German word.

    However, the Shalits don't seem to be in that category.

    The whole thing is just incredibly disturbing. Had Israel done the right thing ages ago, Gilad ben Aviva could have been freed much sooner without such a horrific exchange.


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