Sunday, October 2, 2011

How to get rid of Bad Habits .....

..... and stay clean. Watch it here

Rabbi Yossi Mizrachi's latest lecture [not for beginners]: for more videos/audios go to the site: Divine Information


  1. is this also not for non-jews or noahides?

  2. I think it's for Jews only, thanks for asking, but I'll check with Rabbi Mizrachi and get back to you.

    Some of his lectures are for everyone, I'll find out which ones.

  3. Thanks for checking.

  4. If anyone who desires to associate with HaShem then he/she (Jew or non-jew) must get rid of his/her bad habits. HaShem cannot tolerate with anyone (Jew or non-jew) who has bad habits. HaShem loves strangers and Jews. Remember His mercy is eternal. I insist it is not for Jews only.

  5. I know everyone should strive to get rid of bad habits, but Rabbi Mizrachi's lectures may include discussion of topics and obligations that are not relevant to noahides or gentiles in general, and also if the lecture is not recommended for beginners, who I assume are Jews who are not observant or are just starting, then I'm even more uncertain if it's ok for everyone else.

  6. Rabbi Mizrachi said it's fine, non-Jews can listen, no problem.


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