Friday, November 25, 2011


  1. No need to worry about negel vasser in the morning...

  2. lol yaak, but look out here comes the tzunnami...shabbat shalom

  3. ...I was thinking more of the potential tushie bite from a nurse shark.....yeeeeeowwwwwww!

  4. Shalom Leah,

    that is what the chilled champagne is anaesthetic for the tushie bite. :-)

  5. Joe, you made me laugh in the middle of a major drama unfolding, and then I totally forgot to leave a reply.
    If I wasn't planning to go to Israel [hopefully] I'd come and visit you... oh well maybe we can meet up in Israel some time, if I ever get there...

  6. Devorah, dear are already in Eretz haChodesh.....more than you will ever know.Yearning, yearning and more yearning.

    So saddened to hear that you were having a crisis but gladdened to hear that a smile came to your face after my wise crack.

    The tikun, Rav Kook expained, is with teshuvat hamishkal, with good that counterbalances the evil. We must demonstrate joy and excitement — "the nation's jubilation" — as the land of Israel is rebuilt, stone by stone.

    We need not wait until the final stages of Redemption to feel this joyous excitement. Even if the redemption is only partial — even if there are only "sparks of redemption" — we should still experience great joy, and work toward expediting the process with all our strength.

    As Rabbi Yehuda HaLevi wrote at the end of his book Sefer HaKuzari:

    "Jerusalem will not be rebuilt until the Jewish people will yearn for it with an utmost longing; until they cherish its very stones and dust."

    (Adapted from Mo'adei HaRe'iyah, pp. 567-568)

    I can hear the footsteps of Mashiach.

    See ya in Israel or maybe ???


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